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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Everton to win and O2.5 in the game - 11/8

    Everton -1 - 6/4

    Everton to be leading after 30 minutes - 13/8

    Schär to get booked - 13/8


    Build your odds:

    Everton -1

    Everton to score 2 or more

    Schär to get booked

    Everton 5 or more corners

    Rodriguez to have at least 1 SOT




    Anything I’ve missed during a Bruceball masterclass? :lol:

  2. It’s a positive article, but it even indicates the positivity is coming from the buyers, again.


    Bein Jacobs is more positive, but also realistic that relations in KSA/Qatar are likely to take a long time to resolve.


    There is nothing to suggest this is close, sadly. The managerial changes and potential shift with Bruce to DOF suggests the complete opposite.


    Maybe it will happen, one day. But I’m tired of it all now and just want a resolution so I can either fuck it off for good or enjoy my football club again. The constant media articles/tweets/ITK rehashing the same meaningless guff with no real news needs to change into some form of action.

  3. He shouldn’t be anywhere near the club.


    Why appoint him as a DOF if a takeover is close? We’re at the end of January, he shouldn’t have any transfers to sanction if we are to be sold before the summer window.


    We’d need to pay him some form of severance to cancel his current contract, we can’t just change his job title. It’d probably cost less to sack him altogether then pay a severance + his DOF wages, agent fees etc. etc.


    Luke Edwards.


    Well, yeah :lol:


    But he gets his lines direct from Bruce and therefore there is probably some truth to it.

  4. He shouldn’t be anywhere near the club.


    Why appoint him as a DOF if a takeover is close? We’re at the end of January, he shouldn’t have any transfers to sanction if we are to be sold before the summer window.


    We’d need to pay him some form of severance to cancel his current contract, we can’t just change his job title. It’d probably cost less to sack him altogether then pay a severance + his DOF wages, agent fees etc. etc.


    West Brom after him (AMN) also. God, if we are actually in for him (as we should be) and he chooses West Brom, I'm not sure another word needs to be said about where we are as a club right now.


    Wouldn't need to relocate really. Leicester not far from Birmingham. Could be a factor.


    Weird of Maitland-Niles to commute from Leicester to London for training.

  6. So of all of the signings we could make, he tried to buy a fucking winger :lol: The one area of the pitch we are well stocked on.


    Interesting how confident Edwards was... egg on his face once again.

  7. I was just looking for an article I remembered about Thauvin and came across this:




    They are at home and you’d expect them to come out' date=' roll their sleeves up and have a right good go.[/quote']


    So then I turned to Google...




    Alan Shearer urges Newcastle United players to roll up their sleeves ahead of 'another' big summer




    You say: 'Come on. What have you got? Show us something that can gives us a bit of belief' date=' a little bit of hope. Roll your sleeves up and have a bit of a scrap[/quote']




    It is all well and good having ability but ability alone in a relegation scrap is not enough. You need characters that are going to fight. You need players that are going to roll up their sleeves and have a right good go. That has not been the case for Newcastle unfortunately.




  8. Bruce looks about as healthy as the pan after a fry-up. Rafa's obviously carrying a bit more than he perhaps should, but clearly isn't the buttery mess his successor is. Imagine being an elite athlete with six packs on your earlobes and getting dictated to by that uninspiring glob.


    I just fail to see how comments like this can be accurate.


    A manager’s waist size has no impact on their ability to manage a football team. Trying to suggest Bruce is a liability because of it, or couldn’t motivate players because of it, is just a bit daft when you consider Rafa.


    So are you Rafa fat, or Bruce fat?




    Neither, thankfully. Although lockdown has taken its toll.

  9. Bruce looks about as healthy as the pan after a fry-up. Rafa's obviously carrying a bit more than he perhaps should, but clearly isn't the buttery mess his successor is. Imagine being an elite athlete with six packs on your earlobes and getting dictated to by that uninspiring glob.


    I just fail to see how comments like this can be accurate.


    A manager’s waist size has no impact on their ability to manage a football team. Trying to suggest Bruce is a liability because of it, or couldn’t motivate players because of it, is just a bit daft when you consider Rafa.

  10. I find the jokes about Bruce’s weight bizarre, considering how much Rafa is loved.


    Laugh about his ugly face, his moron son or his inability to manage a football team.


    It’s about setting an example though, isn’t it. Aside from the fact that he carried his weight differently, would Rafa be standing there, hood up, gut out, and hands in pockets? Would he f***.





  11. I find the jokes about Bruce’s weight bizarre, considering how much Rafa is loved.


    Laugh about his ugly face, his moron son or his inability to manage a football team.

  12. I thought they changed it so it needed to be directly prior to the goal, not 3 or 4 passes before.


    They just seem to make the rules up as they go along now VAR is here. Pissing around with something that wasn’t broken to begin with.

  13. If that is right about KSA still blocking BEIN, then according to Keith yesterday wasn’t that a requirement he felt had to happen for the takeover to be approved?


    Pretty sure he said he was hoping on positive news on this by next week. Doesn’t look like that has happened looking at Ben Jacobs tweets.


    I’ll be pleased when this arbitration is done then we can be done with it once and for all.


    It would have made things a lot "smoother" but it's not dead.


    It could be that now KSA have the ball well and truly in their court and are saying - get the takeover done, and then we'll allow Bein to broadcast.


    That's just pure speculation atm but it's a theory that Jacobs has and imo would be a perfect move. If that is the case we can expect Bein to want this moved along quickly.

    If not then there basically paying the PL to broadcast in KSA, and not actually doing it...


    But wouldn’t this stance prove the PL’s case that PIF have government involvement?


    The Saudi’s can’t say the government would have no control over the club in one breath and then claim allowing the takeover will support a government decision to allow the broadcast of a banned provider.


    How would anyone in PIF influence governmental decisions if they aren’t linked? And vice versa.

  14. Fabianski





    Cresswell/Lewis (under a competent manager)











    I don’t think there is a huge gulf at all. They look better, simply because of the oaf in charge. Our team under Rafa would be competitive against that West Ham team.


    Dunno man, if you're saying Lewis is in the combined team that sounds a bit spurious :lol:.


    Based on his half a season under Bruce, absolutely not.


    But looking at his career to date so far and knowing what he is capable of having seen him play in the PL for Norwich, he absolutely would be under a competent manager. There’s a very good reason why Liverpool were interested in him.


    This sort of proves my general point though. Our players are branded as crap because of the idiot in charge of them. Under a competent manager, the same players would suddenly be seen as good.


    See Almiron & S Longstaff as two clear examples.


    Based on talent, rather than the restrictions of having a shit manager, there is no way West Ham have a ‘way better’ squad.


    Maybe Cresswell is better, I’ll concede that one. But you could also argue Dubravka is better than Fabianski... My point being, if there is so many close discussion points, they don’t have a ‘way better’ squad than us and it probably is just about on par.

  15. Fabianski





    Cresswell/Lewis (under a competent manager)











    I don’t think there is a huge gulf at all. They look better, simply because of the oaf in charge. Our team under Rafa would be competitive against that West Ham team.

  16. I’d have our CBs over theirs.

    Possibly Lewis if he had a competent manager, he was great for Norwich and hasn’t immediately lost his talent.

    Wilson and Antonio are probably comparable.

    Their CMs are obviously better.

    Fornals and Bowen better than ASM/Fraser?



  17. Fair play to Moyes by the way. Thought he was a cert to be sacked early on the way they played against us. Made some cracking signings.


    It should dispel the myth that Bruce isn’t to blame.


    Nobody can tell me West Ham have a significantly better squad than us, I’d say we’re probably on par. One is performing really well, the other an absolute car crash.



  18. Is Ole not just Pardew but managing at a higher level?


    Purple patch, bad patch, purple patch, bad patch... some will last longer than others and he’ll therefore be an absolute god or bucket of piss.


    He’ll never have Man Utd challenging consistently at the top of the league for this reason. They will finish 3rd one season, 5th another, maybe a rogue 2nd or 8th.


    If that’s their ambition now, fair enough. But with the squad they have now (which is the best they’ve had in years) and financial capabilities, they should be challenging for the title every season.

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