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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. They’re doing a very good job of denying us space and stopping us playing. It’s frustrating as fuck to watch but fair play to them.
  2. Holmesy

    Joey Barton

    I guess it depends in what capacity he's going into the club. If it's head of performance it makes perfect sense. He's probably as good as anyone in sport at squeezing more performance out of athletes, using data. If it's chief goalkeeping coach, they're absolutely right, but which club is stupid enough to do that?! There are certain areas where I agree a background in the game is essential - case in point, these fucking morons who have never played the game systematically ruining it by implementing refereeing systems and rules that don't work, to justify their existence. As for pundits, i'd far rather watch some of the women than the likes of Merson, Clinton Morrison or God forbid, Bruce - a proven failure with no tactical knowledge at all, giving his opinion on Pep's team setup. Fucking chancers!
  3. Rashford was fucking disgraceful tonight. My Man Utd supporting mate can’t stand him and I can see why after tonight. Toys out of the pram, no effort, no heart, no desire. Embarrassing!
  4. Holmesy

    Fabian Schär

    One of the most underrated CBs the Premier League has ever had IMO. I can’t remember watching another CB in my lifetime who is as good at going forward as him, as good at long range passing as him, as good at striking a ball as him, and then add to all that his brilliant defending. He’s a class act!
  5. Man Utd are shit! They’re there for the taking if we could just get our shooting sorted
  6. The only way Tino can avoid that completely is to have his hands behind his back. If defenders are defending with their hands behind their backs, something is very broken. Why are none of these arseholes looking at this situation and thinking 'lads, we've fucked up massively here'. They are literally ruining football for the players, managers and fans. It's fucking criminal what's going on. Deliberate handball worked for 80 years or more. This whole silhouette bullshit makes no sense. Go back to what worked and stop fucking up the game FFS!
  7. Do people really watch cunts like this?! What an irritating prick!
  8. What is wrong with Joelinton’s head?! We should be getting it checked out really, it’s triangle shaped or something. Get the doctors to take a look
  9. Totally forgot he was on tbh. It’s almost like he was finished as a PL player 3 years ago
  10. Fuck me, I just saw us do some football there lads.
  11. He keeps doing the first thing brilliantly and then fucking up the next. His passing has been shocking
  12. Should’ve brought Tino on when Miggy went off. Ritchie is going to give us nothing
  13. We won the ball three times in that move and gave it back to them each time! Fucking useless defending!
  14. It's not just a potential leg breaker, its a potential career ender. Coming in from that height, with that velocity is going to shatter someone's leg, not just snap it. It's a sickening challenge. I can't believe more hasn't been made of it tbh
  15. I'm not sure it's worse than "cum on you Spurs" or even "when the Spurs go marching in" but it is wank. Typically generic London shite
  16. We look so much more balanced with a proper mobile fullback on both sides.
  17. Wolves’ assistant manager looks like a fat Eddie Howe!
  18. We’re gonna lose this game if we don’t wake up
  19. Holmesy

    Fabian Schär

    Irreplaceable! Gonna be devastated when he retires. What a player!
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