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Everything posted by Sid

  1. Sid


    In the bushes with his keks down hoping people think he is watching kids in the park. What is it with them and scatology?
  2. Sid


    They had all the transcripts AJs (500 plus) WhatsApp messages with this girl, they knew what he had done but still played him. He had even confessed everything to them, but they were hoping he might get off, possibly the pressure on the child causing her to refuse to testify. They should have had points docked, their paedo points, but staying up was more important, the super moralytastic mackems. At least Man U had the decency to suspend Greenwood until the end of his trial. Also, they way they bang on about models on RTG you would think it was an Airfix forum.
  3. Right now I preferred us when we were nailed on for a hammering.
  4. Sid


    Is that the bloke with the afro, was in the Percy every day for decades? If so, canny lad. I wonder if they are getting confused, the Percy used to be a Vaux pub when all the pubs were tied to the brewers? Perhaps the Vaux connection is a big deal to them. Awful beer, Lorimers best scotch, I would only drink Double Maxim in there, I prefer it to Newcastle Brown ale. The other 3 pubs in the Haymarket were all S and N, 3 Bulls was Bass, I have spent enough in the last 45 years in the 3 Bulls to buy the place. I stil get in now and then. The County was a coppers pub, there was a time in the 1980s where on a Sunday all the pubs had to close at 9 30 on the High St. due to gang fights, LBAB and other area based gangs, the County was exempt. It's still the best pub on the High Street but it's no Sunderland stronghold. Why would it be?
  5. Sid

    Sandro Tonali

    Greggs has always been shite, but it was cheap shite, it's expensive now for the low quality it is. The oven door was similar. I prefer Shys,then Dickson's. I have no idea why Greggs has done so well. I wonder if someone told him the Job Bullman was a classy place in Gosforth for a wind up and he fell for it, it's about the only place on the high street I can afford to drink in. High street used to be rough at times, Gosforth is not as posh as I thinks it is.
  6. Sid


    TBF, that TNT advert is all over the TV and they are really pushing Newcastle on it, must drive them nuts. It was on twice in a single advert break last night during Wheeler Dealer on Quest. What a time to be alive! Edit, meltdown on RTG over the Saudi friendlies to be played at SJP, I can't post a link for some reason. Will be over a thousand posts by the end of the week.
  7. Sid


    A considerable amount of their latest mags shirts thread ( Hetton I think?) was given over to the better bus service from there to Newcastle, because aye, obviously,that's how easily people are swayed. In any case, apparently it's not even true, Sunderland is better served according to some. I don't know. Whats the crack on our recent Amazon documentary, I don't have access to their online shame dungeon?
  8. Dunno if this is permitted, but if you know how to use torrents it's out there. All TV is a bit fake and staged, I was once involved with a charity that had "The secret millionaire" foisted on us, we sussed him the first day but that wasn't shown, the bit where he "revealed" his secret was filmed 6 times as we didn't look surprised enough. The detail about sticking to FFP rules should shut up some of the moaners claiming we are buying success, but it won't. Loved the bit where everyone is invited to the bosses house and they explain there is 100 of them, no problem, plenty of room. Also the bit where Trippier explained why he wanted to come back to the UK. Going to watch the next episode before Saturdays match. 8pm kick off so I will be pie eyed by the time it finishes.
  9. Just watched it, brilliant, but I would have preferred a bland commentary, not Shearer. My lass must have been cutting onions as my eyes were filling up, I would have blubbed like a baby if she wasn't here, despite being the hardest man on Tyneside. I am 62 years old FFS.
  10. Sid


    Parsnip = Online shame dungeon. OSD! Made me laugh. I think Gipetto might also be Exile. Recently commented that people prefer drinking in Sunderland to Newcastle as the latter is boring and full of morons.
  11. Sid


    Commentators mentioning how quiet the crowd is. The " model" seems to be broken.
  12. Sid


    RTGs latest thread on us re the ticket ballots, at last for the first time in ages they have something genuine to have a bit of a dig at us. Some of the first posts claimed it was being used as a cover to excuse empty seats. It defies belief that they could propagate such bollocks but it was repeated by a few and with zero distention. However much they might loathe us, these sort of posts just make them look unhinged. I honestly thought they might leave it to grow to try and needle us, clearly things haven't gone to plan. Parsnipped now. Probably busier than the thread about their own game against Hartlepool, but I will never know.
  13. Sid


    A Scouser has joined in on their latest Henderson thread, getting roundly hammered by some high falutin holier than thou mackem logic. It is amusing that what little success they have had in the last decade is mainly from living vicariously through his (and Pickford's) achievements and now they have painted themselves into a corner they have to turn on him. For 2 sets of fans who seem to care massively what other people think of them they have remarkably little insight. Was Henderson pencilled in to be a character witness for the trial of their most famous player of recent times? It's tempting to used the 2 bald men fighting over a comb analogy, or in this case 2 self appointed guardians of public decency who look like they would struggle if they needed a DBS check fighting over an imaginary moral compass. I am always a bit dubious of those who feel need to tell me how much they care.
  14. Sid


    That's the thing, it's a small time wind up, the best way to reply is ambivalence. The latest non parsnipped Henderson thread actually contains some sense, anyone going off the holier than thou reservation gets accused of being a mag.
  15. Sid


    " Holiday season" mentioned in a thread about their ticket sales for the Mallorca friendly. Wedding season not mentioned. Yet.
  16. Sid

    Nobby Solano

    He was often in the bookies opposite the Blacksmiths arms, this was a few years ago when I worked in Gosforth.
  17. Sid


    Parsnipped now, but I saw this post, football dinosaur I think he was called. Almost certainly a lie, how tragic to make this up? Or worse still, true, how tragic is that? Zero self awareness. The thread is gone now to parsnip and no way I would sign up the their casually racist forum, it puts you on a list. Over 1000 posts in just over a week in that thread. Never mind, another version of the mag tops thread has appeared.
  18. Sid


    I think Gipetto might be a mag winding them up, the post about mags going to Sunderland because Newcastle is boring,then loads agreeing with him, surely he is taking the piss? There was a thread on there recently ( parsnipped?) about mag top wearers should have their hard drives checked. It might be buried somewhere in their latest, yet another mag tops topic. Given the behaviour of their most (in)famous player in recent times, and a local lad to boot, should they really be finger pointing innocent people like this? I went to a Sunderland match at the start of the season, most of my family are from county Durham. No hate for them here. It was like a trip back to the 1970s, the was a "Britain First" clapped out old van driving round inside the coned off area near the ground playing what I assume is meant to be patriotic music. No one seemed to think there was anything unusual about this. Great atmosphere inside but they started fighting amongst themselves when the equaliser went in. The people I was with spent a fortune at the club shop, wore most of it at the match and on the way home on the metro through Newcastle. They wanted to cover it up as we neared Newcastle as they were concerned there might be bother, not one word was said nor was there any unpleasantness. I don't think RTG represents the average Sunderland fan at all, is there a sane Sunderland forum I have missed?
  19. Newbie here, long time lurker but it's taken ages for me to sign up. Arsenal bossed us like we have bossed so many teams this season, that little bit sharper to the ball, passing sharper too. We can hardly complain about their time wasting. I thought it was a hand ball and a penalty to us early on, but my missus( who knows way more about football than me) says no. Still been a great season, not so long since we were " doomed" to relegation. Happy days.
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