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The booing perspective - Joey Barton has his say on us...

Benwell Lad
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Guest SpinTheBlackCircle

I agree with Joey, the ignorance of some supporters is incredible.


Agree, we are the boooo supporters and starting to get famous for that.

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Guest optimistic nit

He's talking bollocks in all honesty. How were the fans to blame for 3-0 down in 11 minutes? How does he explain being totally insipid on the road? How do Barcelona and Real cope under the pressure of some of the most demanding fans in the world?


I thought Joey Barton didn't make excuses, doesn't sound like that to me.


:lol: he isn't making excuses, no where does he say "this is why we lost". he's making an accurate observatio.





If we hadn't dropped points at Reading, Derby, Boro and the SoS, people could take home defeats. It's going to those places with the attitude we have and putting in the performances we have that has people's backs up the most, as well as driving the confidence from the team going into the home games.


Whose fault is that Joey?


were some fans not booing after our 0-0 draw against villa, on the second game of the season, when we were sitting on 4 points rom6? i'm fully behind booing on saterday, but that does not mean he's not right. yo can see it on here as well. 1 bad game from a player and we're calling him shite.







aye, we owe the  players nothing but if we do want success then we will have to change, otherwise there will just be a cycle of booing and bad performances. geremi was being raved about by many after he had had 1 friendly for us, now we think he's beyond shite. Cacapa, Enrique and Given are 3 more who have been given way too much criticism on here. how many bad performances would it take for beye and faye to get in our bad books? one or two, probably no more. i would have booed after pompey and liverpool, but we are still way too nervy sometimes. yes, we're impatient for sucess, but if we stay impatient we will not get sucess, apart from maybe the odd league cup. manure and arsenal's dominence was not built off the back of impatience.

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Guest bluegeordie

Personally, in the vast majority of circumstances, I'm against the booing from our supporters. Like many others on here, I find it juvenile and pantomime-like, and more importantly I simply can't see how it's going to bring the best out of any of our players or off-field staff. Of course, people have the right to boo ... just as they have the right to buy Justin Timberlake CDs, vote for the BNP, support the Mackems etc etc. In other words, I won't try to deny people their rights, but nor will I adopt a relativist position, where I shrug my shoulders and refuse to criticise how they exercise those rights.


If booing has to be a part of the repertoire of the Toon Army, then I would at least like to see it withheld until the final whistle, such that it can serve as an overall rating of the team and manager's performance on the day. What drives me nuts is when every last act by the players or the manager during a game is evaluated to see if it's boo-and-hiss-worthy - Martins miscontrols the ball, "boo, hiss"; Sam makes a wtf substititution, "boo, hiss"; Steven Gerrard looks like he might need a little motivation to stuff us completely, "boo, hiss". Ffs, do we seriously expect that the team should be run as a direct democracy by the supporters? For instance, Sam calls someone off the bench, the crowd boos, so he tells that player to sit down again, and he calls up another, and so on and so forth until the crowd cheers? If that's the case, then we should seriously consider taking the millions of quid that we're paying Sam and investing it in that "worm" technology they use to show what the audience is thinking during televised political debates, and then we can have constantly updated results from the stands being used to manage our team on matchday. Hmm, after some of Big Sam's selections and tactics this season, perhaps that's not sounding like such a bad idea after all ...


But seriously, imo you appoint a manager to make decisions (sometimes difficult ones that people won't understand or agree with, especially initially); you then give him a reasonable amount of time (not 13 games btw, but at least a whole season, unless relegation threatens) to take those decisions, hopefully learn from any errors that he makes, and with any luck ultimately realise his vision and shape a winning team; and you then, and only then, make a rational and level-headed judgment on what you see, and if it's below par you seriously consider replacing him with a new manager. In the meantime, of course, there's no reason for supporters to turn off their critical faculties altogether, and they are entitled (and indeed obliged) to express and discuss any reservations and concerns that they might have, but in my view they and the club also need to show some real faith in the manager, should a suitable candidate be available. In my case, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't deeply concerned with a lot of what I've seen from Sam in recent weeks, and in truth I'm not convinced he's going to make it at The Toon, but I remain convinced that (subject to the relegation clause above) we need to give him a genuine opportunity to improve the club, and that means giving him time, and supporting him and the players as best we can in the weeks and months ahead.


Finally, as  for Wor Joey, I hope he doesn't expect to join the diplomatic corps after his retirement from the game, but not for the first time I must say that I agree with him, and I admire and find refreshing his preparedness to come out and call it as he sees it. As Keefaz said above, in the process he's mixed some good points (the possible overall impact of the crowd on the club's progress) with some bad points (his references to Kluivert and Jenas especially), but imo his overall point that the supporters might not be doing all they can to move the club forward is worth making, even if it's a highly contentious point that remains open to debate. If our club is to move forward, then anything and everything must be up for review, and that includes our role as supporters, imo. 


For most of us, I think / hope that "support" is as much about "producing" success at our club as it is about "consuming" it, but in all honesty I think that the boo boys and lasses simply want to be effortlessly entertained, and then bask in the success of their team, and if they're denied this opportunity then they more or less instantly go into pantomime mode. To be sure, this group might be a minority at St James's, but I think that it's fair to say that by definition it's a very vocal minority, and one of fair proportions, and unfortunately such groups often determine the course of things (the Nazis, after all, never received a majority of the vote from the German people, but that didn't stop them shaping the destiny of a nation, so it's not beyond the realms of possibility that the pantomime crew can have a significant say in determining the future of our club, even if they do not reflect the silent majority of supporters).

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Guest thenorthumbrian

Regarding Barton's comments:


The words "Pot", "Kettle" and "Black" springs to mind.


I must admit that was my first reaction, the words vicious and and Joey Barton go together very well.

Start playing well and winning games and the booing will disapear, simple.

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Guest sittingontheball

For the lads that go to the match, was it that bad? At the Pompey game, it looked like stunned silence and nothing more. He's exagerrating surely?


I'm overseas, but it didn't look particularly bad on the telly.  Against both Pompey and Pool, I thought there was an impressive number of people there at the end. The commentators talked of leaving in droves, but that's just typical media bollocks. The cameras didn't show folk leaving. Just one bloke having a go at Allardyce for one of his substitutions. This strikes me as (yet another) media invitation to shoot ourselves in the foot with recriminations, knee jerks, or whatever. The team have been playing shite and the fans are narked about it.  That's all it is.  Peter Crouch must have had a sheltered life if he's never seen an angry fan. There are always plenty of dim divine-righter Scousers moaning about them not winning the title on 606.


The team's worst performances have been away from SJP, whatever that means.

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I think he's right - we should be getting behind the team.


This article came as a bit of a shock to me as I didn't realize that we have become crappy fans.


Was there a single supporter who turned up for the Pompey and Liverpool games that wouldn't have wanted to get 100% behind the team?


Like I've said elsewhere if we had got beat and showed just the slightest bit of real effort the crowd would in the main stay with the team with likely no more than a murmer of discontent at the final whistle - but that isn't the case is it?

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I think Barton makes some good points but I think he's had too much to say since he arrived and needs to shut up until he's proved himself a bit.

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Guest Gemmill

For the lads that go to the match, was it that bad? At the Pompey game, it looked like stunned silence and nothing more. He's exagerrating surely?


No he's not.  The atmosphere was bizarre, and I couldn't believe it.  I think he's spot on tbf - SJP is packed to the rafters with fucking dickheads these days.  I feel very little affinity with fans who'll boo if it's 0-0 at half time, or if we go a goal or two behind.  The performance at the weekend was totally unacceptable mind, don't get me wrong.



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There's a massive protest in Sudan  trying to get this teacher executed baecuase of that stupid teddy bear, but the Sun decide to go with this "story" on their front page.  Tells you all you need to know about the press in this country.


Incidentally he's on Inside Sport on the BBC on Monday night if anyone is interested.  Barton, not the teddy bear

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There's a massive protest in Sudan  trying to get this teacher executed baecuase of that stupid teddy bear, but the Sun decide to go with this "story" on their front page.  Tells you all you need to know about the press in this country.


Incidentally he's on Inside Sport on the BBC on Monday night if anyone is interested.   Barton, not the teddy bear

The story in Sudan is blown out of proportion too fwiw.

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I wonder if all who have defended him on here will be just as keen to do so when, like those of us who have witnessed nearly 40 years of failure to win anything, a similar incident happens in around 20 years' time and yet another overpaid prima donna is trying to put the blame for the club's failings on its long-suffering fans...

All this misplaced loyalty will disappear like snow in June...!

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The cunts seem to forget that it's their totally inept performances that bring the crowd reaction.


If we lost 4 games in a row but the crowd could see 100% effort being given on the pitch then although unhappy it wouldn't turn to being vicious or just totally disrespectful as last Saturday.


They want to shut the fuck up and put their own house in order.


Spot on, i can accept defeat by the likes of Liverpool and even Portsmouth who are a good team, but i cant accept never being in a game from the 1st min, Big sam takes all the blame, but it surely does not take a genius manager with amazing tactics to put up a fight against the likes of Derby,Reading etc..

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There's a massive protest in Sudan  trying to get this teacher executed baecuase of that stupid teddy bear, but the Sun decide to go with this "story" on their front page.  Tells you all you need to know about the press in this country.


Incidentally he's on Inside Sport on the BBC on Monday night if anyone is interested.   Barton, not the teddy bear

The story in Sudan is blown out of proportion too fwiw.


Not really.  For a start at least its newsworthy

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Was a bit shocked when i picked up the Sun this morning.

What a day to come out with this  :lol:, the morning when all the toon fans will be picking up papers going to away games.

He's right in a way though.

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I can see what he's saying BUT the people of the North East work hard to pay for their tickets and expect to enjoy the Saturday afternoon out...........that either means;


a) A win

b) An entertaining match or;

c) An unfortunate defeat but the team giving 100% and nothing less.......at least giving hope for next match.


He, Sam and their colleagues are the only ones who can influence the fan's reaction. Not achieving any of the above will result in a negative reaction, as it would at most grounds.


The fans are annoyed at lack of effort, not the teams form.


I think he's taken a massive risk in giving the press this piece, especially on the basis of his contribution this season.


Why has he taken it upon himself to say it? He's not the Captain, Gaffer or Board Member.


Surely a plea for patience would've been better coming from Mort?

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I wonder if all who have defended him on here will be just as keen to do so when, like those of us who have witnessed nearly 40 years of failure to win anything, a similar incident happens in around 20 years' time and yet another overpaid prima donna is trying to put the blame for the club's failings on its long-suffering fans...

  Oh you poor martyrs.  Saints should be made of all of you  :angel: Wrapping yourself in this protective blanket of depressed rationalization, the "I've suffered as a fan so anything I do is in order" mentality ... it's just pathetic.  This thread is cringeworthy.



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I wonder if all who have defended him on here will be just as keen to do so when, like those of us who have witnessed nearly 40 years of failure to win anything, a similar incident happens in around 20 years' time and yet another overpaid prima donna is trying to put the blame for the club's failings on its long-suffering fans...


  Oh you poor martyrs.  Saints should be made of all of you  :angel: Wrapping yourself in this protective blanket of depressed rationalization, the "I've suffered as a fan so anything I do is in order" mentality ... it's just pathetic.  This thread is cringeworthy.




'Doubting Thomas?' - grow up son ; you just sound about 13.....YOU are the one who is cringeworthy.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

I think he is dead right what he says, but there are 2 sides to the arguement.


We have had absolutely nothinkg to get behind over the last 2 games, so how do we back the team. We didnt even get a corner to cheer about against Liverpool, so the players do need to give us something




Booing your own team, in front of millions on a TV audience just makes us a laughing stock. Through the good times and the bad we should stick together



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At least we've finally got a player who's come out and said exactly what he's thinking, instead of all this 'the-supporters-have-a-right-to-show-their-feelings' bit. You can bet his team-mates all feel the same way.


Over the last few years, I've found myself questioning whether our kind of nervy, demanding support is a help or a hinderance to the team. It seems to have got steadily worse, and last Saturday was a low point. Hopefully it will be a turning point.


You're more in need of support when you're playing badly, than when you're playing well. Yes, the team has its problems, but booing just makes things worse.



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Barton has made a good point about the crowd, it's one we've been commenting on since the Wolves debacle under Robson. For people on here, who apparently can't read Barton's quotes accurately, to go spouting off about how he's "got a fuckin' cheek" or that he's responsible for the dross performances lately....I'm sure you must be part of the mindless throng that treat SJP as your weekly pantomine. Please get a refund on your season ticket, you've been watching crap football for too long, you don't deserve and in all fairness, those of us who support the shirt don't fuckin' want you there.


To the rest of us, who are either open-minded or willing to get behind the shirt, lets show the new players what support can really mean when we play Arsenal. Souness got a similar effect under his so-called reign of terror and it was a fantastic atmosphere, helping the team to a 1-0 win.


Let the fans inspire the team.

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