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Mackems commentary 02-03


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Anyone got it when they thought they scum had scored in the last minute and it was ruled out? All I remember is something like "sit down you idiots, sit down. It doesn't count" :lol:

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That was great. :D  I can remember exactly where I was and sinking to my knees with my head in my hands (not in public thankfully) before hearing "the sunderland fans all around me are going crazy. They think they've scored! They haven't!  SIT DOWN!"

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Legend. Use www.yousendit.com


Sorry nsg...how do i do this  ? ian


Just click on the link mate, and put your file in the link box thingy and it will give you an internet link for it.

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Guest RodrigoPalacio

Has anyone seen that Ladbrokes advert with the ex pro's and Kirsty Gallagher? "Newcastle are you kidding?"


I seen that today during the Man Utd game.  Cany funny like.

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Hi Liam...sorry I cant find a way of getting this to the forum...If you want to email me....I can try to get it to you by way of return mail.


          [email protected]       regards ian...     The commentary is from the Sunderland lot...goes from ecstatic to...well guess!!


PS...the file is a Zip file and very large??...dont know if it will be worth the bother unless there is some trick to it Ian




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