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  1. If any potential new owner has issues with a united fanbase wanting more involvement with the running of the club then they are not the right owners for the club imo. I for one, am delighted some form of action has been taken on behalf of the fans. From someone who threw their 20yr season ticket in 10 yrs ago when i seen which way the club was headed under ashley , i find it very uplifting and have already committed my 10 quid a month to charity (im blowing a tenner a day on a pack of tabs at mo ). My only disappointment in the pledge scheme , is i would like to invest more , but am reluctant to using this method. I find it quite easy to kiss goodbye to a tenner a month , but not so much a few grand . If there were ever some sort of fans investment fund to run alongside it , or anything which doesn't make my money completely disappear ! Regardless , well done and thanks to all involved who have given up their time and energy to make this happen.
  2. I have to stick up for billy askew here , no way was he that bad . I remember he played with an element of energy and he had a canny dig on him too. Im sure i can remember him nearly breaking the crossbar from 30yds once.
  3. I'd rather we just win a few more, stay up comfortably, takeover goes through because we're still in the Prem, and Bruce gets the axe, to be honest. I never want to see our club lose, but to each their own. Me neither mate , but needs must for the greater good in this case. Imo of course.
  4. I am certain defeat will see the end of bruce. We need to lose this.our club depends on it.
  5. Jones is a banker , this is the reason he is here i believe. I Cant see them spending another penny on recruitment.
  6. The clubs target of a point a game is key to all this. He will be gone as soon as we drop below that ratio (soon i am sure).
  7. I have concluded they are desperate for a new manager but cannot find anyone with anything about them , willing to work for them. Hence the ambitious local lad come home coach shenanigans. Utterly embarrassing..
  8. Dunce

    Jeff Hendrick

    Jeff hendrick is there to 'fill a gap' , absolutely nothing more.
  9. Says the man/boy who brings nonceness into the conversation That’s exactly what a nonce would say tbh. You’re fooling no one. ?dear me , how do you know what kind of things a nonce says ? Your posts are more revealing than mine thats for sure ??
  10. Have you got nowt better to do on a saturday afternoon
  11. Yes of course you can ?ip check away ..
  12. Its the keyboard warriors bit i was refering to. 99.9% wouldnt dare say anything to his face. Its about the only comment hes made .that is 100% correct. The internet is a world of cowards. what? Good troll account. Plenty would say it to him, if there were fans in the ground f***ing hell , what a dick ? Irony did you quote yourself pal? Low energy attempt Yeah mate
  13. Says the man/boy who brings nonceness into the conversation
  14. Its easy to tell by your posting style. I bet you dont even have pubic hair.
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