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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. Oldest trick in the book. Talentless dickheads have been keeping themselves relevant for decades by spouting vile antagonistic shit. If people just ignored it they’d have to stop. It’s the reactions that create news that create relevance that create income. Hopkins, Farage, Price, Tate etc. People just play right into their hands
  2. There are one or two that have been mentioned, that went over there and aren't getting a game - doesn't bode well really. One was a mid-20s Portuguese right winger if i remember correctly?
  3. When was the last time we dipped into the Championship or below to pick up some talent? It feels like it's been a long time. I don't think Livramento counts
  4. Peak Dortmund Sancho would improve any team, but i'm pretty sure he'd fail our background and personality check within the first two minutes. By all accounts he's a total c**t. Olise on the other hand would be worth breaking the bank for. What would he likely cost? £60m?
  5. It's looking really unlikely isn't it. Loans without an option to buy aren't very attractive and loans with options to buy are difficult to arrange for players we actually want to keep. Is it even possible to find funds within the confines of FFP even if we wanted to bring a transfer forward from the summer? There don't seem to be any rumours about us selling players, so I think it's going to be tumbleweeds throughout January. Going into the second half of the season with this threadbare squad, no new additions and Almiron playing every game doesn't scream European football though.
  6. You can add Almiron to the Longstaff pile as well. He's arguably worse at it than anyone else
  7. Very similar to Grealish - he was the most fouled player in the league for a couple of seasons I think, but he buys a lot of fouls by being clever with his body positioning, slowing down at just the right moment to invite contact and, for want of better words, falling convincingly. It's a skill of the 'dark arts' of football, which is sad to say but some players just do it much better than others.
  8. He's also a red card waiting to happen every time i watch him play. Doesn't seem like an EH signing at all.
  9. Holmesy

    Miguel Almirón

    Palmer was the big one for me - Northern lad, proven quality, can play in a number of positions (all of which we're crying out for), young and only £40m-ish. He would have been a transformational signing.
  10. Surely selling Botman over Bruno makes more sense?! Quality game-running central midfielders are like rocking horse shit. Quality CBs are nowhere near as difficult to find. Lascelles came in and did a half decent job in Botman’s absence. It’s not like we fell apart after the Botman injury. Bruno goes down and we really are fucked!
  11. Has anyone mentioned Jack Wilshere?
  12. I agree about replacing him. I just don’t see anyone out there that I would either want, or would like from a human perspective as much as Eddie. After enduring terminal pricks like Carver, Pardew and Bruce, EH is the perfect tonic.
  13. Holmesy

    Lewis Hall

    He looks delighted about it
  14. You surely can’t expect people to come on here after a series of shocking performances and be totally calm and objective?! I think your point is valid but football is a massively emotional sport to follow and we all care deeply about the club. We need somewhere to vent, the more mature among us and the rabid weirdos. My opinion is that those calling for EH to be sacked are morons, but theirs is probably that I’m an old dickhead. I’m alright with that. The one thing that I think most of us agree on is that EH did a phenomenal job last season but he is rightly being criticised for some poor management this season. Hopefully he’s given time to put it right and hopefully he has the ability to do that.
  15. You didn't actually fully tidy it to be fair. Fully tidied!
  16. Ah, ok. I haven't seen any of it. I'm sure the Commercial Director (who seems very smart) and his team understand that the ones who shout loudest on social media are usually brain dead. I don't think the club is going to sack EH because a handful of drooling, online degenerates
  17. How are they damaging the club? All they're doing is riling up people on a football forum
  18. In your opinion....
  19. I largely agree with the sentiment of your post, but if we keep criticising people voicing their opinions on a football forum, we're going down a really shit path. You've got to take the rough with the smooth, as difficult as it can be sometimes to bite your lip and ignore them. Even the most moronic people are entitled to their opinions - it's what keeps this place and others like it interesting
  20. I totally agree. I know there's a lot of love for Burn at the club and among the fanbase but i've never been convinced. I guess Almiron earned himself another shot after last season but it was a huge gamble. One purple patch in what, 3 years?
  21. I think that's where EH has earned the leeway. Look at our performances this season and it's easy to see who the weak links are in the squad. And yet last season every player was exceptional, performing well above levels we thought they were capable of. Based on the quality of our squad, we had no right to make it into the Champions League. It was a monumental achievement. The likes of Longstaff, Burn and Almiron are arguably lower to mid-table PL players and they are performing to those levels this season. Last season they all tore up trees (maybe that's over-selling Burn a bit tbf ). Longstaff's replacement, a young, dynamic Italy international isn't available. Burn's long term replacement is totally unfancied by the management team and Almiron's has a life threatening toe injury. I remain critical of what EH and JT are doing this season. We should be doing better and our performances are awful, but trying to manage a season with sub-par, very tired players who are now performing to their actual levels and who massively overachieved last season is making the situation look and feel a lot worse than it probably is
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