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Posts posted by Hovagod

  1. 3 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Unsurprising. Hopefully that puts a pin in that 'we should move to a bigger stadium so more people can afford it' argument. 


  2. 6 minutes ago, Joseph said:

    More likely we turn into a feeder club for them. Clearly a huge change of focus from outward to inward.

    Is there anything on record regards their plans for us, and what happens if those plans change? It seems we have a lot of supporter representatives getting chummy with the face of the ownership, not so many actually asking questions and clarifying their plan here. Should this not be what the Trust are for?

  3. “Not long after, Mike Ashley bought the club, quickly becoming despised by just about everyone, which engendered sympathy and empathy: at some point, fans of every team have hated their owners. The Ashley era became a cause celebre, a 15-year slog to get the noble club of Milburn and Macdonald and Shearer away from the clutches of the Sports Direct magnate and his giant mugs.“


    This is like something you turn a blind eye to when it’s submitted by a Year 8 child

  4. 5 minutes ago, astraguy said:

    Who was the spuds fan on here? how come they still don't have a sponsor for the stadium that seems odd to me because it looks class

    Reading their forum, I was surprised to see so many of them hate the stadium. Really hope whatever happens we stick with SJP

  5. 1 hour ago, Wallsendmag said:

    Going to this but also got tickets for Carlisle v Stockport in the League 2 Play Off Final at Wembley as well. That's a 13.30 KO and we are a 16.30 KO so it's going to be tight I reckon. Think we'll end up leaving the match at Wembley a bit before full time just to ensure we get to Stamford Bridge in time.

    Sounds like a class day. I used to live in Carlisle and was fairly regular there, though find it almost impossible to keep up with anything outside of results when I’m not in the country (though I did watch both games in the semi). Confident of a win on Sunday?

  6. 4 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Is it not a hollow gesture for someone saying they care about  our owners human rights record but then ploughing their money into one of their businesses ?


    Your basically accusing Reuben of being a hypocrite for donating to charity, everyone’s a fucking hypocrite get over yourself man.



    The worst part is the hypocrisy. 

  7. Taylor is from Shields isn’t he? He reminds me so much of the type of canny lads you used to see in the Sundial and Marine on a Sunday night. Podgy fellas, usually a couple of giggling lasses in tow, holding court with a sort of chippy, olde timey vernacular and outlook. For some reason carried themselves as way older than they were. Nice people, but not natural broadcasters. The type of person that would hold up a phone to show you something amusing while you sat with a rigid grin hoping it would all be over quickly. 

    The way he embraces whatever lame meme is doing the rounds- Cans, Mad Dog- is fully on brand for this type of figure. It’s all harmless but it’s also shallow and cast iron insight free. I mean, is it just me that finds it a bit weird that as the host of our most prominent podcast, he doesn’t appear to attend our games? There was one game- Man City, maybe?- that he didn’t even watch on TV. He had better things to do I suppose, and good for him, but if he is not a trained host and is not particularly invested in the club, then why does he have such a plum gig in the first place?


    After we beat them 6-1, I listened to the Spurs podcast. Danny Kelly is not Dick Cavett but the increase in professionalism and quality offered by having an actual broadcaster was noticeable. He knew when to bring people in, he knew what angles to explore, he knew how to keep the show going. These things look easy, which is why every human in the world now hosts a podcast or has a YouTube channel, but they’re not and the listening experience is greatly improved by having somebody who is trained to do them. 

    Caulkin is just not funny. It is not a crime to not be funny, unless one attempts to be- and he does, with punishing regularity. 

  8. Just now, LFEE said:

    Away games. Put on a coach with guaranteed match tickets. Few years under Ashley and you’d be laughing depending on your markup.

    Anybody who wanted away tickets could have had them too, they all went on general sale

  9. 16 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

    7pages and 132posts in less than 3hours on a non-existent rivalry,  a club that hasn't existed for a year and a half and one they don't care about.


    On the topic of a speculated new shirt sponsorship deal

  10. 5 hours ago, Ronson333 said:

    Does this guy do it for Man Utd and Liverpool too ? Or is he only xenophobic?




    Pretty sure he does have a go at both of them, yeah.


    pointless getting annoyed about this. It’s the deal we have made. 

  11. 7 hours ago, LiquidAK said:


    He must feel like such an idiot. Last year he was a major part of the squad, loved on social media with his little and large routine with BDB, now cast out and missed out on being part of the biggest achievement of his career due to throwing his toys out of the pram.

    Did the full story ever come out? What actually happened?

  12. 8 hours ago, TheInfiniteOdyssey said:

    What is it with this myth propagated by some media figures and publications that Newcastle was some kind of ‘second team’ to other domestic club fans and the club was generally held in high-regard? 

    My lived experience is that due to the inherent tribalism that exists British sporting culture, everyone seemed to laugh at us when we were crap, particularly the relegations. Nobody really liked us. Liked the city of Newcastle perhaps, it’s a great away-day for fans and the people are welcoming. But as an actual club and sporting qualification, just don’t believe there was any kind of outward affection from other parties.

    The ‘high’ expectations and perceived arrogance of Newcastle fans were mockingly discussed, rather than supported.

    It seems like a strange remark associated with overarching criticism of the club’s ownership. Like we hate Saudi ownership especially because we really liked you lot before? 

    Maybe I’ve got it wrong though.

    Nah, you’re spot on mate. I keep making this point about 2009- the entire country was chuffed

  13. For those watching on Bein, it was a beautiful moment when the commentator almost instantly confined the VAR check was done and the goal stood as the celebrations were going on. Little to no delay. 

  14. 9 minutes ago, Hughesy said:

    Still astonished that the job he's done doesn't attract more praise in the press.  I get it - sportswashing etc.  But it is truly astonishing.  It was a miracle we stayed up when he took over.  To then follow that up the next season with a cup final and potentially a top 4 place is staggering.




    I don’t want to be that guy, but this has been especially noticeable on the Totally Football podcast. Whenever our game gets coverage it tends to centre on the failings of the opposition, and there was some posh public school cunt on the other day (they must have a conveyer belt churning out these people that waste daddy’s money and their privileged education on writing and talking about a game) who made two unprompted digs at Howe, talking about finding it amusing when arsenal cheated their way to a win the other week. 

    Now, the house style of the podcast is to be somewhat sardonic but I am not imagining that we are the only team that gets their journalists explicitly saying that they want us to lose games. Something about Millwall smashing Blackburn’s coaches? Better mention the rest of their fans who are great. Man Utd fans campaigning for a ‘full sale’? Somewhat understandable. Racism, financial cheating, managers screaming into the faces of fourth officials, all of these topics get a measure of balance and nuance. Newcastle’s gamesmanship? Objectively bad. 

    The only time Man City’s ownership is mentioned is either alongside ours, or ours are added to the conversation in a general lament for a game that had been going just fine until October 2021. And besides which they never really delve into the ownership too deeply because only one party in the equation actually takes money from sportswashing and it’s not the fans who are paying to watch games.


    We do occasionally get Natalie Gedra saying nice things about our Brazilian players, with her lovely voice and face, but there has otherwise been pretty much zero credit to either our manager or any of our players. Entire game weekends, with us winning by three, four or five, go by with barely a mention. Brentford gifted us, Fulham were down to ten and what on earth were Spurs thinking? 

    It’s all good, though. It was a similar story when we went down in 2009- when the nation’s hatred for us felt at times bizarre and at other times rooted in a very specific geographical agenda. So now we know what it’s like to be shit and hated and mint and hated. And I know which one I prefer. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Armchair Pundit said:

    Thing is, you know that if it was Newcastle that got dicked out of final play-off due to a ref giving an extra, unwarranted 90 seconds after injury time, you'd be raging. I can't help feeling sorry for Peterborough (or at least I will if they lose the pens).

    Shocking that wednesday got away with a straight red in extra time too

  16. 29 minutes ago, BonesJones said:

    Man City won the league last year, and were expected to do the same again.


    Arsenal finished in the top 6, with a good foundation to build on.


    Newcastle finished in the bottom half, with a squad deemed to be full of championship players.


    I struggle to come to any other conclusion but the correct one.

    Eh? We didn’t finish in the bottom half did we?


    sorry- just checked. So we did. Howe out

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