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Posts posted by OpenC

  1. On 25/05/2024 at 01:10, duo said:

    Am I the only one who thinks this looks awful? Got admit was expecting better..




    As it happens, that's almost exactly what a brand new stadium down in the abandoned industrial estates near Railway Street would look like

  2. Any other Northern League Division 2 fans? I'll be trying to get to a few aways with Alnwick next season although I'm sure it's going to be a bruising campaign :)

  3. At Morpeth tonight for Northern Alliance League Cup final, Alnwick Ponteland. Ponteland two for two in meetings so far this season. Nice setup at Morpeth, they've really come on recently.

  4. 8 minutes ago, r0cafella said:

    By what metric do we have one of the best stadiums in the world? Genuinely curious. 


    Well that's the thing, isn't it?  Some things you can't put a numeric value on.  I could name you half a dozen stadiums which have better metrics (be that more seats, bigger pitch access for getting stage sets in, better transport network, catchment area not interrupted by North Sea, whatever) that I wouldn't want to call Newcastle's home in favour of what we have now.


    SJP's location, its history, what it represents to what's always been a one-club city, are all important to a lot of us.  Opposition fans appear to enjoy visiting it and want to come here at least partially because of it.  If it was a shit tip with zero value the owners wouldn't have come out in support of staying there, presumably.

  5. 12 hours ago, Dr.Spaceman said:

    I think we need to help people understand that we're not going to be leaving SJP for a bigger version of The Riverside or St Mary's. It will literally be one of the greatest football stadiums in the world, built with an effectively unlimited budget, potentially invigorating a dead area of the town.


    Why would you not want that [emoji38]


    We've already got one of the greatest football stadiums in the world, that the owners appear to value as such themselves. 


    "Potential invigoration" is not a particularly appealing gamble for some of us when the aforementioned dead area of town is literally a falling apart industrial estate, and will likely continue to be.  Would you say the area around the stadium of light has been "invigorated" by people flocking to the area enough to support a full time business?  Ours would look the same unless PIF are buying 20 square miles of quayside and putting in all the shops and cafes and bars that people are imagining will spring out of nothingness for the one or two days a fortnight the area gets used.  I just don't see how a football stadium supports a non-viable part of town on its own.  Is it the go-karts, Spice Girls gigs and NFL again that are going to do it?

  6. East Stand needs to be made the home of corporate and of the television cameras. It's a great view, and the cameras will be looking at the three other gigantic stands rather than the little one. Posh folk will feel right at home going in from Leazes Terrace

  7. This seems the most appropriate place to post it; not sure if people are already generally aware but this summer's Berwick Charities Cup now well underway. I make no claim about the standard of the football since a lot of beer appears to be involved but plenty of players of reasonable nonleague standard playing and the ground (The Stanks) beautifully nestled into Berwick Town Walls, it's a pretty unique experience :)


    Matches on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday until the end of July. Details on Facebook, they apparently kick off  seven on weekdays and half six Saturdays (also four on Saturdays if there are two games).


    Presumably for a good cause although I haven't looked. Worth a look if you're in the area or fancy a day out topped off with a very different football day. I'll post some more pictures in the photo thread later but a couple here to demonstrate the feel of the place :)





  8. It's an unusual position to be in for fans of higher level football teams, to just be able to jettison half the squad and replace it with literally anybody who's prepared to come. Will always provoke a mixed reaction I suppose. I understand why they want to get to the top ASAP but for me it makes following the team pretty soulless and hollow, and if I'm honest it makes part of me a little bit glad that we can't just do the same with the men's team.


    Whatever my personal feelings about this way of doing things, I genuinely hope the lasses go on to be absolute world beaters and some of them end up in the England setup, I really do :) would love them to be the best team in the country and to be playing at SJP in front of an adoring crowd :)

  9. A few of those girls were already basically frozen out (or never got a chance) to be fair, but it leaves the squad really short in a few areas (up front notably, although I feel like most goals came from midfield). Interesting to see what happens. Money talks, big contracts and good crowds and the promise of bigger and better things to come.


    Like I said a few weeks ago, the whole buying success thing leaves me a bit cold so I probably won't be going next season, but good luck to them :) I've had my eyes opened this season and I would still urge any waverers to get themselves down to KP, it's a great day :)

  10. 16 minutes ago, Bally21 said:

    Definitely - solve the Leazes terrace light issue by moving it brick by brick so it sits on top of the roof of this stand - everyone is a winner.


    :lol: great shout tbh, that's the sort of unconventional thinking we need

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