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Everything posted by McDog

  1. WTF is wrong with Dahoud?
  2. Wow, I thought the damn game was tomorrow. Just tuned in. As you gents would say "Howay the lads"
  3. Only way is if his agent watched as shit ton of wages were offered and they are the only team that would do that.
  4. I was in a management video conference this morning and my coworker who was also on the call messages me on Microsoft Teams during the meeting. Baseball and American Football fan who lives in Atlanta: "You the see the Chelsea game last night" Me: "I sure did" Him: "I was there, it was pretty great" Me: "I've watched every single Newcastle game for 2 years". Him: "That guy who used to play for Atlanta scored" Me: "Yea Miggy, he scored a fair amount last year" Him: "That's why he isn't in Atlanta anymore"
  5. Well, you'd think a higher offer would have been accepted and as fun a place as Saudi Arabia must be at night you'd think he'd prefer anything else. That said, it's always possible the fee was lower but the wages way higher so he insisted.
  6. McDog

    Anthony Gordon

    My issue with him last year was his lack of movement at times. Seemed to just stand there on occasion. As Eddie said early "No move no good". That said, I think it was Tripps in an Athletic article that said it will take Sandro a bit to acclimate to Eddies style, similar to Gordon. I'm paraphrasing but I can find the exact quote if needed.
  7. McDog

    Anthony Gordon

    Fair enough, you can ask the question on anything at anytime. Seems early to form a solid opinion is all I'm getting at. Think Big Joe.
  8. McDog

    Anthony Gordon

    Given how long he has been with the squad, seems premature to ask this and yes there was some vitriol that seemed a bit over the top.
  9. McDog

    Lewis Miley

    I assume he came up through the academy. What age did he join?
  10. Didn't seem that bad but then again I didn't get hit.
  11. If it's what I'm thinking, kept it off the end line in spectacular fashion avoiding a corner.
  12. Helluva shift by Gordon in 87f conditions.
  13. Until on camera and wiped out because I'd like watch the US women after this which could be a problem.
  14. I gotta be in a video conference with my boss and my peers in about 12 hours, issues is there IPA's while watching the game.
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