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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. I think Howe had to come out and give some praise as Lascelles has pretty much been emasculated over the last season in keeping the token role of club captain when we all know Tripps is that person.


    Like the player must know he’s on the absolute fringes in terms of team selection. Don’t get me wrong, he did well last season when he came on those few times but overall he’s playing a totally different sport to what the newcomers are playing.


    He’s a top pro though and nobody can ever question his commitment to the club.. I just feel it’s all a bit sentimental when we could be getting 8-10 million for the lad.

  2. 8 hours ago, sushimonster85 said:

    Jesus Christ, can't we have this thread descend into endless Jennifer Aniston pics like the good old days (2 months ago)?

    I read once that she had a nipple tweaker in her employ when they were making “Friends”

  3. I think there’s a place to love the player but also acknowledge that he could be frustrating for the majority of the time.


    The frustration is because we know what he could do and we have a high expectation of him.. well more wanting him to have that for himself.


    Ultimately I think he’s a very good footballer trapped in the body of a rugby league player. The work rate expected of him is going to continually lead to injuries, for that reason he’s not reliable.. an average season for him is 25 games.


    In terms of end product we have most definitely upgraded but I’m still sad to see him go.

  4. 30m is not great business for someone of his talent. But I don’t think the club are being straight up about FFP.. I just don’t think Howe rates him for the style he wants us to play and can use it as an excuse to flog.

    So Maxi for Barnes is a straight swap pretty much.


    Not too happy about this one.. love Maxi 



  5. 20 minutes ago, Scotty66 said:

    I like how he's blocked one of his split personality accounts so he can get the screenshot. 


    Retweeting yourself and blocking yourself is some feat. 




    deranged behaviour.

  6. 35 minutes ago, JLC said:

    Aye. Posting under a different tag here though. Skunkers was the nonpareil of message boards. In a time before twitter etc. It's good that some boards have survived

    Not a place for those of thin skin ?

  7. Go on YouTube and click English subtitles.. he goes on to say that last season was good.. but the aim is to try and win something this year. He was just complimentary about Man City which is fair enough.


    Also singles out Eddie Howe for changing up Joelinton’s fortunes after Schär got sent off. He says the way it was handled and how he was coached into the role was the best thing that ever happened to him.


    He loves it here, even made reference to the fat lads with nufc tattooed on the bellies ?

  8. I know he’s highly rated but can’t say I’ve paid that much attention to him.. I remember us being interested last summer. I think Eddie Howe has probably made a decision to upgrade on Maxi quite some time ago.. whether he stays on or not is very much up in the air.


    Just watched his YouTube compilation.. the lad can finish!

    Now that on its own creates a whole host of options.. with Maxi he’s going to miss 80% of the time (I’m sure someone has his shots to goals conversion %?) .. he’s just got that wild card element.


    Barnes is a genuine goal threat which means he’ll be taking attention off Wilson or Isak.. and he’s far more likely to play a key pass than Maxi.


    Its a sensible transfer if it happens.

  9. Am starting to think we may well be done in terms of major signings.


    In attack we were great last season, at the back even better and we were pretty good in midfield too.. that’s now been elevated which is going to have a knock on effect of raising the game of everyone on the pitch.


    Why dismantle and change up a side that have gelled pretty well up front. If ASM is staying, we need backup for him, not someone new to take his place.


    For what it’s worth, I think we start Tonali, Bruno & Longstaff in midfield and play Joelinton forward left. Gordon/Miggy forward right and Isak and Wilson to battle it out for the starting spot. They could get 20 goals each potentially.


    We’re in bloody good shape like.

  10. If we aren’t in for a player and he goes somewhere else, how can we even be remotely invested in it.


    Something like that kid that went to PSG, that’s different as was a snub.


    We’re far too easily led by journos.

  11. You have to be pragmatic about what we actually need. We had the best defence in the league, no reason to think it’s been found out. We needed some extra bite in midfield and someone other than Bruno that could read the game well and break up play, pick the simple pass etc. We’ve done that. Tonali gives us extra control there.


    Isak, Wilson, Gordon, Miggy, ASM, and Murphy will get enough goals. It’s not super important to buy in this area but if we do, we need to buy a clear upgrade.

  12. 1 minute ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

    Some people really do struggle with rejection (or apparent rejection)


    Maddison is a quality player that would have been a good signing for us, I've no doubt he could have adapted to us and been an asset


    That said I'm not overly bothered, simply because there are lots of good footballers out there and I trust the club to sign good players 





    Whoever said he’s this years Paqueta is right..  but it was same last summer as well, we weren’t in for him either. We all just ran with a rumour.


    I have full faith in the clubs strategy.

  13. Really not disappointed at all about this, I’m all for replacing current members of our starting 11 with players who can do all of what they do and more.


    Maddison was not that. He’s a luxury player and yeah he’ll get some assists and goals but any midfield he plays in imho, there’s a weakness exposed and I’m glad it’s not going to be at our expense.

  14. My preference would be to relocate temporarily while SJP is demolished and rebuilt. I have an image of it in my head.. an exterior made of stone, something that will be there for centuries, not unlike the colosseum, with a modern interior. Go slightly into Leazes Park to protect the Terrace




    Go big with capacity.. 80k, we’d sell the seats no bother. More chance of getting Jennifer Lawrence into my bed than a new season ticket currently.

  15. He’s far better than Shelvey, I’d have said before that he had a good attitude but he really did fuck all to drag his team to better things last season. He was as culpable as any of the others.. I’m not sure I want that.. great when things are good but goes missing when facing adversity etc.


    I think he’d need a full season to reach the fitness levels required for our squad, bit like Gordon (except he’s a much better athlete)

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