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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Just now, Thiago said:

    Have you had an audience with Amanda and Mehrdad?


    I'm not passing comment on the legitimacy of what's discussed or even the power that wields - both are negligible. The point is he has an opportunity to speak to the owners. Whether he uses that time to suggest a new striker or what sandwiches they offer in the platinum club it's still an opportunity the lion share of the fanbase (us included) will never get.


    Things like NUST run on their legitimacy. The second it starts to mirror that shite part of politics the more folk will turn off.



    Not sure what your point is… I couldn’t really care less about “getting an audience with Amanda or Mehrdad”.


    If I was involved in NUST, I still wouldn’t care about that. That’s not what it’s about. It’s about achieving something for the fans and the local community.


    Your post echos what Alex says himself, “ooh look at me, look at me I’ve met Amanda”. Don’t care mate - can you crack on and spend some time doing something productive like distributing that money to local charities?

    Although a Tory tosser like him, using his self-appointed role at NUST to enhance his own business interests, why would he care about helping others?

  2. 2 minutes ago, tgarve said:

    personally think a defender who has spent the majority of his career at championship level is very over hyped . He’s steady- that’s about it and better on the ball than lascelles


    asm puts himself out there , tries things then gets put down for them not coming off some times. People would prefer a team of runners or obertan I’m sure 


    This is such a load of bollocks like :lol: 


    People don’t get on his back because every now and again one of his tricks doesn’t come off.


    People get frustrated when he attempts to take on 3 players in his own half, despite a pass available, and then loses the ball and we concede or are under pressure.


    As everyone acknowledges, he has talent. But he’d be a far better player if he knew when to release the ball and when to try one of his majestic runs.


    Recognising his limitations doesn’t equal wanting Obertan.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Thiago said:

    It's wonderful and I encourage it. 


    I also can see why people questioned Alex's motives. The fact he stepped down and then was reinstated without a vote amid talk of access to the owners etc doesn't enhance the idea of it being a democratic group. I get it, many would do the same when there's a chance to such unfiltered access, but it looks poor. 


    Unfiltered access though, let’s be realistic :lol: Alex thinks he’ll be sat in the Directors Box every game.


    Even the most engaged owner will limit it to a quarterly meeting about what colour to paint the bogs.


    Fan engagement is fine, but the majority of the issues fans raise are a load of bollocks - you only need to look at the forum minutes of most clubs across the country to see that. 


    NUST will at best have such limited impact because of how badly they are run. The fact they’ve still not sorted out the donations for the pledge scheme is shambolic. Couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery.


  4. Mad how anyone thinks that’s even a foul :lol: He literally collapses himself to the floor after taking another step after Cresswell has let go of him.

  5. Referee has been desperate to give anything since it kicked off, brain dead from Cresswell.


    Still hate shite like that, a touch on the arm should never cause someone’s legs to collapse. It’s cheating. If we have to deal with VAR it should be to overturn stuff like that and book Dembele.


    Only way a pull should be given is if it’s exactly that, a pull where you can see momentum has been lost.

  6. 31 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    Would we take Zaha?


    I'm not sure he would want to join mind. And we would likely only match his wages.


    I’d take anyone like that, because we need to think of a squad rather than our first 11. Our squad is atrocious.


    Zaha is better than Matt Ritchie or Jacob Murphy, for example.


    We unfortunately can’t buy 18 players in the summer, but it’s at the stage where pretty much anyone is an improvement on what we’ve got.

  7. 56 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    See they're trying to make out we have not played at the new Wembley because premier league matches don't count [emoji38]


    I bet they think we’re all seething about this too. None of us could possibly contain our anger that the mackems have played there and we haven’t.


    Like the 6 in a row, I doubt I’ll ever recover from it. It takes over my life every day.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    Yes, because at the bottom of the table things can change so quickly, one win can make a huge difference. Had Everton held on to the win or draw last night I would be very confident of us surviving. Last week has gone, it's the current circumstance that matters.


    If we win tomorrow I'll be back to being very confident of us staying up.


    Everton had one win a few weeks ago against us but decided to follow that up with a comprehensive 4-0 bumming by Palace, a defeat at West Ham and last night’s shit show.


    One win isn’t the problem for the teams at the bottom, they need three or four consecutive wins to catch us and that’s never happening.


    For every win they get, they’ll have two or three defeats.

  9. Just now, gjohnson said:

    They've gone full NUFC 2008-2009.

    Thinking a manager change will save them (didn't we have 4 including caretakers that season), with fans thinking they're too good to go down, and big name players playing at the minimum thinking they're too good to go down.


    Think they'll stay up, but it looks so like our 08/09 its almost comical


    Dele Alli to provide their Damien Duff moment on the final day would be delicious.

  10. 15 minutes ago, gbandit said:

    To be honest Grand Old Team absolutely despise all their players apart from the molerat Anthony Gordon, their forum is a great place to spend some time when you need a pick-me-up


    He’s absolutely shite too. Fawning over him simply because he’s “a local lad”.

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