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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Issue with the journos is that while all the takeover shite was happening and the years of angst around the previous ownership, club generated clicks were sky high, the journos didn’t need to embellish anything.


    Now that the club is finally being run well. We see all we need to really from either club media accounts or by the football on the pitch. So either side of a transfer window, they’re in a full on drought when it comes to their usual clicks.


    Eddie Howe has said before he sees a future here for Maxi and unless Maxi isn’t happy to play a squad game, I don’t see any reason for him to leave. Why would he abandon CL football?

  2. 6 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:


    I guess there's a line where some performances are unnacceptable. Our 6-1 loss to Leyton Orient comes to mind as one where every fan should have been refunded. 


    Not sure 6-1 away to Newcastle is one of those, but if we hadn't took our foot off the gas at 5-0 it probably would have been. 





    Yeah we could have kept going but the rest of the game was easy, we were able to rest Bruno and Tripps and look towards another busy week or fixtures.


    Honestly think if we were absolutely ruthless we could have scored 8 or 9.

  3. The only things he’s done since signing for us, that through ball for Wilson in his debut.


    And two tackles, then giving it to a midfielder (Bruno) which then led to a goal.


    It’s still early days but like posted above, say we make top 4, we will spend.


    Who has him in the starting 11 then?


    The elephant in the room isn't his ability to be a squad player, it’s his price tag.

  4. He got spanked tactically today and he was let down by a few very sub par performances.


    We didn’t give them the respect they were due and approached the game like any other. When that didn’t work out we looked stunned.


    Now if I thought he wasn’t going to learn from this I’d be concerned, but he’ll hate what happened and will analyse the fuck out of what went wrong.


    It’s also hopefully a lesson into what he needs to bring in this summer I’m terms of midfield, we were overrun today.

  5. I don’t care if he turned us down, he was being advised by a clown to do that.


    Reality will bite here and he’ll begin to start thinking “ooh.. time to start taking this seriously if the career is going to go anywhere”


    PSG was a shiny trophy of a move, a dream for any French kid who probably didn’t or couldn’t see that it’s an absolute poison bowl of overpaid egos. It was a move that was never going to work out, especially when Neymar decided to dig in and stay.


    If he gets rid of said clown and surrounds himself with serious people, his career will turn around am fairly sure and I wouldn’t be opposed to him joining.


    Would also give Maxi someone to play big brother to

  6. Thankfully I don’t think Eddie Howe is as spiteful as we are ?


    He does second chances as proved with Ryan Fraser, but fuck about and find out as he did a second time.


    He won’t hold that grudge against Ekitike, the kid was badly advised and chose a bad move, it was never going to work out given what they already have there.


    If he still fits the overall plan we’ll try again at some point.


    Ekitike, Isak, Gordon could be the fastest front 3 in world football?

  7. He’s already wheeled out several pfm bullshit bingo lines.. “I didn’t expect to solve everything in one day” , “Wednesday will be a completely different game” ?


    It’s almost like they all go on the same Poundland media training course.

  8. Declan Rice and Joelinton in the same midfield would scare the bejesus out of most teams.


    You can tell the last few games we’ve played them that there’s a massive respect between the two as well. Although they sort of play the same position.. maybe Rice a bit deeper.


    He’s definitely got the engine and work rate for Howe.


    Imagine even discussing this a year or so ago….

  9. 19 hours ago, Colos Short and Curlies said:

    Turn the question on its head - would Eddie have been able to do what he has here anywhere else?


    there’s definitely a bit of right man right place right time going on here 

    Absolutely, but that goes for any manager at any club. It has to be a right fit or they simply have to have more cop on not to join clubs at certain times.


    Pep could have taken this job in the middle of the Mike Ashley debacle and we’d have been no better off.. all that would have happened is that his stock would have lowered. Rafa polished that turd as much as possible but I don’t think he’d have improved us with another season. Too toxic.


    When it really works like Howe has here, it’s lightning in a bottle and it must be looked after.

  10. He’s done a great job overall but picking the squad up after a bit of a blip has been very impressive. Season could have easily fizzled out but we’re right in it again now, we look like the 3rd best team in the league right now.

  11. Evan Ferguson another name linked. There’ll be plenty after him. Massive talent.


    18 year old kid basically bullying experienced defenders.. in the right team he could very possibly end up doing Shearer/Kane type numbers. Cut from same cloth and doesn’t look phased at all by the attention.

  12. It’s a rumour that makes absolutely no sense.


    My shit take on this is that it’s pure payback for the Lingard nonsense.


    We’ll string them along letting them think they’ll have 40 million at some point over the summer, in a deal that never materialises. Then we go out and get someone decent.

  13. It’s obviously far too soon to tell if Gordon is going to be a decent or shite signing but facts are that he’s not looked all that amazing so far. Doesn’t mean he won’t, just not right now. But that’s a lot of money spent, if he wished away another 30m+ on a certified dud like McTominay, that would be a lot of negativity from supporters and probably the owners.. I just can’t see him being that stupid.


    Gordon was a punt.. that’s fair enough, but we need to be bringing in players where the stats/data show exactly what we’re getting. Just like when Bruno signed. We knew we were getting a progressive midfielder.

  14. He’s just something different and he’s fairly consistent these days. I think we’re past where we’re comparing players in certain positions, what we had today was good use of the squad.


    He’ll be dependable without ever really taking that big leap in terms of performances, but that’s fine. We need a strong squad and he’s one of those characters who brings positivity and obviously is living the dream playing for the club he supports.

  15. What did he say to Haaland, it was all about to kick off and then Burn said something and you just see the smile creep up on his ugly face ?

  16. It’s always been his decision making or lack of awareness that’s been his downfall.


    I must say I was worried when I saw his name on the team sheet especially against the pace and power of Haaland. But man for man, I’d say that’s one of the few this season who’s really put it up to him, what he lacked in pace, he made up for body positioning and strength, won his headers etc. Both he and Botman were let down by their full backs yesterday.

  17. Fuck Pep, all that praise when he wins is so disingenuous, it’s all mind games to keep the pressure on the manager and players.


    You measure them as people when things aren’t going on and how they treat others, including journalists.. both him and Klopp are seriously lacking there.

  18. Isak isn’t going to get match fit without playing full matches. Unless they have a genuine concern that he’s going to get injured again.


    Think this spell is going to be tougher for Howe to get out of than escaping relegation to be honest. He’s made a few bad calls in recent weeks and I hate thinking that way because he’s been superb since arriving.


    Since January we’ve been on a decline. Now either we were much better before that point or probably more likely the other teams around us were worse and have improved significantly.


    So essentially there’s two paths of thinking, he’s either been doing the great job everyone has been saying but then recently has lost the edge a bit OR, his praise has been something of a false economy and essentially our dip/slide down the table is where we should be.


    It’s hard to accept that we could finish 7th or 8th after the season we’ve been having so I think Howe has to accept his part in that. Nobody has been forcing him to play out of form players.

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