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Posts posted by Oregon_Geordie

  1. Fucking love Eddie! Building quite the squad. For all the money we have, it's down to his appetite, work ethic, and standards that we are where we are. Hope he's here for a very very long time.

    We're very very lucky!

  2. 11 minutes ago, Ando7 said:

    It's true,agreement nearly reached fir Hall,player pushing for move,will be completed in next couple of days ,eddie loves him.



    I do remember thinking he was really impressive when he played us. Other than that, I know little.

    30 is a lot, but in terms of a full-back that Eddie can coach and play for 12-15 years, it's peanuts, really.


    The kid looks like a high-quality progressive ball playing full back. He and Tino - some fullback pairing, exciting thought.


    Let's hope we can get it done. What a window.

  3. 6 hours ago, Deuce said:

    Paying twice as much for Caicedo as we did for Tonali is insane.

    I'd rather have Big Joe over Caicedo, he's clearly highly rated but I've not seen that much from him to warrant half that price.

  4. Unchanged. Agree on it's a free hit - let's fucking have a go at them. They're human and lost a few players recently.

    Rather draw here though and smash the scousers at home - pay back to Klopp for all his whining.


    The video of the Liverpool fans giving our team shit coming off last year should be on repeat pre-game on every screen in St James.

    Hope we make it fucking intense and uncomfortable for that lot.



  5. Wish some would stop looking for a weak link and just trust the manager and his team.


    He's not quite firing on all cylinders but he's doing well, and he's surrounded by better players now also.

    He stood out like a sore thumb when he arrived.


    Just fucking enjoy it, players have lulls in form. He's still loving it here, look at his fucking celebration and hair ffs.




  6. 16 minutes ago, Astroblack said:

    Great performance today. Like I said before, I'd have him as my starting left attacker for the next two, three, maybe four seasons. 


    Worst thing to happen is if people get on his back because he doesn't score or assist. That's one part of his game, there's much more. He's a constant menace

    Sub at the least. He sets the tone for much of our press. I'd like us to have another top-quality RW to challenge/rotate, ala Barnes & Gordon.

  7. Just managed to get it here on a VPN. Thought it was great, just nice to see the city I miss so much and decent fans talking sense about it.

    They're never gonna give it all away but just nice to have insight into our club and it running well :) It jumps around a fair bit though...


    Can't seem to please some folk lol. Seans is a good lad too!

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