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Platini attacks owners of Man Utd and Liverpool.


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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a w****** as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





Am not being funny, but is it just me or have you managed to change a thread about Platini lambasting foriegn ownership into a personal slanging match about Directors of football? How long did it take for you to think of a way to do this?


I like the way you call out alot of people on this board for not replying to your mails...is that served with a big tablespoon of irony or what?!?



I'll answer what I see mate, as I'm doing now. I apologise if I can't answer everything though, thats because I don't spend half my life here.



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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





I replied to you here, you even quoted it > http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46402.msg1058132#msg1058132


Spurs are not doing too well so they sacked the man responsible, they've still got the same people running the scouting system, a fantastic youth academy who have been snapping up some top talent from the UK and abroad and have just appointed a top coach in Ramos, not to mention they've never been as financially secure with a record turnover.


We can't complain, Allardyce took over a club with one scout, a joke of a youth academy, nearly £100 million in debt and losing on average £1.5 million a month, that doesn't matter though as at least the chairman backed the manager though eh? That's all that matters isn't it? Whether it's Glenn "He knows the area" Roeder, Graeme "Top Boss" Souness and Sam "I've wanted him since Robson" Allardyce, you wanted him since Robson yet 12 games in you're "on the brink of admitting I was wrong about Sam"


With support like you he can't go wrong.


You're right, supporting the club for 43 years, its all been my fault. No doubt you think the last 15 years have been so mediocre, you do nowt else but moan on like a daft little girl. I'd like to know how many games you have seen the toon play Baggy ?


Shame we haven't always had players like your idol Kieron Dyer eh  :idiot2:


and a setup like Spurs  mackems.gif , what a shame they sacked the manager of their foolproof system that couldn't fail, just like I've always told you is what happens.




Where did I say it was foolproof, Jackanory?


More lies from NE5, and you expect us to believe you about "top boss" Souness? mackems.gif



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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?




you mean the shitty forum that you agreed to become a mod on  mackems.gif


Why don't you try and set up a board of your own Baggy, if its so simple, and you're so clever  mackems.gif


I signed up because I felt sorry for you and thought by doing that I wouldn't have you stalking me on this forum like a lovesick teenager.



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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?




you mean the shitty forum that you agreed to become a mod on  mackems.gif


Why don't you try and set up a board of your own Baggy, if its so simple, and you're so clever  mackems.gif


I signed up because I felt sorry for you and thought by doing that I wouldn't have you stalking me on this forum like a lovesick teenager.



aah, poor lad. You mean, because I keep reminding you, and you won't admit that you wasted all that time telling us all about that sooper dooper system at Spurs that guaranteed success has all gone pear shaped ?




Whats your infatuation with Spurs anyway ? How good a supporter of NUFC are you Baggy ?



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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





I replied to you here, you even quoted it > http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46402.msg1058132#msg1058132


Spurs are not doing too well so they sacked the man responsible, they've still got the same people running the scouting system, a fantastic youth academy who have been snapping up some top talent from the UK and abroad and have just appointed a top coach in Ramos, not to mention they've never been as financially secure with a record turnover.


We can't complain, Allardyce took over a club with one scout, a joke of a youth academy, nearly £100 million in debt and losing on average £1.5 million a month, that doesn't matter though as at least the chairman backed the manager though eh? That's all that matters isn't it? Whether it's Glenn "He knows the area" Roeder, Graeme "Top Boss" Souness and Sam "I've wanted him since Robson" Allardyce, you wanted him since Robson yet 12 games in you're "on the brink of admitting I was wrong about Sam"


With support like you he can't go wrong.


You're right, supporting the club for 43 years, its all been my fault. No doubt you think the last 15 years have been so mediocre, you do nowt else but moan on like a daft little girl. I'd like to know how many games you have seen the toon play Baggy ?


Shame we haven't always had players like your idol Kieron Dyer eh  :idiot2:


and a setup like Spurs  mackems.gif , what a shame they sacked the manager of their foolproof system that couldn't fail, just like I've always told you is what happens.




Where did I say it was foolproof, Jackanory?


More lies from NE5, and you expect us to believe you about "top boss" Souness? mackems.gif




As I said Baggy, your chums are lying. They edited that post, just like they edited my avatar, have a look if you don't believe me ? Just like they edited posts and avatars, and posted personal information and photos etc of people like swindonmag, Stevieh84, HTL, to name 3 others. I suppose you are going to say this is also a total fabrication ?


I won't mention what you said about some of them on here and toontastic to me a while back though :smitten:


Who are you going to go sneakily looking up old posts on next I wonder ? Ozzie - like when you sent me the link that I use for my sig that you also found ?



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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?




you mean the shitty forum that you agreed to become a mod on  mackems.gif


Why don't you try and set up a board of your own Baggy, if its so simple, and you're so clever  mackems.gif


I signed up because I felt sorry for you and thought by doing that I wouldn't have you stalking me on this forum like a lovesick teenager.



aah, poor lad. You mean, because I keep reminding you, and you won't admit that you wasted all that time telling us all about that sooper dooper system at Spurs that guaranteed success has all gone pear shaped ?




Whats your infatuation with Spurs anyway ? How good a supporter of NUFC are you Baggy ?




I never said it guarantee's success so why continue to lie?


As for Spurs, I admire their set up and how they've gone about changing the club from top to bottom without having to go into debt, it's better than our 1 scout, awful youth academy, ridiculous wage structure that we couldn't afford, £100 million in debt and losing an average of £1.5 million a month.


You don't understand things like this though so it's wasted on you, back the manager like Shepherd, Ridsdale and Bates did is the way to go.

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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?




you mean the shitty forum that you agreed to become a mod on  mackems.gif


Why don't you try and set up a board of your own Baggy, if its so simple, and you're so clever  mackems.gif


I signed up because I felt sorry for you and thought by doing that I wouldn't have you stalking me on this forum like a lovesick teenager.



aah, poor lad. You mean, because I keep reminding you, and you won't admit that you wasted all that time telling us all about that sooper dooper system at Spurs that guaranteed success has all gone pear shaped ?




Whats your infatuation with Spurs anyway ? How good a supporter of NUFC are you Baggy ?




Low blow imo.  :lol:

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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





I replied to you here, you even quoted it > http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46402.msg1058132#msg1058132


Spurs are not doing too well so they sacked the man responsible, they've still got the same people running the scouting system, a fantastic youth academy who have been snapping up some top talent from the UK and abroad and have just appointed a top coach in Ramos, not to mention they've never been as financially secure with a record turnover.


We can't complain, Allardyce took over a club with one scout, a joke of a youth academy, nearly £100 million in debt and losing on average £1.5 million a month, that doesn't matter though as at least the chairman backed the manager though eh? That's all that matters isn't it? Whether it's Glenn "He knows the area" Roeder, Graeme "Top Boss" Souness and Sam "I've wanted him since Robson" Allardyce, you wanted him since Robson yet 12 games in you're "on the brink of admitting I was wrong about Sam"


With support like you he can't go wrong.


You're right, supporting the club for 43 years, its all been my fault. No doubt you think the last 15 years have been so mediocre, you do nowt else but moan on like a daft little girl. I'd like to know how many games you have seen the toon play Baggy ?


Shame we haven't always had players like your idol Kieron Dyer eh  :idiot2:


and a setup like Spurs  mackems.gif , what a shame they sacked the manager of their foolproof system that couldn't fail, just like I've always told you is what happens.




Where did I say it was foolproof, Jackanory?


More lies from NE5, and you expect us to believe you about "top boss" Souness? mackems.gif




As I said Baggy, your chums are lying. They edited that post, just like they edited my avatar, have a look if you don't believe me ? Just like they edited posts and avatars, and posted personal information and photos etc of people like swindonmag, Stevieh84, HTL, to name 3 others. I suppose you are going to say this is also a total fabrication ?


I won't mention what you said about some of them on here and toontastic to me a while back though :smitten:


Who are you going to go sneakily looking up old posts on next I wonder ? Ozzie - like when you sent me the link that I use for my sig that you also found ?




I haven't said anything about anyone on toontastic, I called Dave a cunt when he was messing around with my uername but that's it.


More lies from you.


Now can you stop stalking me on here please or otherwise I'll have to start doing the same to people on BEBO? :coolsmiley:

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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?




you mean the shitty forum that you agreed to become a mod on  mackems.gif


Why don't you try and set up a board of your own Baggy, if its so simple, and you're so clever  mackems.gif


I signed up because I felt sorry for you and thought by doing that I wouldn't have you stalking me on this forum like a lovesick teenager.



aah, poor lad. You mean, because I keep reminding you, and you won't admit that you wasted all that time telling us all about that sooper dooper system at Spurs that guaranteed success has all gone pear shaped ?




Whats your infatuation with Spurs anyway ? How good a supporter of NUFC are you Baggy ?




Low blow imo.  :lol:


Agreed, our way is much better.


Get loans from the bank that you can't afford to pay back and hope a billionaire buys us out before we go bust. mackems.gif

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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?




you mean the shitty forum that you agreed to become a mod on  mackems.gif


Why don't you try and set up a board of your own Baggy, if its so simple, and you're so clever  mackems.gif


I signed up because I felt sorry for you and thought by doing that I wouldn't have you stalking me on this forum like a lovesick teenager.



aah, poor lad. You mean, because I keep reminding you, and you won't admit that you wasted all that time telling us all about that sooper dooper system at Spurs that guaranteed success has all gone pear shaped ?




Whats your infatuation with Spurs anyway ? How good a supporter of NUFC are you Baggy ?




I never said it guarantee's success so why continue to lie?


As for Spurs, I admire their set up and how they've gone about changing the club from top to bottom without having to go into debt, it's better than our 1 scout, awful youth academy, ridiculous wage structure that we couldn't afford, £100 million in debt and losing an average of £1.5 million a month.


You don't understand things like this though so it's wasted on you, back the manager like Shepherd, Ridsdale and Bates did is the way to go.


Shame, but you wouldn't know a true mediocre board and team if it hits you on the head, I can assure you that you have not seen true mediocrity at Newcastle united during your time supporting the club, if you do, that is, as you are avoiding my question as to how good a supporter you are. How many games have you seen the toon play then Matthew ?


If you want to support a team that puts its finances before true ambition, you should have supported the mackems during the last 15 years.


You won't understand this, but you're just a bairn. Nor will you understand that when the club did things your way, they were a damn sight closer to going bust than now, and they had one foot in the 3rd division. I suppose you think manure are badly run too, now they have debts  mackems.gif Priceless. What a cretin.


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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





I replied to you here, you even quoted it > http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46402.msg1058132#msg1058132


Spurs are not doing too well so they sacked the man responsible, they've still got the same people running the scouting system, a fantastic youth academy who have been snapping up some top talent from the UK and abroad and have just appointed a top coach in Ramos, not to mention they've never been as financially secure with a record turnover.


We can't complain, Allardyce took over a club with one scout, a joke of a youth academy, nearly £100 million in debt and losing on average £1.5 million a month, that doesn't matter though as at least the chairman backed the manager though eh? That's all that matters isn't it? Whether it's Glenn "He knows the area" Roeder, Graeme "Top Boss" Souness and Sam "I've wanted him since Robson" Allardyce, you wanted him since Robson yet 12 games in you're "on the brink of admitting I was wrong about Sam"


With support like you he can't go wrong.


You're right, supporting the club for 43 years, its all been my fault. No doubt you think the last 15 years have been so mediocre, you do nowt else but moan on like a daft little girl. I'd like to know how many games you have seen the toon play Baggy ?


Shame we haven't always had players like your idol Kieron Dyer eh  :idiot2:


and a setup like Spurs  mackems.gif , what a shame they sacked the manager of their foolproof system that couldn't fail, just like I've always told you is what happens.




Where did I say it was foolproof, Jackanory?


More lies from NE5, and you expect us to believe you about "top boss" Souness? mackems.gif




As I said Baggy, your chums are lying. They edited that post, just like they edited my avatar, have a look if you don't believe me ? Just like they edited posts and avatars, and posted personal information and photos etc of people like swindonmag, Stevieh84, HTL, to name 3 others. I suppose you are going to say this is also a total fabrication ?


I won't mention what you said about some of them on here and toontastic to me a while back though :smitten:


Who are you going to go sneakily looking up old posts on next I wonder ? Ozzie - like when you sent me the link that I use for my sig that you also found ?




I haven't said anything about anyone on toontastic, I called Dave a cunt when he was messing around with my uername but that's it.


More lies from you.


Now can you stop stalking me on here please or otherwise I'll have to start doing the same to people on BEBO? :coolsmiley:


meaning what exactly ? Is this another sneaky little remark from you, talking about my daughter ?



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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?




you mean the shitty forum that you agreed to become a mod on  mackems.gif


Why don't you try and set up a board of your own Baggy, if its so simple, and you're so clever  mackems.gif


I signed up because I felt sorry for you and thought by doing that I wouldn't have you stalking me on this forum like a lovesick teenager.



aah, poor lad. You mean, because I keep reminding you, and you won't admit that you wasted all that time telling us all about that sooper dooper system at Spurs that guaranteed success has all gone pear shaped ?




Whats your infatuation with Spurs anyway ? How good a supporter of NUFC are you Baggy ?




I never said it guarantee's success so why continue to lie?


As for Spurs, I admire their set up and how they've gone about changing the club from top to bottom without having to go into debt, it's better than our 1 scout, awful youth academy, ridiculous wage structure that we couldn't afford, £100 million in debt and losing an average of £1.5 million a month.


You don't understand things like this though so it's wasted on you, back the manager like Shepherd, Ridsdale and Bates did is the way to go.


Shame, but you wouldn't know a true mediocre board and team if it hits you on the head, I can assure you that you have not seen true mediocrity at Newcastle united during your time supporting the club, if you do, that is, as you are avoiding my question as to how good a supporter you are. How many games have you seen the toon play then Matthew ?


If you want to support a team that puts its finances before true ambition, you should have supported the mackems during the last 15 years.


You won't understand this, but you're just a bairn.




Just stop following me around you fucking oddball.

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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





I replied to you here, you even quoted it > http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46402.msg1058132#msg1058132


Spurs are not doing too well so they sacked the man responsible, they've still got the same people running the scouting system, a fantastic youth academy who have been snapping up some top talent from the UK and abroad and have just appointed a top coach in Ramos, not to mention they've never been as financially secure with a record turnover.


We can't complain, Allardyce took over a club with one scout, a joke of a youth academy, nearly £100 million in debt and losing on average £1.5 million a month, that doesn't matter though as at least the chairman backed the manager though eh? That's all that matters isn't it? Whether it's Glenn "He knows the area" Roeder, Graeme "Top Boss" Souness and Sam "I've wanted him since Robson" Allardyce, you wanted him since Robson yet 12 games in you're "on the brink of admitting I was wrong about Sam"


With support like you he can't go wrong.


You're right, supporting the club for 43 years, its all been my fault. No doubt you think the last 15 years have been so mediocre, you do nowt else but moan on like a daft little girl. I'd like to know how many games you have seen the toon play Baggy ?


Shame we haven't always had players like your idol Kieron Dyer eh  :idiot2:


and a setup like Spurs  mackems.gif , what a shame they sacked the manager of their foolproof system that couldn't fail, just like I've always told you is what happens.




Where did I say it was foolproof, Jackanory?


More lies from NE5, and you expect us to believe you about "top boss" Souness? mackems.gif




As I said Baggy, your chums are lying. They edited that post, just like they edited my avatar, have a look if you don't believe me ? Just like they edited posts and avatars, and posted personal information and photos etc of people like swindonmag, Stevieh84, HTL, to name 3 others. I suppose you are going to say this is also a total fabrication ?


I won't mention what you said about some of them on here and toontastic to me a while back though :smitten:


Who are you going to go sneakily looking up old posts on next I wonder ? Ozzie - like when you sent me the link that I use for my sig that you also found ?




I haven't said anything about anyone on toontastic, I called Dave a cunt when he was messing around with my uername but that's it.


More lies from you.


Now can you stop stalking me on here please or otherwise I'll have to start doing the same to people on BEBO? :coolsmiley:


meaning what exactly ? Is this another sneaky little remark from you, talking about my daughter ?




Interpret it how you like, now stop following me around the forums.

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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





I replied to you here, you even quoted it > http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46402.msg1058132#msg1058132


Spurs are not doing too well so they sacked the man responsible, they've still got the same people running the scouting system, a fantastic youth academy who have been snapping up some top talent from the UK and abroad and have just appointed a top coach in Ramos, not to mention they've never been as financially secure with a record turnover.


We can't complain, Allardyce took over a club with one scout, a joke of a youth academy, nearly £100 million in debt and losing on average £1.5 million a month, that doesn't matter though as at least the chairman backed the manager though eh? That's all that matters isn't it? Whether it's Glenn "He knows the area" Roeder, Graeme "Top Boss" Souness and Sam "I've wanted him since Robson" Allardyce, you wanted him since Robson yet 12 games in you're "on the brink of admitting I was wrong about Sam"


With support like you he can't go wrong.


You're right, supporting the club for 43 years, its all been my fault. No doubt you think the last 15 years have been so mediocre, you do nowt else but moan on like a daft little girl. I'd like to know how many games you have seen the toon play Baggy ?


Shame we haven't always had players like your idol Kieron Dyer eh  :idiot2:


and a setup like Spurs  mackems.gif , what a shame they sacked the manager of their foolproof system that couldn't fail, just like I've always told you is what happens.




Where did I say it was foolproof, Jackanory?


More lies from NE5, and you expect us to believe you about "top boss" Souness? mackems.gif




As I said Baggy, your chums are lying. They edited that post, just like they edited my avatar, have a look if you don't believe me ? Just like they edited posts and avatars, and posted personal information and photos etc of people like swindonmag, Stevieh84, HTL, to name 3 others. I suppose you are going to say this is also a total fabrication ?


I won't mention what you said about some of them on here and toontastic to me a while back though :smitten:


Who are you going to go sneakily looking up old posts on next I wonder ? Ozzie - like when you sent me the link that I use for my sig that you also found ?




I haven't said anything about anyone on toontastic, I called Dave a cunt when he was messing around with my uername but that's it.


More lies from you.


Now can you stop stalking me on here please or otherwise I'll have to start doing the same to people on BEBO? :coolsmiley:


meaning what exactly ? Is this another sneaky little remark from you, talking about my daughter ?



Interpret it how you like, now stop following me around the forums.


I wouldn't if I was you. Nice little sneaky remark though, show your true colours. You would stalk a teenage girl around message boards would you ?





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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?




you mean the shitty forum that you agreed to become a mod on  mackems.gif


Why don't you try and set up a board of your own Baggy, if its so simple, and you're so clever  mackems.gif


I signed up because I felt sorry for you and thought by doing that I wouldn't have you stalking me on this forum like a lovesick teenager.



aah, poor lad. You mean, because I keep reminding you, and you won't admit that you wasted all that time telling us all about that sooper dooper system at Spurs that guaranteed success has all gone pear shaped ?




Whats your infatuation with Spurs anyway ? How good a supporter of NUFC are you Baggy ?




I never said it guarantee's success so why continue to lie?


As for Spurs, I admire their set up and how they've gone about changing the club from top to bottom without having to go into debt, it's better than our 1 scout, awful youth academy, ridiculous wage structure that we couldn't afford, £100 million in debt and losing an average of £1.5 million a month.


You don't understand things like this though so it's wasted on you, back the manager like Shepherd, Ridsdale and Bates did is the way to go.


Shame, but you wouldn't know a true mediocre board and team if it hits you on the head, I can assure you that you have not seen true mediocrity at Newcastle united during your time supporting the club, if you do, that is, as you are avoiding my question as to how good a supporter you are. How many games have you seen the toon play then Matthew ?


If you want to support a team that puts its finances before true ambition, you should have supported the mackems during the last 15 years.


You won't understand this, but you're just a bairn.




Just stop following me around you fucking oddball.


I bet you haven't seen the toon play, hardly if at all , have you Matthew ? Why don't you reply, it may give some credibility to the fact that you thik you know everything ?

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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





I replied to you here, you even quoted it > http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46402.msg1058132#msg1058132


Spurs are not doing too well so they sacked the man responsible, they've still got the same people running the scouting system, a fantastic youth academy who have been snapping up some top talent from the UK and abroad and have just appointed a top coach in Ramos, not to mention they've never been as financially secure with a record turnover.


We can't complain, Allardyce took over a club with one scout, a joke of a youth academy, nearly £100 million in debt and losing on average £1.5 million a month, that doesn't matter though as at least the chairman backed the manager though eh? That's all that matters isn't it? Whether it's Glenn "He knows the area" Roeder, Graeme "Top Boss" Souness and Sam "I've wanted him since Robson" Allardyce, you wanted him since Robson yet 12 games in you're "on the brink of admitting I was wrong about Sam"


With support like you he can't go wrong.


You're right, supporting the club for 43 years, its all been my fault. No doubt you think the last 15 years have been so mediocre, you do nowt else but moan on like a daft little girl. I'd like to know how many games you have seen the toon play Baggy ?


Shame we haven't always had players like your idol Kieron Dyer eh  :idiot2:


and a setup like Spurs  mackems.gif , what a shame they sacked the manager of their foolproof system that couldn't fail, just like I've always told you is what happens.




Where did I say it was foolproof, Jackanory?


More lies from NE5, and you expect us to believe you about "top boss" Souness? mackems.gif




As I said Baggy, your chums are lying. They edited that post, just like they edited my avatar, have a look if you don't believe me ? Just like they edited posts and avatars, and posted personal information and photos etc of people like swindonmag, Stevieh84, HTL, to name 3 others. I suppose you are going to say this is also a total fabrication ?


I won't mention what you said about some of them on here and toontastic to me a while back though :smitten:


Who are you going to go sneakily looking up old posts on next I wonder ? Ozzie - like when you sent me the link that I use for my sig that you also found ?




I haven't said anything about anyone on toontastic, I called Dave a cunt when he was messing around with my uername but that's it.


More lies from you.


Now can you stop stalking me on here please or otherwise I'll have to start doing the same to people on BEBO? :coolsmiley:


meaning what exactly ? Is this another sneaky little remark from you, talking about my daughter ?



Interpret it how you like, now stop following me around the forums.


I wouldn't if I was you. Nice little sneaky remark though, show your true colours. You would stalk a teenage girl around message boards would you ?






I didn't say that did I? Mind you it would be no different to her half baked dad stalking me around football forums.


Not nice is it?

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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





I replied to you here, you even quoted it > http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46402.msg1058132#msg1058132


Spurs are not doing too well so they sacked the man responsible, they've still got the same people running the scouting system, a fantastic youth academy who have been snapping up some top talent from the UK and abroad and have just appointed a top coach in Ramos, not to mention they've never been as financially secure with a record turnover.


We can't complain, Allardyce took over a club with one scout, a joke of a youth academy, nearly £100 million in debt and losing on average £1.5 million a month, that doesn't matter though as at least the chairman backed the manager though eh? That's all that matters isn't it? Whether it's Glenn "He knows the area" Roeder, Graeme "Top Boss" Souness and Sam "I've wanted him since Robson" Allardyce, you wanted him since Robson yet 12 games in you're "on the brink of admitting I was wrong about Sam"


With support like you he can't go wrong.


You're right, supporting the club for 43 years, its all been my fault. No doubt you think the last 15 years have been so mediocre, you do nowt else but moan on like a daft little girl. I'd like to know how many games you have seen the toon play Baggy ?


Shame we haven't always had players like your idol Kieron Dyer eh  :idiot2:


and a setup like Spurs  mackems.gif , what a shame they sacked the manager of their foolproof system that couldn't fail, just like I've always told you is what happens.




Where did I say it was foolproof, Jackanory?


More lies from NE5, and you expect us to believe you about "top boss" Souness? mackems.gif




As I said Baggy, your chums are lying. They edited that post, just like they edited my avatar, have a look if you don't believe me ? Just like they edited posts and avatars, and posted personal information and photos etc of people like swindonmag, Stevieh84, HTL, to name 3 others. I suppose you are going to say this is also a total fabrication ?


I won't mention what you said about some of them on here and toontastic to me a while back though :smitten:


Who are you going to go sneakily looking up old posts on next I wonder ? Ozzie - like when you sent me the link that I use for my sig that you also found ?




I haven't said anything about anyone on toontastic, I called Dave a cunt when he was messing around with my uername but that's it.


More lies from you.


Now can you stop stalking me on here please or otherwise I'll have to start doing the same to people on BEBO? :coolsmiley:


meaning what exactly ? Is this another sneaky little remark from you, talking about my daughter ?



Interpret it how you like, now stop following me around the forums.


I wouldn't if I was you. Nice little sneaky remark though, show your true colours. You would stalk a teenage girl around message boards would you ?






I didn't say that did I? Mind you it would be no different to her half baked dad stalking me around football forums.


Not nice is it?


You can "stalk" me as much as you like. I couldn't give a toss. In fact, I'll tell you what shite you talk as often as I like.


You've just shown everyone what you are like, but don't even think about stalking my daughter. Matthew.




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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?




you mean the shitty forum that you agreed to become a mod on  mackems.gif


Why don't you try and set up a board of your own Baggy, if its so simple, and you're so clever  mackems.gif


I signed up because I felt sorry for you and thought by doing that I wouldn't have you stalking me on this forum like a lovesick teenager.



aah, poor lad. You mean, because I keep reminding you, and you won't admit that you wasted all that time telling us all about that sooper dooper system at Spurs that guaranteed success has all gone pear shaped ?




Whats your infatuation with Spurs anyway ? How good a supporter of NUFC are you Baggy ?




I never said it guarantee's success so why continue to lie?


As for Spurs, I admire their set up and how they've gone about changing the club from top to bottom without having to go into debt, it's better than our 1 scout, awful youth academy, ridiculous wage structure that we couldn't afford, £100 million in debt and losing an average of £1.5 million a month.


You don't understand things like this though so it's wasted on you, back the manager like Shepherd, Ridsdale and Bates did is the way to go.


Shame, but you wouldn't know a true mediocre board and team if it hits you on the head, I can assure you that you have not seen true mediocrity at Newcastle united during your time supporting the club, if you do, that is, as you are avoiding my question as to how good a supporter you are. How many games have you seen the toon play then Matthew ?


If you want to support a team that puts its finances before true ambition, you should have supported the mackems during the last 15 years.


You won't understand this, but you're just a bairn.




Just stop following me around you fucking oddball.


I bet you haven't seen the toon play, hardly if at all , have you Matthew ? Why don't you reply, it may give some credibility to the fact that you thik you know everything ?


Why would the amount of games I've been to give credibility to what I say?


Are you saying that people you agree with like Parky who lives in Germany, his opinions are worthless because they don't go to games regular?

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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





I replied to you here, you even quoted it > http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46402.msg1058132#msg1058132


Spurs are not doing too well so they sacked the man responsible, they've still got the same people running the scouting system, a fantastic youth academy who have been snapping up some top talent from the UK and abroad and have just appointed a top coach in Ramos, not to mention they've never been as financially secure with a record turnover.


We can't complain, Allardyce took over a club with one scout, a joke of a youth academy, nearly £100 million in debt and losing on average £1.5 million a month, that doesn't matter though as at least the chairman backed the manager though eh? That's all that matters isn't it? Whether it's Glenn "He knows the area" Roeder, Graeme "Top Boss" Souness and Sam "I've wanted him since Robson" Allardyce, you wanted him since Robson yet 12 games in you're "on the brink of admitting I was wrong about Sam"


With support like you he can't go wrong.


You're right, supporting the club for 43 years, its all been my fault. No doubt you think the last 15 years have been so mediocre, you do nowt else but moan on like a daft little girl. I'd like to know how many games you have seen the toon play Baggy ?


Shame we haven't always had players like your idol Kieron Dyer eh  :idiot2:


and a setup like Spurs  mackems.gif , what a shame they sacked the manager of their foolproof system that couldn't fail, just like I've always told you is what happens.




Where did I say it was foolproof, Jackanory?


More lies from NE5, and you expect us to believe you about "top boss" Souness? mackems.gif




As I said Baggy, your chums are lying. They edited that post, just like they edited my avatar, have a look if you don't believe me ? Just like they edited posts and avatars, and posted personal information and photos etc of people like swindonmag, Stevieh84, HTL, to name 3 others. I suppose you are going to say this is also a total fabrication ?


I won't mention what you said about some of them on here and toontastic to me a while back though :smitten:


Who are you going to go sneakily looking up old posts on next I wonder ? Ozzie - like when you sent me the link that I use for my sig that you also found ?




I haven't said anything about anyone on toontastic, I called Dave a cunt when he was messing around with my uername but that's it.


More lies from you.


Now can you stop stalking me on here please or otherwise I'll have to start doing the same to people on BEBO? :coolsmiley:


meaning what exactly ? Is this another sneaky little remark from you, talking about my daughter ?



Interpret it how you like, now stop following me around the forums.


I wouldn't if I was you. Nice little sneaky remark though, show your true colours. You would stalk a teenage girl around message boards would you ?






I didn't say that did I? Mind you it would be no different to her half baked dad stalking me around football forums.


Not nice is it?


You can "stalk" me as much as you like. I couldn't give a toss. In fact, I'll tell you what shite you talk as often as I like.


You've just shown everyone what you are like, but don't even think about stalking my daughter. Matthew.





I'm stalking you?!


You're off your fucking tits man, everyone can see you're picking up on everything I say and making up bullshit about things I haven't even said.



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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?




you mean the shitty forum that you agreed to become a mod on  mackems.gif


Why don't you try and set up a board of your own Baggy, if its so simple, and you're so clever  mackems.gif


I signed up because I felt sorry for you and thought by doing that I wouldn't have you stalking me on this forum like a lovesick teenager.



aah, poor lad. You mean, because I keep reminding you, and you won't admit that you wasted all that time telling us all about that sooper dooper system at Spurs that guaranteed success has all gone pear shaped ?




Whats your infatuation with Spurs anyway ? How good a supporter of NUFC are you Baggy ?




I never said it guarantee's success so why continue to lie?


As for Spurs, I admire their set up and how they've gone about changing the club from top to bottom without having to go into debt, it's better than our 1 scout, awful youth academy, ridiculous wage structure that we couldn't afford, £100 million in debt and losing an average of £1.5 million a month.


You don't understand things like this though so it's wasted on you, back the manager like Shepherd, Ridsdale and Bates did is the way to go.


Shame, but you wouldn't know a true mediocre board and team if it hits you on the head, I can assure you that you have not seen true mediocrity at Newcastle united during your time supporting the club, if you do, that is, as you are avoiding my question as to how good a supporter you are. How many games have you seen the toon play then Matthew ?


If you want to support a team that puts its finances before true ambition, you should have supported the mackems during the last 15 years.


You won't understand this, but you're just a bairn.




Just stop following me around you fucking oddball.


I bet you haven't seen the toon play, hardly if at all , have you Matthew ? Why don't you reply, it may give some credibility to the fact that you thik you know everything ?


Why would the amount of games I've been to give credibility to what I say?


Are you saying that people you agree with like Parky who lives in Germany, his opinions are worthless because they don't go to games regular?


In that case, Parky is proof that sometimes you can talk sense despite living away. Unfortunately, you aren't. Why not tell us, Matthew ?



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