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Posts posted by Thumbheed

  1. I am struggling to understand the “if it’s not the Saudis I’m done” argument? Liverpool are owned by Americans and they’ve done pretty f***ing well. What if the American bidders were to invest in the team, the infrastructure, and build us towards a team challenging the top 6? You wouldn’t want that? And we get that without any of the baggage associated with the PCP bid? That attitude seems crazy to me. There are people writing them off as terrible owners and we don’t even know who they are? Seems bizarre to me. Stifler was writing about them aiming for 17th and keeping Bruce, based on essentially nothing.


    My perspective goes beyond just the football club. This would be an investment in the entire region and that's worth more than a few good results. Furthermore the the level of investment here would secure our future for the rest of our history. The likes of Man City will never be  in the second tier or clubs again. They're now set for life.


    I think you have consider how influential Klopp has been in all this. His achievement this year has totally shrouded the fact they barely spent anything the year after theyd won the champions league. I dont think a single manager in the world could have done what he's done, so when your success becomes dependant on a single individual, then is that really the ideal structure?


    This investment effectively puts us at the very top. I dont know how any alternative could even come close to what this particular takeover could offer.

  2. If this doesn’t go through I’m done with football like. Haven’t got the stomach to watch us basically live to exist, not watching anymore football in a world where we have that fat useless c*** Steve Bruce as our manager, whilst the media lick his arse.


    Won’t watch any matches on tele, just absolutely finished.



    I think going from potentially having it all to having absolutely nothing at all would be a bit too much for me.


    I only post on here during takeover rumours because that hope is the only thing that keeps me connected to the club. I keep an eye on results and occasionally watch us on MOTD(If I can stay awake long enough) but I'm personally putting so much into the fact this particular takeover would potential put us into the absolute top tier of clubs for the rest of our history and losing that, would be f***ing hard to swallow.


    That's not the mention the impact it could have on the region and the people of the NE in general.


    That's not to say I'm blind to the obvious issue with the takeover, but from purely a footballing and economical viewpoint this is all or nothing for me.


    Nailed it. Up until the last days I’ve been on cloud 9, I know things still look good but the uncertainty has knocked me. Newcastle fans aren’t allowed anything nice. :lol:


    Aye, it's such a uniquely weird club in the sense that it's clearly had the potential for as long as I've been supporting it.


    I've spent years being frustrated at how close we came to having it under Shepard (barring one good decison), to losing compelte hope that we'd ever have it under Ashley.


    To come so close to knowing we'll finally unlock the potential of the club havin spendt years being ridiculed in the media for having those very beliefs and to lose it would probably be the end for me because I dont think any other takeover could bring what this one could.


    My thoughts exactly. I'll be totally broken if this doesnt happen.


    But I'll finish on a positive, all of the noises are still that this will get done. The sooner the better...


    :thup: :thup: :thup:

  3. If this doesn’t go through I’m done with football like. Haven’t got the stomach to watch us basically live to exist, not watching anymore football in a world where we have that fat useless c*** Steve Bruce as our manager, whilst the media lick his arse.


    Won’t watch any matches on tele, just absolutely finished.



    I think going from potentially having it all to having absolutely nothing at all would be a bit too much for me.


    I only post on here during takeover rumours because that hope is the only thing that keeps me connected to the club. I keep an eye on results and occasionally watch us on MOTD(If I can stay awake long enough) but I'm personally putting so much into the fact this particular takeover would potential put us into the absolute top tier of clubs for the rest of our history and losing that, would be f***ing hard to swallow.


    That's not the mention the impact it could have on the region and the people of the NE in general.


    That's not to say I'm blind to the obvious issue with the takeover, but from purely a footballing and economical viewpoint this is all or nothing for me.


    Nailed it. Up until the last days I’ve been on cloud 9, I know things still look good but the uncertainty has knocked me. Newcastle fans aren’t allowed anything nice. :lol:


    Aye, it's such a uniquely weird club in the sense that it's clearly had the potential for as long as I've been supporting it.


    I've spent years being frustrated at how close we came to having it under Shepherd (one good decison away), to losing complete hope that we'd ever have it under Ashley.


    To come so close to knowing we'll finally unlock the potential of the club havin spendt years being ridiculed in the media for having those very beliefs and to lose it would probably be the end for me because I dont think any other takeover could bring what this one could.

  4. If this doesn’t go through I’m done with football like. Haven’t got the stomach to watch us basically live to exist, not watching anymore football in a world where we have that fat useless c*** Steve Bruce as our manager, whilst the media lick his arse.


    Won’t watch any matches on tele, just absolutely finished.



    I think going from potentially having it all to having absolutely nothing at all would be a bit too much for me.


    I only post on here during takeover rumours because that hope is the only thing that keeps me connected to the club. I keep an eye on results and occasionally watch us on MOTD(If I can stay awake long enough) but I'm personally putting so much into the fact this particular takeover would potential put us into the absolute top tier of clubs for the rest of our history and losing that, would be f***ing hard to swallow.


    That's not the mention the impact it could have on the region and the people of the NE in general.


    That's not to say I'm blind to the obvious issue with the takeover, but from purely a footballing and economical viewpoint this is all or nothing for me.

  5. He did only have a couple of months to work with those new signings. Ndombele looked quite good in those first few games iirc. Wouldn't be the first player to fall out with Mourinho

    Do you think that was the only reason he wasnt able to close out a cup win throughout all his time at Spurs? If not, then what was the reason?


    Cups aren't important to club chairmen. See how many of the recent FA Cup winners have lost their jobs soon afterwards.

    Then why did he lose his job? CL final and CL qualification achieved. Replaced by serial cup winner Mourihno.


    Surely you're not saying its CL win / PL title or bust?  That doesnt add up.


    He got sacked because of league form at the start of this season, nothing to do with not winning a cup. If he won a cup the talk would just turn to "why has he not won the league" as it did with Wenger

    Mini slump cost him his job? I'm not sure I see the same logic as you here.


    5 years at the club (with admittedly relatively low investment), 4th place finish and a CL final the previous year but it was the slump in form that cost him his job not the objective lack of trophies.

  6. He did only have a couple of months to work with those new signings. Ndombele looked quite good in those first few games iirc. Wouldn't be the first player to fall out with Mourinho

    Do you think that was the only reason he wasnt able to close out a cup win throughout all his time at Spurs? If not, then what was the reason?


    Cups aren't important to club chairmen. See how many of the recent FA Cup winners have lost their jobs soon afterwards.

    Then why did he lose his job? CL final and CL qualification achieved. Replaced by serial cup winner Mourihno.


    Surely you're not saying its CL win / PL title or bust?  That doesnt add up.

  7. He did only have a couple of months to work with those new signings. Ndombele looked quite good in those first few games iirc. Wouldn't be the first player to fall out with Mourinho

    Do you think that was the only reason he wasnt able to close out a cup win throughout all his time at Spurs? If not, then what was the reason?

  8. Approve the deal and the EPL have a route into stopping the piracy


    Exactly. It's hard to imagine that the PL create more leverage when it comes to convincing the Saudis to crack down on beoutQ by telling the state PIF that they aren't fit to invest in a PL club. That would be ridiculous.

    They'd also be balancing the cost of piracy against the potential increase in revenue from having another huge team which will inevitably engages millions of new fans.

  9. I would prefer we looked at alternatives to Rafa, I take all of the points about him having a blueprint and unfinished business etc, but i just wouldn't go back, it very rarely works.


    We've fond memories of Benitez and rightly so, but i'd leave it there, personally.


    Pochettino would be my first choice, I don't know enough about Allegri's style, but its obviously a very impressive CV! but Poch would be the one i'd go for.


    May I ask why? Not saying your wrong but Poch hasn't won anything so other than progressing teams and being younger than Rafa not sure how he out manages Rafa in any real area?


    Well one of the reasons as I said is I just wouldn’t go back, it very rarely works.


    Secondly I think if we were to have a shot at pochettino I think we’d be mad not to take it. He plays the type of football we’d all love to see, he’s a young progressive coach and it’s probably only a matter of time before he’s snapped up by a PSG/Man City/Real Madrid type elite club, we’d be mad not to execute the opportunity should it present itself.


    Rafa’s mint, we all love him and rightly so, but he won’t get another elite club and there’s probably a reason for that, so for those reasons I’d grab Poch ahead of Rafa should the opportunity arise.


    Are there any examples of returns to former clubs which mirror the situation we potentially find ourselves in? This is a start from scratch project with basically unlimited resources.


    Pochettino absolutely has the attention of the big clubs but that doesn't mean he's the best managerial option. I have no doubt he offers the best chance of getting us to the next step, as he has done with every club he's managed but he's yet to turn that into silverware which should be our ultimate goal. Why go for someone who has no evidence of the ability to win silverware over someone who has a proven track record of it? The top top managers win trophies anywhere, it's a skill. You either have it or you dont, I dont think Pochettino has it.


    To be fair to Rafa, he was literally at the biggest club in the world before Newcastle, that's a hell of a step down which makes a potential return all the more poignant. I'm not sure it's fair to assume he's done at the top level off the back of his time at Newcastle and the fact he's now in China (overseeing a $300m project), his CV is still right up there with the very best. Had his contract ended sooner, who knows which club he'd have been at, I dont seem to reme.ber too many vacancies around the time he left (baring in mind it was very very late in the summer).


    Just in case anyone not clear, I'd really like Rafa, but I'm very surprised at all those who'd even entertain Poch over Allegri who would be my number 2 choice for many of the reason I've stated above.


    Our situation is unique, granted, but managerial returns in the whole have a history of not working.


    I don’t know anywhere near enough about allegri to want him, as I said in my first post I’m just not familiar enough with him to say.


    Rafa’s great, I was a huge fan and still am, but there’s a reason his last two clubs have been a relegation threatened nufc and a club in China, the Real Madrid gig came largely out of the blue to him as he was on his way to West Ham.


    I’ll be surprised to ever see him amongst the elite again, but I could be wrong.


    Everything I’m saying makes me sound as if I don’t rate him, which couldn’t be more wrong, I would just take a fresh approach that’s all.

      O0 Nah, that's all fair and well. It's personal opinions and preference at the end of the day and I can't prove any of that to be wrong tbf.


    Probably the first time in all my time supporting Newcastle where we've been in a win win situation no matter who we employ.


    *Bruce Signs new 8 Year Deal*

  10. I would prefer we looked at alternatives to Rafa, I take all of the points about him having a blueprint and unfinished business etc, but i just wouldn't go back, it very rarely works.


    We've fond memories of Benitez and rightly so, but i'd leave it there, personally.


    Pochettino would be my first choice, I don't know enough about Allegri's style, but its obviously a very impressive CV! but Poch would be the one i'd go for.


    May I ask why? Not saying your wrong but Poch hasn't won anything so other than progressing teams and being younger than Rafa not sure how he out manages Rafa in any real area?


    Well one of the reasons as I said is I just wouldn’t go back, it very rarely works.


    Secondly I think if we were to have a shot at pochettino I think we’d be mad not to take it. He plays the type of football we’d all love to see, he’s a young progressive coach and it’s probably only a matter of time before he’s snapped up by a PSG/Man City/Real Madrid type elite club, we’d be mad not to execute the opportunity should it present itself.


    Rafa’s mint, we all love him and rightly so, but he won’t get another elite club and there’s probably a reason for that, so for those reasons I’d grab Poch ahead of Rafa should the opportunity arise.


    Are there any examples of returns to former clubs which mirror the situation we potentially find ourselves in? This is a start from scratch project with basically unlimited resources.


    Pochettino absolutely has the attention of the big clubs but that doesn't mean he's the best managerial option. I have no doubt he offers the best chance of getting us to the next step, as he has done with every club he's managed but he's yet to turn that into silverware which should be our ultimate goal. Why go for someone who has no evidence of the ability to win silverware over someone who has a proven track record of it? The top top managers win trophies anywhere, it's a skill. You either have it or you dont, I dont think Pochettino has it.


    To be fair to Rafa, he was literally at the biggest club in the world before Newcastle, that's a hell of a step down which makes a potential return all the more poignant. I'm not sure it's fair to assume he's done at the top level off the back of his time at Newcastle and the fact he's now in China (overseeing a $300m project), his CV is still right up there with the very best. Had his contract ended sooner, who knows which club he'd have been at, I dont seem to reme.ber too many vacancies around the time he left (baring in mind it was very very late in the summer).


    Just in case anyone not clear, I'd really like Rafa, but I'm very surprised at all those who'd even entertain Poch over Allegri who would be my number 2 choice for many of the reason I've stated above.

  11. Pochettino has all the qualities I'd want, except 1, and that's his individual game management, which all the top top managers are adept at. I just dont see him having a trophy laden career unless hes at a club which already dominates the league.


    His run in the CL came off the back of 2 freak results which kind of elevated his reputation, when in reality he got the 3rd best squad to finish 4th and probably deserved to go out in the CL at the QF.


    Edit: I'd obviously not be unhappy with him at all, or with any of the candidates but Rafa would be my number 1 option.


    Is keeping Bruce for 5 points really worth it??! Just get rid. It would be such an anti climax to have him lead us out for our first game under new owners. He should be consigned to the history of Ashley's era.

    If I was Bruce I'd be sounding them out for an early exit. Tidy sum  in his pocket for leaving and also avoids the chance of still getting relegated with the last games being played. Head held high. I am sure we will hear lots of "I have no doubt I am still the man for the job", "I'm going nowhere","the be owners have full faith in me" "getting on with the job" quotes soon.


    It really depends when the ownership is finalized in relation to the season restarting/ending. If they take over in May and season doesnt re-start until mid to late June (likely earliest) why waste a month or two that the new manager could use? Just to be nice to Bruce? f*** that. It could be more of a potential risk.

    All fair and well apart from the fact that Bruce would think he deserves a go.


    Clown of a man.

  13. Fuckin hell now we're talking Nazi s*** in here?


    It's not hyperbole to say that the Saudis are one of the closest things on Earth at the moment to the Nazis is it? If you were going to pick the most brutal regime around, is there one worse? North Korea possibly but at least they're not bombing anyone.


    The UK had pretty good relations with the Nazi regime up until the outbreak of war, Edward VIII was a friend of Hitler. I don't think "our government likes them" is the most robust defence, you could say the same about Assad and Gaddafi, these people are always our "friends" until they're not.

    You missed the point. Take all that moral s*** stuff to the other thread, not this one. Jeez.


    This is the main takeover thread. It's going to be discussed whether you like it or not. Jeez.

    So what do you want to happen, Wullie? Another boycoutt?


    Not at all. A matter for the individual conscience this one I think. I don't think the FA/PL should be allowing any states to own football clubs but that ship's already sailed.

    So what will be your personal stance out of interest? Will you continue to support the club and would you go to games?


    Good question. Honest answer is I don't know. They've not even taken over yet so will just wait and see how things look once their feet are under the table I guess. Could be a long time before a ball is kicked at SJP but I don't have the aversion to giving them money that I had with Ashley.


    What would you anticipate happening that would sway you to boycott or not give them money?


    I'm struggling to justify taking a moral stance against the takeover when I do use things like Twitter and Uber which are both heavily invested in by PIF. For me, its essentially the exact same thing as it would be supporting the club.


    This "Sportswashing" moniker seems like a buzzword which ignores the actual reality which is that any investment the Saudi's make in anything is a form of 'image management.






  14. Fuckin hell now we're talking Nazi s*** in here?


    It's not hyperbole to say that the Saudis are one of the closest things on Earth at the moment to the Nazis is it? If you were going to pick the most brutal regime around, is there one worse? North Korea possibly but at least they're not bombing anyone.


    The UK had pretty good relations with the Nazi regime up until the outbreak of war, Edward VIII was a friend of Hitler. I don't think "our government likes them" is the most robust defence, you could say the same about Assad and Gaddafi, these people are always our "friends" until they're not.

    You missed the point. Take all that moral s*** stuff to the other thread, not this one. Jeez.


    This is the main takeover thread. It's going to be discussed whether you like it or not. Jeez.

    So what do you want to happen, Wullie? Another boycoutt?


    Not at all. A matter for the individual conscience this one I think. I don't think the FA/PL should be allowing any states to own football clubs but that ship's already sailed.

    So what will be your personal stance out of interest? Will you continue to support the club and would you go to games?



  15. Fuckin hell now we're talking Nazi s*** in here?


    It's not hyperbole to say that the Saudis are one of the closest things on Earth at the moment to the Nazis is it? If you were going to pick the most brutal regime around, is there one worse? North Korea possibly but at least they're not bombing anyone.


    The UK had pretty good relations with the Nazi regime up until the outbreak of war, Edward VIII was a friend of Hitler. I don't think "our government likes them" is the most robust defence, you could say the same about Assad and Gaddafi, these people are always our "friends" until they're not.

    You missed the point. Take all that moral s*** stuff to the other thread, not this one. Jeez.


    This is the main takeover thread. It's going to be discussed whether you like it or not. Jeez.

    So what do you want to happen, Wullie? Another boycoutt?

  16. Hugo Boss, Adidas, VW, Mercedes et all, all had ties to Nazi Germany. The world is corrupt and unfair, we’ve just got to try and look after, be kind to and help family, friends, our fellow man/women, environment, animals and so on as best as we can.


    In terms of our lifespan, our race is still in the womb basically and Saudi Arabia for example is years behind many and certain sections of society still haven’t went through a period of enlightenment, socially, economically, religiously and even racially. It was only a few decades ago a black person had to give their seat up to a white person on a bus in America.


    I mean, Saudi Arabia actually look at western society and think we are the evil/bad guys. Who is right or wrong? None of it is and to play the moral card/ride the high horse, well, everything we do as much as what we don’t do has an adverse/negative affect on someone/the world as much as it may have a positive affect.


    Buy Adidas trainers and your money pays someone a living, but they earn less than a few dollars a day and work in awful conditions. Greg is right the onus is on our government and world leaders, but by the same time token we the people do need to stand up and fight more. I don’t want Ashley or the Saudis, I don’t want business anywhere near my club, but I have to be realistic and if I don’t harm anyone and try and be a good person and try and make the world a better place in a good way, be it for myself or others, that’s all I can do.


    I can’t stop Saudi buying my club, I can not like it, but then I’m still part of the corrupt and unfair system when I go and by some trainers, fill my car up or whatever. I live with my consciousness knowing I’m a good guy. NUFC fans or ant fans shouldn’t be made to feel guilty, the guilty conscience lies with our government, world leaders, big business and what I find maddening, our media and the game itself. Or should be.


    I go and watch footy or love it to watch my team play footy, the players, our players, who represent my city, us lot, my club, Newcastle United which is ours, no-one can own it. that’s the beauty, it’s so sacred not even an murderous evil regime can take that from you or buy it, no matter how much money they have.


    I’m torn right now as to what I’ll do, where I stand etc. All I know is I will always love my club, my team, my Newcastle United because it’s mine, yours and ours. As Sir Bobby said, what is a club in any case...


    People need to do what they feel is tight and shouldn’t be attacked for it and especially by a media who are complicit in allowing the actual people who should be held to account, to get away with keeping out works and it’s systems unfair and corrupt and they do that because guess what, they are on the take too.


    When it comes to NUFC at least, I’m not. Unlike so many others whose interest is vested in ways that bind them by money.


    Enjoy what’s coming or don’t. Let those that want to, however if you can’t or won’t.


    Tl;dr: Other big brands have questionable ties too.


    They all do, and we buy them.


    That’s my point, try and life your own life as a nice person, with a sone conscience of others, the works etc and  to what you can the most to make your own world a better world for you and others the most you can. That’s all you can do. If I was a billionaire, I’d buy NUFC to give away to the fans, that’s me. Or I could buy it to make even more money.


    Btw, there is a serious lack of insight, knowledge and realism when it comes to business and rich people if you like on here.


    Victoria Beckham has had to furlough her staff despite being worth x money. She can’t keep them on out of her own pocket though and has (I hope) contributed a lot more than others in taxes etc towards the stars so her money when tines are bad, the powers that be can help her staff out.


    It doesn’t help mind when people flaunt their wealth...


    After this, if you’re a good person, treat your staff like they are your family, treat everyone like they are your friends. Those that don’t, they are the true c***s.


    Footballers have actually done more than our own f***ing government lately who get their coffers filled off their taxes so they can help the needy out, again it’s all unfair, unjust, wrong and corrupt. And I’m part of the problem, you are, we all are, but I do try and be part of A solution too. Pissing in the wind though...

    Tl;dr Rich people aren't moral white knights.

  17. Hugo Boss, Adidas, VW, Mercedes et all, all had ties to Nazi Germany. The world is corrupt and unfair, we’ve just got to try and look after, be kind to and help family, friends, our fellow man/women, environment, animals and so on as best as we can.


    In terms of our lifespan, our race is still in the womb basically and Saudi Arabia for example is years behind many and certain sections of society still haven’t went through a period of enlightenment, socially, economically, religiously and even racially. It was only a few decades ago a black person had to give their seat up to a white person on a bus in America.


    I mean, Saudi Arabia actually look at western society and think we are the evil/bad guys. Who is right or wrong? None of it is and to play the moral card/ride the high horse, well, everything we do as much as what we don’t do has an adverse/negative affect on someone/the world as much as it may have a positive affect.


    Buy Adidas trainers and your money pays someone a living, but they earn less than a few dollars a day and work in awful conditions. Greg is right the onus is on our government and world leaders, but by the same time token we the people do need to stand up and fight more. I don’t want Ashley or the Saudis, I don’t want business anywhere near my club, but I have to be realistic and if I don’t harm anyone and try and be a good person and try and make the world a better place in a good way, be it for myself or others, that’s all I can do.


    I can’t stop Saudi buying my club, I can not like it, but then I’m still part of the corrupt and unfair system when I go and by some trainers, fill my car up or whatever. I live with my consciousness knowing I’m a good guy. NUFC fans or ant fans shouldn’t be made to feel guilty, the guilty conscience lies with our government, world leaders, big business and what I find maddening, our media and the game itself. Or should be.


    I go and watch footy or love it to watch my team play footy, the players, our players, who represent my city, us lot, my club, Newcastle United which is ours, no-one can own it. that’s the beauty, it’s so sacred not even an murderous evil regime can take that from you or buy it, no matter how much money they have.


    I’m torn right now as to what I’ll do, where I stand etc. All I know is I will always love my club, my team, my Newcastle United because it’s mine, yours and ours. As Sir Bobby said, what is a club in any case...


    People need to do what they feel is tight and shouldn’t be attacked for it and especially by a media who are complicit in allowing the actual people who should be held to account, to get away with keeping out works and it’s systems unfair and corrupt and they do that because guess what, they are on the take too.


    When it comes to NUFC at least, I’m not. Unlike so many others whose interest is vested in ways that bind them by money.


    Enjoy what’s coming or don’t. Let those that want to, however if you can’t or won’t.


    Tl;dr: Other big brands have questionable ties too.

  18. Allegri's style isnt that dissimilar to rafas is it? Although he will switch tactics a bit more readily. Likes high press, conserving energy and hitting on the break or slower methodical build ups. Players are always very well organized. He would bring a huge resume and likely following of players. He is untested in the premier league though.


    Poch would be a better fit to the playing style most fans romanticize about and is a huge proponent of bringing through youth. I worry he doesnt have the extra ability to close out games when it counts but he would give the majority of fans good football to watch. More than that he has something to prove in the premiership.


    We know Rafa works. His only question marks are his transfer record with money but we know what we are getting, it's almost impossible not to want him back. He knows and gets the city and club, desperately wants to win the league and wants a legacy project. Can only see them getting someone else if he isnt interested in returning.


    Allegri and Rafa are the only two that have been heavily linked so I'd expect it to be one of them.


    The other plus point for Rafa is I think this would be his last job (bar national sides). Can't see that being the case with any other manager.


    I want that.

  19. Loftus Cheek would have cost an absolute fortune wouldn't he? 20 years old, at Chelsea? I can't even remember us being linked with him in the Championship. Why would he join us permanently?


    We did what you suggested with Atsu, Yedlin, Gayle and Ritchie. We bought Premier League players who were surplus at their teams. And you've said that was the wrong strategy


    I think Atsu and Yedlin are the only real examples of that strategy and I know I named Yedlin in my list of poor buys but I'd probably retract that irrespective of having the hindsight he didnt turn out to be a great player.


    The others 2 were players from average premier league teams and we've not even looked at what we could have looked at in other leagues.


    And I still think the point stands for the other players signed, they all turned out to be good championship players and poor/average prem players and you probably didnt need hindsight for you to come to that conclusion in most cases.



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