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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. 8 hours ago, NEEJ said:

    They make it seem like he hobbled the whole way there on crutches while the team took the bus. :lol:

    They do this with everything now. 


    "Kieran Tripper's telling message to team mates ahead of Brentford clash" 



    "Try and win lads aye" 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Consortium of one said:

    Perhaps it's best if he just fades away into history as a guy that managed over 1000 games and was a good bloke.  We know what he did here.  Amanda laid it out pretty clearly.  He's driving WBA down and when he leaves hopefully he'll never get another job and we'll never have to hear his godawful name again, the cunt.

    He's a guy that managed 1000 games. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, GWN said:



    So the challenge to him is to improve like the rest of them have in the main , let's not write any of them off just yet ? Willock was wank , Shelvey a lazy cunt and we mocked the fuck out of Jow 




    Some people can't help themselves though. Got to have a pop at some players no matter what. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, r0cafella said:

    It’s unprofessional for them to speak on players who we didn’t sign for a start. Also, anything they say will likely come back to haunt them. Saying Botman wants to come and still does is I’ll advised and not something which should come from our owners. 

    I’m all for transparency and I fully support them but they might need to give more political answers in future to avoid binding themselves. 

    Unprofessional is having an MD run round the pitch naked after a bet with the owner, or an owner drinking so much he vomits into a fireplace. 


    This is just a bit naive, ultimately harmless enough and refreshingly honest. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, jackyboy said:

    Hasn't he just moved house?

    Stand by for every single mackem you know to have a mate who fitted the doors in his new place. And he'll have treated them all terribly. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Sima said:



    Aye, having someone as easily bought as him is definitely a good choice for a rep :lol: 

    He just seems to be consistently wrong too, which is odd for an "expert" 

  7. 1 minute ago, neesy111 said:

    The 6 year contract sums up the last ownership, absolutely mental.

    There's a bit talking about that strategy on Ben Foster's podcast with Rob Elliot, talking about how mad it is. 

  8. 4 hours ago, TBG said:





    I know all players talk up the current boss, but the manager and tactics stuff there is about as thinly veiled a dig at Bruce as you're likely to see. 

  9. 16 hours ago, Wolfcastle said:

    don't know where they get this reputation for having inferiority complexes and living in echo chambers from

    re the metro suspension:


    dillgaf: When was the last time there was any planned disruption, industrial action or otherwise when decapitators United were playing at home?

    ssr: It's uncanny how the roadworks on the A19 and Metro disruption perfectly syncs up with Sunderland home games. Almost like it's spitefully planned.

    safccfas: Wasn’t it made known on here after the A1231 and A19 both being closed on a match day that the person in charge of making these decisions was a NUFC season ticket holder?




    Choosing the weekends of their home games rather than ours coincides with a 50% drop in footfall. Seems common sense to me. :lol:

  10. 25 minutes ago, Sima said:





    What would have happened there, like?  Would KEANO have punched him or something?  Fucking freaks.

    No way he asks that question if Bally is still at the club marra. 

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