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Posts posted by Groundhog63

  1. 40 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Agree with the UAE argument why the fuck has Dan Roan not mentioned Man City aswell this morning in another sly dig at us. 

    Labour spout a load of shit, if the looney left like Corbyn had got in we might have problems. But no chance, the UAE and Saudi Arabia are our biggest trading partners in Middle East.




    This weapon thinks......

    100k dead from an unnecessary "austerity" ideology

    100K dead from reckless covid miss-management

    Tens of £billions stolen from the public coffers into the hands of tory donors and family

    Absolute closing down of free-speech and protest

    NHS on the home run of privatisation

    Potential WW3.......er............could've been worse



    Exactly why we're so fucked in one post. UK RIP

  2. Makes me laugh all the belated handwringing over gangster oligarchs and despotic regimes. People were warned when Abramovitch first bought Chelsea.

    By none other than Corbyn, for one, and many others. Julian Assange is rotting away in a UK  prison for being an international whistleblower ffs.

    We do £billions of war sales to the Saudis. They, like their Russian counterparts, own half of London.

    An equally criminal oligarchy, the US, has undermined our "democracy" since WW2. Tufton St. being the control centre of their activities. 

    China, Israel, they're all "at it" here.

    Up front it's called lobbying but it's basically corruption of power. That's why brexit happened. To isolate Britain completely.


    So we exist in a country embroiled in dirty money and there's fuck all, barring a revolution, we can do about it.


    This so called sanctioning of Abramovich is a fraud. Christ they gave him and the banks 30 days notice man. Johnson, under pressure to sanction his paymasters accidently named Abramovich in the HoC. He was then forced by the Russian Don to retract that statement the very next day so he could continue shipping his wealth.

    They may let Chelsea suffer/be sold and/or let Everton crumble. In the wider scheme a couple of billion is small beer and clubs folding looks like they've gone hardball.


    Whole things a joke.

  3. 23 minutes ago, veriaqa said:

    As long as Saudi dont attack a white european country, UK government would do nothing about NUFC's ownership.


    So, for anyone who worried that this thing that happen to Chelsea could happen to NUFC: relax it wont! Because as "barbaric" as the Saudi's are, they're not stupid. Clearly not stupid enough to attack white european country anywhere in the future.


    For anyone waiting enthusiastically, keep waiting... maybe your hope of fans ownership or whatever could happen in world dominated by capitalist ideology.

    All but 1 of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi

  4. 17 minutes ago, LV said:

    Also U.K. government, especially the Tories (although Corbyn’s lot were at it too) should never have let London be a safe haven for Putin’s oligarch cronies. Chelsea is just part of the bigger picture of that. 

    They allowed themselves to be bought off while Putin’s agents were murdering people with radiation and poison on British soil. Sickening. 

    Apart from the, obvious fact, "Corbyn's lot (sic)" weren't in power there's also..........




    Idiotic crack by gullible Englishmen like you are why this country's fucked. Imho, obvs.

  5. 7 minutes ago, St1pe said:

    I’m not laughing too hard at this given our ownership to be honest. It could easily be us. 


    Huge misgivings about the Saudi regime and the tory bastard Reubens. However, like many warmongering, greedy states we're complicit in their wars etc. The Ruebens may have been part of the western invasion that was encouraged by the west to take advantage of the Russian, post-Yeltsin free for all but they got out/were chased when Putin decided to return that wealth back into his gangsters hand.

    Whatever the morality of our owners, we're not on the hit list.


    As for Chelsea/Everton et al, I'm a cynic so don't expect much will come of it. Having said that, if sacred cows are going to be thrown under a bus, this gvt may just push for examples to be made. Bit more smoke and mirrors.

  6. 1 hour ago, Stifler said:

    What happens when they turn to mobile tickets?

    What do they call them then?

    Looking forward to an RTG thread title..

    "That blerk who threw his season phone at Alex when we were getting beat off Sutton at half time"

  7. 1st half on Groomer.s was a hoot.

    I watched until half time and the atmosphere was toxic as fuck. No wonder the players can't perform. That and they're rank, obvs.

    A plus, for me anyway, is Luke O'Nein came on and scored. Of all the takes from STID I garnered was a liking for that lad. Seems like a smashing fella. Too nice for them but of that level professionally.

    The other scorers were both the subject of incessant,1st half, bile from the neanderthals so brought on the usual about turn. Loons

  8. I can't stand the sound of Chapman's voice. Grates to fook. Does my swede in almost as much as Radio1's Matt Edmondson. 

    Shearer is ok but, I have to say, his abject failure to call out Bacon Butty was poor.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Hovagod said:

    After the first goal, he had Shelvey over for a chat, presumably something tactical. I’m a teacher and when I was training it never occurred to me until it was pointed out that the in-lesson talk was the actual teaching. But of course that’s what it basically comes down to. In the moment it felt like such a novelty after Bruce to see a manager manage.

    Reminds me of Bruce standing silent, hands in pockets, while Jones talked to the players

  10. 2 hours ago, Nun tumblers said:

    Anyhoo's we could bring back the peanut sellers at the east stand,

    Them lads could hoy a bag of peanuts mind

    And the fish food sellers round the bars post-match AND The Football Pink

  11. I'm not a fan of the KSA or huge tory donors like the Reubens. Even less so when they (tory donors) hang around food banks etc etc

    I don't have a say in who owns the club, though. Being both a hypocrite and pragmatist to the influence of money, power & control of modern football I'm just happy the team I've supported for over 50 years are "back in the game".


    I was minded to have a look the Reuben's family back story. This was interesting, imho



  12. 20 minutes ago, jackyboy said:

    When Bruce left Newcastle I wonder if he gave any thought as to why he had failed so miserably. Eddie how travelled Europe, learning from top teams and coaches so that he could improve. Bruce would have travelled to a few different Gregg's shops no doubt.


    Travelled? Sat on his fat arse texting Deliveroo 24/7, you mean

  13. 1 minute ago, The Prophet said:

    I'm not so sure football authorities should be getting involved in the Ukraine-Russia conflict given they've happily turned a blind eye to:


    Saudi bombing Yemen 

    The Israeli occupation of Palestine

    The use of slaves in Qatar



    They're all horrific, but they're picking and choosing which ones they penalise, ignore or reward.

    White on white. It's different.

  14. 1 hour ago, gjohnson said:

    This again?


    Yes we might have unsavoury owners, but they're not exactly pushing for World War III like Putin seems to be

    Well apart from Yemen, that is. And blowing up the twin towers. And chopping up journos. Apart from that.


    Lets just hope the gvt don't look into how Reuben snr got his roubles., either  :ructions:

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