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Posts posted by Oregon_Geordie

  1. 3 minutes ago, Ghandis Flip-Flop said:

    I enjoy the Longstaff hate, several instances of him falling over should’ve been free kicks like. But aye berate the lad for being fouled ??

    Berate? lol - ffs


    I'm a fan and have actually defended him plenty, but every time he's touched he's like a felled tree. He needs to stay on his feet.


  2. I just got in from work and watched the first half at Lunch. not much between the two teams other than us having our entire spine and most probable CL quality (Isak, Tonali, Botman) out, as well as the entire team shagged. It is what it is, Injuries are looking bleak right now. We definitely need some reinforcements in Jan or our season could fall away. Proud of the lads, they're running on empty...Keep the faith!


  3. 36 minutes ago, midds said:

    Was a routine claim for most PL keepers imo, under minimal pressure. He just got it horribly wrong and it cost us a goal, again imo. He's more than capable of catching that fairly comfortably and stopping the danger at source but he decided to punch it and Wolves were attacking the box again 5 seconds later. 


    I like Pope and he's been largely great but he was at fault tonight. If people are ok with how he dealt with that cross then fair enough


    He punched a wet ball in a crowded area to almost 30 yards out. I'd blame Bruno, Gordon, and Longstaff more for that goal in the next phase of play. All three were poor in their individual and collective attempt to tackle. Then again, they're probably and understandably shattered and running on empty. Pope has been fantastic recently and he did little wrong today in my opinion.

  4. Just now, STM said:

    I thought this was is best game for us. Shocked to see criticism.

    Agree, probably his best game, but needs to toughen up a bit and but his body on the line - should be doing better and blocking that shot.

  5. 1 hour ago, Shearergol said:

    FFS man :lol:


    Can we have Ashley back please?


    I'd hate Ashley back, not sure what your point is.


    Sorry mate, I'll not mention his poor form over the last 18months... maybe 25 was an exaggeration, but his form since last Christmas has been no where near a player with a 100m value...that's facts.


    Not stating to be an expert, it seems like no one can have an opinion on here without ridicule, maybe it's because I'Oregon Geordie', but actually from Newburn and been going to games since 1985...


    I'll retreat to the corridors of silence again... my apologies Shearergol.



  6. 3 hours ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    Not been getting the best out of him at all, especially since the Villa game. Something is just not right with how we're setting up atm but I'm totally unsure as to what it is.


    Our midfield is woefully imbalanced and disconnected. It's neither producing or shielding very well.

    We're one cute ball from being cut wide open and lack any guile in there ourselves.



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