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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. Pretty wise move targeting more players from Italy to help Tonali settle. I’m sure the relationship between Bruno and Joelinton is one of the reasons Bruno settled so quickly.
  2. Classy as fuck midfield if we sign this lad. We're going to look like a Ferrari with pram wheels if we don't get some matching class out wide though. I love Almiron and Murphy to bits, but they're hardly going to frighten Europe's elite
  3. Remember when we were told Botman preferred AC Milan and didn't want to move here etc.?! Just clickbait merchants trying to justify their dwindling existence. I think you can count on one hand the number of 'journalists' who really know anything
  4. Not sure how happy I’d be knowing I was a depth piece ?
  5. Who was the last top class Italian to move to the PL in their prime? It barely ever happens - they tend to stay put. For that reason I can’t see it happening.
  6. True but Ashley is so thin skinned he’d probably still try and take legal action. Who knows what the detail of the agreement are. Maybe we’ll see them chucking darts at a cut out of Ashley’s face in the board room. Fingers crossed!
  7. Jesus they're insufferable. Proper little victims
  8. One is shit and the other is a permacrock. Let's hope they both do go away eventually
  9. We should sign Maguire, Martial and Dalot while we're at it. Who else can't get in their first team, there must be others?
  10. Watching the Brighton v City game and Cole Palmer is so impressive! Plays left wing and he’s 21 - not yet a first team regular, so time to move on?
  11. Look at what we have with Trippier on the other side. Now imagine that on the left as well. Once we have a mobile, technically-gifted left back with pace we'll realise how limited we've been with Burn playing there. All credit to him for what he's done but I want a proper modern full back doing proper modern full back things, not a CB filling in
  12. I'm sure the neglect will come across loud and clear but Ashley made the new owners sign an agreement that they wouldn't criticise him/his reign
  13. There still seems to be quite a lot of value in the French market. It's when they leave France, have one good season in Germany, Holland, Italy or Spain that their pricetag rockets.
  14. They'll have to edit out any criticism of Ashley and his poundshop approach, which is a shame really. Hopefully they'll be able to allude to it without incurring legal action from the fat prick
  15. Holmesy

    Alexander Isak

    Also fits into the Will Grigg song - Isak's on fire.............
  16. Perfect time to bring ASM on. No time to waste!
  17. When were Everton successful though? Certainly not in the modern era. 80s was it? 40 years ago, and what since? That's not to say we've had success but we have contributed to the league significantly. We've impacted title races and European competition etc. They need to go down, have a reset and come back as something other than a place filler
  18. In all the time i've been watching the Premier League, Everton have never done or been anything other than a team that exists. Rooney was a very brief highlight and the team that contained Peinnar and Cahill was good to watch but that's it, in what, 30 years. Even when we were shit there was always chaos, entertainment, players who did some thing a little different, mental decisions that were gut wrenching to see as a fan, but at least they provided entertainment for the league and other supporters. Everton are just a dull nothing team that never do anything. I would love to see them go down just so another team has the opportunity to actually make some sort of impact.
  19. Whoever suggested Bamford needs to get in the sea. He's absolutely fucking terrible. He's a 1 in 8/9 Championship striker at best. That team under Bielsa created so many chances that it masked Bamford's wastefulness. Leeds would probably be staying up this season if Bamford hadn't fluffed so many guilt edge chances.
  20. This guy man! Absolute hero!
  21. Mental! Thank God football expert and all round in-depth analyst Clinton Morrison was there to pick it apart for us. Such incredible insight!
  22. They’ve only spent a billions pounds. I’d take second place
  23. Holmesy


    Thought he was gonna kill Caciedo at that set piece.
  24. Never gonna beat Dan Burn, he’s from Blythe!
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