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Everything posted by Sid

  1. Sid

    Match Atmosphere

    I was there, meant to go with a mate but he didn't show so I did it on my own, national express as it was free ( worked for them) IIRC they had to open a side paddock as there were too many in the away end, it was a heck of a crush and I was near the back.
  2. Sid


    It's still there now, incredibly small time.
  3. Sid


    Just read their latest atmosphere thread, blame goes to early kick off, rain, woke agenda (!!!!!!), roof leaking, average age of 70, everywhere else is shit now. You wouldn't think they are within touching distance of automatic promotion. Only 3 points. Even a tiny bit of luck could see them over the line. Or a decent non toxic home crowd. Mind, their age profile is only going to go up as they fail to attract young uns from the disputed territories of Durham and South Tyneside.
  4. Robbie Fowler looks like shit and appears to be wearing mittens.
  5. At home getting bladdered. All this hoping Spurs win tonight, FUCK DAT SHIT, on our day we are a match for anyone. I am feeling confident. Confident and hungover. Please lads, I am 63 and don't want to go to my grave never having seen us win a trophy.
  6. Sid

    Alexander Isak

    BBC Shearer interview with Isak. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/cm291eml81po Lots of hate in the comments.
  7. Sid


    Did they do one for the FA cup game against Stoke? Re video games, I got a Xbox for my 60th birthday, manage about 2 hours a day on a good day. Retirement is great.
  8. Sid


    I would, one is homophobic one is misogynistic. In a thread meant to be about how they are neither. I wouldn't use gammon either.
  9. Sid


    I think both are intended as an insult.
  10. Sid


    Within that thread someone mentions " crying into her doc martins" and others using the phrase "Karens" as an insult. Not even pulled up for it.
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/cx2mknlvyw3o Well worth reading IMHO. Man U write to fans group. Wonder how long these rules will stick around if they inadvertently affect those who wanted them in the first place? Over 20 million just to lose the last manager and bring the next one in.
  12. Sid


    Genuine mags get binned, fake mags left to run riot.
  13. Sid


    There is a fake mag on RTG, summat like Hewalbestpizza? Admits to being chinned by a child, posts from Wetherspoons bog on their free WiFi, loads of other really crap stuff. One thing about anonymous forums, you can claim to be anything you want, I was just telling my supermodel girlfriend this while she threw £50 notes at me. So why would any mag go on their claiming that? Yet they appear to lap it up.
  14. Sid


    Their online shame dungeon has descended into bitter angry sniping with each other for reasons I can't fathom. Won't be long before one of them asks another out for a fight.
  15. Sid


    Their thread about this draw currently bigger than this one. The small time chumps. Parsnip must be full.
  16. I don't think Mr. Wallace has fell that far yet. Lovely thread like.
  17. Sid


    Part of their problem is when season ticket holders decide not to go there is little demand for the empty seats so they can't sell the seat on. Looks crap announcing such big numbers like.
  18. Sid


    The last time I watched a Sunderland match was because I got a free ticket to the SOL. Imagine being so full of hate they need to seek out our games then make stuff up about it.
  19. Sid


    I would have thought Stoke at home in the FA cup was a decent fixture to them, Stoke are relatively big club? Or is it they can't disguise the numbers in an all ticket FA cup game?
  20. Sid


    Imagine how early they would have to leave the stadium with 63 000, possibly before the match started. I have mentioned up thread I am quite happy to attend the SOL provided it's free,it's like a blast from the past, the buildings around the ground remind me of Thatchers Britain, as does the right wing Britain first van tootling round playing Elgar. Atmosphere in the ground is canny until they go behind and my crisp packet collection is going through the roof. The contrast with SJP is amazing ( even pre the Saudi takeover ).
  21. Sid


    We lose to Chelsea at the weekend, 60 pages over 1000 posts and 30k of views gloating as if it's something to do with them left on the normal page. We beat Chelsea last night and it's off to parsnip. I don't know why they would do this, it's so small time. Why have an online shame dungeon?
  22. Sid


    A thousand posts and 50 pages of weak as piss straw man arguements about how moral they are and how much more that match means to us than them. 1000 posts. Now locked as someone has put up a picture of a Sunderland lasses winning team photo, which is purely a small time mag thing. Until it's not. Surprised it's not gone to parsnip.
  23. Sid


    To be fair he has been accused of being a mag on there and the user name is just what I imagine someone desperate to fit in on there would use. There are a few unhinged posters on the who I think only post to make the forum look daft. Away from the football most of it is reasonably normal.
  24. Sid


    Didn't watch it but seen the equaliser, blimey! Worth looking at from behind, it looks like he moves out of the way of the ball. My 6 year old grandson could have stopped that. Don't think it was a betting scam or owt, just a massive howler.
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