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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. Almiron, Targett, Murphy, Lascelles, Krafth. All need upgrading significantly.
  2. I don't think any of us believe Hall is ready yet, but it wouldn't be a like-for-like swap and it wouldn't be a tactical one either. It would be because certain players are clearly knackered and not performing to the high standards they've set, as a result. So give them a rest and accept that for one game we'll be weaker in that position from a skillset POV but better off in fitness. And then in subsequent games we'll have our best player/s back to near full strength. Injuries have robbed us of most rotation options, but even in the positions where we have cover, the manager won't rotate and it has blatantly cost us goals.
  3. In hindsight though, starting Trippier against Everton was a bad decision (or at least leaving him on as long as he did). Would Krafth have faired any worse?
  4. Midfield forward he doesn't, but he has three alternative fullbacks on the bench and has done for weeks. That's what myself and others are getting at. We've been calling for Trippier to be given a rest because he's vital to our play, he hasn't been and he's been individually responsible for probably 4 of the recent 7 goals we've conceded. No one is getting on his case, everyone is just shouting 'fatigue' but he continues to start every game and normally sees out 90 minutes, which means he'll be constantly fatigued. It doesn't make a lot of sense.
  5. I disagree strongly. Have a look back to some of the posts over the week, some of which were objective but still got shouted down. The only areas we have options to rotate at the moment is fullback really. And given how essential Trippier is to our attacking play, and how much work he is asked to do, I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest resting him might've been sensible. We've certainly been less intense in our pressing but other than that I haven't seen any other tactical tweaks. Have you?
  6. A lot of people on here seem very reluctant to question anything about EH, his tactics, his approach, and anyone that does gets pelters for it. I don't want to be part of a forum where you can only express certain things with one line of opinion. It sounds crap! He's an incredible manager with the mindset and character to get even better, but he cannot be completely beyond reproach. Legitimate criticisms: We absolutely do not have a plan B. If your plan A is totally ineffective when your players are fatigued (everyone's favourite word), have a Plan B that conserves what energy they do have. He's more than tactically astute enough to come up with one. Sit deeper, sit tighter, play on the counter. Just do something different from a tactical and game management point of view because it's clear this fatigue will be a recurring theme all season. And there is a risk of it becoming an excuse. We've been caught out a few times from our own attacking set pieces. One shit Trippier delivery led to an overloaded counter attack that resulted in a goal. It almost happened again yesterday, but for a Lascelles rugby tackle. Have more men back so this doesn't happen. This is absolutely something the manager can control. There is statistically a 2% chance of scoring from a corner in the PL. It doesn't make sense to take the risk of having minimal players back. Rotate players. You might not rate them but it gives the players you do rate a chance to recover, so they can effectively execute plan A. Now they've played another two games in a week and they'll be dead on their feet against Milan. I'm sure he has his reasons but we've been thumped two games running. Whatever those reasons were look a bit short sighted now. I understand people are protective of the manager, but some of these things are obvious. He has so much leeway in the bank it's untrue and no one in their right mind would want him gone, but that doesn't mean everything he is doing is right and everything we are seeing is wrong.
  7. If he was going to make any changes to the way he does things, he’s have rotated against Everton. Instead, same knackered 11 game in, game out. Maybe he’ll surprise us all and make some changes at half time. But I wouldn’t be putting any money on it. Subs on 75 mins as usual I’m guessing
  8. I don’t think Krafth is any worse than Trippier defensively and he’s much much fresher. Just give Trips a rest FFS! Ritchie needs to never play another game for us again though.
  9. I’m starting to really dislike Almiron again. His decision making is absolutely woeful. I know we don’t have anyone else at the moment but fuck me, it’s infuriating how thick he is.
  10. Of course not ? As I said in my previous post, hindsight is a wonderful thing. But I’ve posted on here a number of times about Eddie’s stubbornness when it comes to swapping players out - particularly Dan Burn when he was going through a dodgy patch but still being picked every game. It just seems like an obvious thing to do when we’re stripped bare by injuries and playing every 3 days doesn’t it? That’s not rhetorical, I can’t be the only one who thinks it’s logical to rest players when you can, surely? And honestly, I think Eddie has enough good will in the bank that if he came out and said ‘we’re rotating the squad to give certain players a well earned rest’ and then we lost, most would be understanding and reasonable about it.
  11. From the start IMO. I know he’s not one for needlessly rotating the squad, but I think steadfastly sticking with same players game in, game out when we have such a relentless calendar could come back to bite us, and potentially did tonight. As everyone on here is at pains to point out, the players are knackered. It’s a risk to keep playing them, just as it’s a perceived risk to rotate them, but realistically which is the better option?
  12. I totally agree with him as well, I think Hall has looked poor. But isn’t it better to risk putting him, Dummett, Krafth in and resting others for the Spurs game rather than further tiring them and risk losing both games or worse, picking up more injuries? It’s a weird one, I don’t want to question his judgement but it does feel like poor squad management in a period of so many games.
  13. Fullback is literally the only position at the moment where he doesn’t have to. I know Krafth and Hall are significant steps down, and the benefit of hindsight and all that, but what is the point of having players available who can step in when others are clearly knackered, and not using them?!
  14. That’s quite the leap! I didn’t mention anything about there being no link. Performance-wise I was talking about Miggy’s shit finishing, Gordon’s criminal finishing, Dubravka making Onana look world class etc. Maybe some of that is down to fatigue as well, who knows?! The poor general play and defensive slips, yeah absolutely.
  15. It’s not the result, it’s the fucking awful performance.
  16. Mistakes happen, that’s fine. But fluffing massive chances over and over again isn’t, ever! Our finishing has been awful
  17. Gordon taking it easy on his own team!
  18. Shit, is that right?! Every time I see them they seem to be shipping goals. It must be that run of 10 wins on the spin that helped their goal difference.
  19. Spurs will be wide open at the back though. They might score a few but they concede for fun as well
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