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Everything posted by sammynb

  1. sammynb

    Diego Carlos

    He's better than what we've got, quicker too and if the rumours about Burnley are true, and this is just after we paid them 25 million, then they might be more than willing to sell him.
  2. Try cricket or rugby if you want to watch that, fuck the VAR off and just get back to the way it was.
  3. This is a load of crap, unless we spunk 500m in the next week. In the summer there will be new commercial partners worth hundreds of millions, plus the fact Ashley spent nothing for 14 years means the club's books are in great shape regarding the FFP (the fact the club is fucked is irrelevant). The journos know as little as we do.
  4. sammynb

    Diego Carlos

    It was Dembele, unless they were playing each other!?!?
  5. Mmm, we only win the championship.
  6. sammynb

    Diego Carlos

    That was Dembele you bed wetter. Diego just said he doesn't like Carlos and that he is shite.
  7. No doubt an evening of helping Ashley Cole, allegedly, try and retrieve his phone from one of his many orifices probably didn't help her with sensible shoe choices.
  8. FYI busty petite is the winner
  9. I heard he just put a new lock on the shed door!
  10. @andrew are you trying to prove reddit is good for more than r/gonewild?
  11. ASM does himself no favours every time he throws his arms up as he heads towards the turf. Have a look, it just makes it look more like he's trying it on.
  12. Of course you are! Your music post gave you away quicker than Meenzer and a 70s eurovision song.
  13. Oh fuck off! In my defense it is still before 9am here
  14. Wasn't Jimbo emoji the one that ended in blood?
  15. Alright, the special footed titty poster is here!
  16. Thanks R, thought it was you but didn't want to embarrass myself more than the normal amount. I've picked Alex not sure whothefuck cherrytomatoes is as yet? Btw any chance we can get Ciaomanheyman to sign up so we've got the Italian lowdown?!?? And as toonpack says, thank fuck our most knowledgeable poster turned up, good to see you Fish @Diego21.
  17. Vimeo is a bit more tolerant or you could just hoy them up on dropbox or google if you have an account.
  18. Andrew what's the reddit url?
  19. Just for us old dumb colonials can we get a list of the TT members and their old>new usernames please???
  20. I hope so otherwise who am I going to bore with whatever shite I'm currently listening too.
  21. I was just going to lurk but how can I not join up after khay saying he misses me!
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