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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. 53 minutes ago, toontownman said:

    Bolton might well be in the ascendency too. Not sure where they are at financially though.  Rotherham are always strong in this league. It will be a tough season to go up again. 

    Their confidence that they'll automatically be amongst the contenders could be misplaced when they pretty much need an entire new team. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Wilson said:

    Been wondering this myself. Probably because it's bit quiet over there as people are bored of the opinions being stated as unerring fact. 

    So the usual suspects have piled in here with their annoying 'FACTS!' shite. 

    Fuckin 'we know the logic' man ? get a grip. 


    I'm currently being chastised for liking posts I agree with, on a thread I was told to keep my opinions in, by people who said they wouldn't post in it. :lol:

  3. 7 minutes ago, manorpark said:

    What a ridiculous statement, just 'made up' out of nothing but ignorance.

    Whitley Mag understands the logic, and (in the same way that I do) is able to filter out the prejudice, naivety, and inferiority-complex thinking, that blights many on here.

    The outcome of all this is obvious. Why so many choose not to see it is (I admit) COMPLETELY beyond me. 


    To be fair, Whitley doesn't even understand the difference between you're and your. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Keith is genuinely trying to keep fans in the loop and only reveals what he can. 

    Interested to know which particular  piece of information which was discussed last night that makes you think takeover won’t happen ? Jacobs is more eloquent and Keith is more abrupt and confrontational. However, not sure what you’re point is it wasn’t an election debate. Jacobs apart from teasing new evidence provided nothing new to suggest takeover won’t go through.

    Jacobs teasing? :lol:


    Every week from midweek man, it's "tune in to the three amigos podcast this friday where we'll reveal..." etc etc :lol:

  5. 11 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Worth reading this thread before the propaganda and attempts to influence arbitration ramp up. Also worth asking yourself why PL choose the likes of Slater and Jacobs to leak info to.


    Jacobs "leaks" stuff last night but Keith has been "revealing" stuff for weeks on the podcast. :lol:

    In all seriousness, you'd be taken far more seriously if you just admitted that last night didn't go particularly well, rather than just swerving it. Jacobs and Keith were like night and day last night, very little point not just acknowledging that. 

  6. 2 hours ago, astraguy said:

    Mahrez,stones,walker just going off English players i believe but the amount this bloke has spent is insane,klopp can spot talent like jota

    Klopp spotted that Preston centre back who has never kicked a ball for them as well. He also pretty much discovered Thiago. 

  7. 3 hours ago, DurhamMag said:

    One question all Newcastle fans should ask themselves when it comes to the takeover is this..

    If the EPL are as confident as some of the Anti Takeover press seem to indicate then why are they fighting hard to get the CAT case thrown out and asking for extensions to deadlines..

    If there that confident they would be like "Ok bring it on"  

    The CAT case will be crucial and when disclosure is finalised then its going to open a rather large can of worms within the EPL

    You don't seriously need that explaining to you, do you? 

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