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Everything posted by McDog

  1. No argument here. Neither of the others were great and I would for sure start him ahead of Longstaff.
  2. Yea, I am almost certain the world started before 2011, as did Newcastle.
  3. Off the volley right in the corner, was fantastic to nick the point. That said, I know he loves the theatrics but it sure seemed like he fucked up his hamstring on the late counter attack.
  4. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Wolves really get up the pitch quickly. Newcastle holding their own though.
  6. So will Isak be in the starting eleven? Can't wait for tomorrow, although I guess it's already is tomorrow in England.
  7. I guess they can't get anything for them. If you look at the outgoing income it's nuts. They have received nothing. That isn't sustainable. That's why it's great they are buying sellable assets for the future.
  8. It also makes sense that if they aren't going to pony up some cash they can go fuck themselves.
  9. I remember seeing a video years ago of a I think spanish wedding. One guy in the video is kind of hunched over real still the jumps up and screams "GOOOOOOOOAL" and everyone nearly shit their pants.
  10. McDog

    Alexander Isak

    I just got off an interview with a prospective engineer (He's in the UK) and he noticed the Newcastle scarf on the wall. He said "You guys are going to be good this year".
  11. McDog

    Alexander Isak

    How did that get through QA?
  12. McDog

    Alexander Isak

    Please give the video a like, or don't if you thought it was shite. I like this guy for sure.
  13. That was kinda funny. Darlow must have been "Fuck, gotta save this". Clear the line FFS.
  14. McDog

    Alexander Isak

    Not seeing a second source but it is almost 3am in UK.
  15. McDog

    Alexander Isak

    If he's in England he agreed to terms. Not saying he is but he'd be there for medical and to sign. Not sure I did see a second source.
  16. McDog

    Alexander Isak

    It is but also fair. You splash down that much cash I could see you bowing out of the other target if the Everton bid is true. I'd love to see both then let the window shut and see where the chips fall.
  17. McDog

    Alexander Isak

    Seems like a well grounded fellow. Somebody you can cheer for and really enjoy his success. Seemed the same at least for me with Bruno G.
  18. Big Joe built like a proper brick shithouse. Christ.
  19. As many as they can get in during 9 minutes?
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