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Posts posted by Thumbheed

  1. This guy makes my balls ache with sadness. Steve f***ing Bruce.


    To be honest, I'm coming around to the strategy. We're being linked to some exciting players, to be fair. I dont believe that this is a 1 season outlay and is actually the start of some regular investment as Ashley is looking to turn some regular profit. My biggest gripe at this stage is that instead of going for someone who's completely suited to this structure and will actually improve these players (which can only benefit the performance of the team and this make us competitive) hes gone for a bag of marshmallows in a tracksuit.


    What the hell is wrong with you ?


    I think if people think I'm endorsing this approach, I'm not. I'm just not, and never have been against it. Again, that's not me saying I'd rather this than rafa but the principle of this strategy is tried and tested at other clubs.


    40m is a significant outlay and it doesn't look like its gonna be the only one the next few days. There is no precedent of this type of investment so I'm unsure why my perspective is so wrong.


    So the question is, when he turns a profit on these players is he just going to stop this approach?



  2. This guy makes my balls ache with sadness. Steve f***ing Bruce.


    To be honest, I'm coming around to the strategy. We're being linked to some exciting players, to be fair. I dont believe that this is a 1 season outlay and is actually the start of some regular investment as Ashley is looking to turn some regular profit.




    Thought I might get this.


    Think £40m is just too much of a gamble to be just an isolated investment. If it works out and he increases his value, then why would Ashley just stop there?


    Happy to have that explained to me.




    Think the only precedent to this is the McLaren years, where we got relegated, so it's not surpirsing he didnt pursue it. Plus the market wasnt as inflated as it is now.


    But I'm ok with accepting that you think he'll make money then chose not to continue to make money.


    Sounds like he chose Joelinton over Rafa which would suggest hes keener to back his scouts.



    Lol , go back and understand the history ...



  3. :thup: :thup:

    I think Mike Ashley has a sort of new approach with the club motivated purely by a wealth crisis.


    He’s not had a great few years with Sports Direct and most of his other investments have gone down the swanny.


    So he might have gotten 350m for the club if sold. That wouldn’t really cover what he’s lost. And then he’d have lost leverage with SD who are on the pigs back with cheap/free advertising here.


    So now he’s back to gambling but bigger this time. Joelinton is his first, but not last. He could potentially make 100% profit on this player or more if he does well.


    Each signing is going to take 2-4 transfer windows before being ready to be sold.


    Almiron will be up for sale next summer. Joelinton the following one etc etc.


    Supporters will be happy because we’ll be signing decent players. Bruce is happy to have a job. Ashley is happy to be making huge profits on players.


    He needs it to work which is also why I think he’s going nowhere soon. This is a 5 year plan minimum. He’ll be looking to skim 500m in partial tv revenue and profits from players sales so for this reason I think we’ll be making more of these half decent signings.


    All Bruce needs to do is keep the team up and play the purples in a way that they increase their value.


    That’s the gamble.


    :thup: :thup:


  4. This guy makes my balls ache with sadness. Steve f***ing Bruce.


    To be honest, I'm coming around to the strategy. We're being linked to some exciting players, to be fair. I dont believe that this is a 1 season outlay and is actually the start of some regular investment as Ashley is looking to turn some regular profit.




    Thought I might get this.


    Think £40m is just too much of a gamble to be just an isolated investment. If it works out and he increases his value, then why would Ashley just stop there?


    Happy to have that explained to me.




    Think the only precedent to this is the McLaren years, where we got relegated, so it's not surpirsing he didnt pursue it. Plus the market wasnt as inflated as it is now.


    But I'm ok with accepting that you think he'll make money then chose not to continue to make money.


    Sounds like he chose Joelinton over Rafa which would suggest hes keener to back his scouts.

  5. Regular investment to what end?


    Profit. Pure profit but they've got to perform to increase their value. That can only be a good thing for the team, surely?

  6. This guy makes my balls ache with sadness. Steve f***ing Bruce.


    To be honest, I'm coming around to the strategy. We're being linked to some exciting players, to be fair. I dont believe that this is a 1 season outlay and is actually the start of some regular investment as Ashley is looking to turn some regular profit.




    Thought I might get this.


    Think £40m is just too much of a gamble to be just an isolated investment. If it works out and he increases his value, then why would Ashley just stop there?


    Happy to have that explained to me.

  7. I think we meant it when we said at least £50m.


    We got £30m for Ayoze, and Longstaff is twice the player.


    I agree. If we can get £30m for Perez, we can get £50m for a young, English, genuinely talented player.  Sounds wrong, but we've just dropped £40 mil on someone who is hardly a guaranteed thing.


    that's a good point actually, they're not far off the same age so why would we accept less when you consider the english tax


    He could be worth £50m. To be honest I actually think he could be worth more because influence on a game is something you cant teach but I think the comparison are redundant due to the fact that hes not played enough.

  8. This guy makes my balls ache with sadness. Steve fucking Bruce.


    To be honest, I'm coming around to the strategy. We're being linked to some exciting players, to be fair. I dont believe that this is a 1 season outlay and is actually the start of some regular investment as Ashley is looking to turn some regular profit. My biggest gripe at this stage is that instead of going for someone who's completely suited to this structure and will actually improve these players (which can only benefit the performance of the team and this make us competitive) hes gone for a bag of marshmallows in a tracksuit.

  9. The core of the team and by that I mean the group of players who socialise together, almost all of them have been frozen out by Rafa at various points over the last two seasons. Hayden was in that group and he may well have been again at the start of this season if Rafa was still there. A half season in good form means nothing to that man.


    If Shelvey was prepared to say what he said after the match on Saturday in public, imagine what he must have been saying privately.


    Footballers are thick, have basically zero education and have never had to really work hard for anything or worry about the normal things people like us do.


    Never make the mistake of thinking that their thought processes are the same as ours.


    That’s wrong. They’re rich footballers due to the fact that they worked harder than anyone else.


    That’s one of the thickest things I’ve read on here, or the internet for that matter.


    All they have to do is keep themselves in shape, practice to keep their skills up and put in a shift once or sometimes twice a week.


    They have their meals given to them. Have people sort out all their financial stuff and are basically finished work by early afternoon most days so they can spend the rest of their evening playing PlayStation.


    If you’re on the wind up, well played. If not, you are an absolute cretin.


    This is incredible. Heard it here first, dont have to work hard to be a top footballer. I assume you feel that way about all sportstars.


    I assume you didnt have to work hard to master the industry you're in. My guess if that you haven't mastered anything, not even reality.

  10. The core of the team and by that I mean the group of players who socialise together, almost all of them have been frozen out by Rafa at various points over the last two seasons. Hayden was in that group and he may well have been again at the start of this season if Rafa was still there. A half season in good form means nothing to that man.


    If Shelvey was prepared to say what he said after the match on Saturday in public, imagine what he must have been saying privately.


    Footballers are thick, have basically zero education and have never had to really work hard for anything or worry about the normal things people like us do.


    Never make the mistake of thinking that their thought processes are the same as ours.


    That’s wrong. They’re rich footballers due to the fact that they worked harder than anyone else.


    Fucking hell!!! footballers never really had to work hard for anything. What a thing to say! Absolutely clueless.

  11. To be honest, I've got no issue with the strategy of buying young exciting players. Our execution is just plain unadulterated shit, though, plus unlike other clubs who operate this way, we're doing it solely for the cash and not the sporting endeavour.

  12. Cannot wait for the "they've broke their transfer record twice in a year, what more do fans want?" narrative.


    Some c***s don’t get NET spend, I wish they would ffs.


    Wait for Gorrila hands write up on this.

  13. Cannot wait for the "they've broke their transfer record twice in a year, what more do fans want?" narrative.


    Has a 2015/16 feel with another puppet as manager.


    I'd say it's an almost identical situation. I'm struggling to see many differences. I think we'll stay up, though, and that's based on absolutely nothing.

  14. When you say "this summer", do you mean the next 18 days?


    I think it's 16 days till the window ends actually.


    Yeh you're right. Just checked. Even better.

  15. I think you've got to ask yourself why does Ashley want to keep the club? Once you have the answer to that you need to do whatever you can to undermine that. Give him no reason to want the club anymore.


    In it to make money? Dont give him any money.

    In it to market SD? Dont give him the brand image he wants, which is a nice full stadium.


    By continuing to go, you're fully complicit.


    That's the crux of it.

  16. The atmosphere at the home matches was a wee bit better under Rafa, most songs sang were about Rafa, it will be s*** now, the crowd will be like zombies, the football s***, the ambition s***, the owner a c***, the ground looking manky.


    But it’s a day out  :rolleyes:


    f*** off man

    Painting the ground as we speak actually ?


    Still s**** ,  O0

    You'll never know man, nee f***er goes to games on here


    A lot of us used to but most have seen the light. Took me longer than most but no more money for Mike Ashley's companies work team. It's the only way.


    Aye. Carry on going though Seymour. Get yourself an SD flag while your at it, that way his tatty business can get an extra layer of exposure along with a full stadium.

    Sorry for going to watch the football club I support :lol:

    I'll be supporting the 11 players on the pitch and the manager in the dugout, like I've always done. Good ownership or bad ownership won't change that.


    I'll not be supporting SD or Mike Ashley and I refuse to believe that just because you're supporting the team that means you're supporting the ownership.


    Believe what you like, doesn't change the facts. You're his only guaranteed revenue stream and the reason he's still here.

    I'm the reason he's still here aye :lol:


    If I genuinely thought that cancelling my season ticket would get rid off Ashley then I would


    So are you saying that if everyone cancelled their season tickets he'd still be here?

    Thats what I'm saying yes.

    Mike Ashley sells the club when HE wants not when you do.


    What if Mike Ashley is here for another 10 years?

    Am I f*** going 10 years without going to a game, just because we've had a s**** owner


    We won't know if we don't try.


    If we do everything we can to agitate a change and he's still here, then yes, I will agree with you. Carry on as you were, no more arguments from me, you would be right but until that point, you are complicit.


  17. I’ll be honest, I’m not entirely convinced that even if our whole fan base gave up their season tickets and stopped going to games that he would definitely leave. With that being said, we absolutely have to boycott. It’s the best card we have to play, and we must play it. Getter no rid of this parasite has to be our only goal.


    If the club was in the Championship for a couple of seasons (likelier with no home crowd) and the ground was empty the club would be losing money hand over fist. He's a hell of a lot more likely to sell in that case than the alternative scenario (free unconditional money).


    Had to put his own money on both seasons we were down, no? How long would he want to keep that up? Club doesn't serve his purpose in the Championship.

  18. The atmosphere at the home matches was a wee bit better under Rafa, most songs sang were about Rafa, it will be s*** now, the crowd will be like zombies, the football s***, the ambition s***, the owner a c***, the ground looking manky.


    But it’s a day out  :rolleyes:


    f*** off man

    Painting the ground as we speak actually ?


    Still s**** ,  O0

    You'll never know man, nee f***er goes to games on here


    A lot of us used to but most have seen the light. Took me longer than most but no more money for Mike Ashley's companies work team. It's the only way.


    Aye. Carry on going though Seymour. Get yourself an SD flag while your at it, that way his tatty business can get an extra layer of exposure along with a full stadium.

    Sorry for going to watch the football club I support :lol:

    I'll be supporting the 11 players on the pitch and the manager in the dugout, like I've always done. Good ownership or bad ownership won't change that.


    I'll not be supporting SD or Mike Ashley and I refuse to believe that just because you're supporting the team that means you're supporting the ownership.


    Believe what you like, doesn't change the facts. You're his only guaranteed revenue stream and the reason he's still here.

    I'm the reason he's still here aye :lol:


    If I genuinely thought that cancelling my season ticket would get rid off Ashley then I would


    So are you saying that if everyone cancelled their season tickets he'd still be here?



  19. The atmosphere at the home matches was a wee bit better under Rafa, most songs sang were about Rafa, it will be s*** now, the crowd will be like zombies, the football s***, the ambition s***, the owner a c***, the ground looking manky.


    But it’s a day out  :rolleyes:


    f*** off man

    Painting the ground as we speak actually ?


    Still s**** ,  O0

    You'll never know man, nee f***er goes to games on here


    A lot of us used to but most have seen the light. Took me longer than most but no more money for Mike Ashley's companies work team. It's the only way.


    Aye. Carry on going though Seymour. Get yourself an SD flag while your at it, that way his tatty business can get an extra layer of exposure along with a full stadium.

    Sorry for going to watch the football club I support :lol:

    I'll be supporting the 11 players on the pitch and the manager in the dugout, like I've always done. Good ownership or bad ownership won't change that.


    I'll not be supporting SD or Mike Ashley and I refuse to believe that just because you're supporting the team that means you're supporting the ownership.


    Which is what Ashley wants isn't it? Blind faith. If fans keep going in the masses then there's no need for him to change anything.


    If you do what you always did, you get what you always got. 



  20. The atmosphere at the home matches was a wee bit better under Rafa, most songs sang were about Rafa, it will be s*** now, the crowd will be like zombies, the football s***, the ambition s***, the owner a c***, the ground looking manky.


    But it’s a day out  :rolleyes:


    f*** off man

    Painting the ground as we speak actually ?


    Still s**** ,  O0

    You'll never know man, nee f***er goes to games on here


    A lot of us used to but most have seen the light. Took me longer than most but no more money for Mike Ashley's companies work team. It's the only way.


    Aye. Carry on going though Seymour. Get yourself an SD flag while your at it, that way his tatty business can get an extra layer of exposure along with a full stadium.

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