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SBR: NUFC has suffered ever since I was sacked


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The decision to sack SBR was reprehensible in the extreme.  FFS caved in to the Halls. The fact is that they were looking for an excuse to sack him; the 4-2 loss at Villa provided it. I sometimes wonder where we would be now if Sorensen had been sent off for handball when Bellamy (from whom SBR got the best) was through on goal and we'd won that match.


Or if Jenas hadn't missed an open goal at Boro about two minutes before they equalised. Or if the officials had been halfway competent and seen that equaliser was scored with a hand. Or if Shay hadn't made a totally uncharacteristic error to let Norwich back into the game at SJP. Or if we'd put away one of the shedful of chances we had against Spurs. That's without mentioning the Dyer shit.


We had an incredible amount of bad luck in those four games, which was what made it even more sickening when the fat mong started mashing the panic button.

I don't think we can say those games were the reason he got the sack, if we'd have won those games it would have just been delaying the inevitable, the team we had that season would have come 5th at highest and we all know what Shepherd thought of that position the previous season. At that stage after a succession of successful years i think the board began to take our success for granted and didn't actually respect what Robson had actually done, if you're going to sack someone with the caliber of Bobby then you need a damn well good replacement if you're going to continue never mind progress on to the next level, we didn't do that, we got someone in who wasn't capable of repeating or even coming close to half the job the legend had done just years before.


Much better ;)

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Should read: SBR has suffered ever since he was sacked




I firmly belief his sacking and the manner in which it was brought about has had an impact on his health, if not physically, certainly mentally.


Very good point,i was thinking the same last Sunday.When you have day to day involvement with something you love and then you lose that,then even at a younger age,you struggle for a while.Sir Bobby's had that for 50 years and has lost a huge part of his life,he may have given up on other things.

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The decision to sack SBR was reprehensible in the extreme.  FFS caved in to the Halls. The fact is that they were looking for an excuse to sack him; the 4-2 loss at Villa provided it. I sometimes wonder where we would be now if Sorensen had been sent off for handball when Bellamy (from whom SBR got the best) was through on goal and we'd won that match.


Or if Jenas hadn't missed an open goal at Boro about two minutes before they equalised. Or if the officials had been halfway competent and seen that equaliser was scored with a hand. Or if Shay hadn't made a totally uncharacteristic error to let Norwich back into the game at SJP. Or if we'd put away one of the shedful of chances we had against Spurs. That's without mentioning the Dyer shit.


We had an incredible amount of bad luck in those four games, which was what made it even more sickening when the fat mong started mashing the panic button.


Maybe Shearer didn't like the idea he might get dropped and let Fat Fred know in no uncertain terms? Big Al was certainly good mates with Souness who subsequently came in, and Bellamy was soon on his way out.

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Appointing Souness set this club back f****** years. He alienated the good players we had and replaced them (at great cost) with absolute s****.


I now f****** hate the arrogant c*** (sorry Cath) with a passion you can only imagine.

Years? It's been over a decade and we still haven't recovered from what that wanker did to our club. Believe me, many tens of thousands well understand the passion with which you hate Souness.


I reckon more of you ire should be directed at Shepherd, though. It was perfectly clear to everyone but him that hiring Souness would be an utter disaster.

i see jol as a man in a somewhat same situation

Undermined from above by ignorant idiots?

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Guest Toon Barmy

I dont understand why people thought that this was the correct decision to sack him. Was it the supposed lack of discipline in the dressing room? Is a sacking for supposedly losing the dressing room justifiable? I understand that missing out on CL for 2 seasons was hertbreaking but we had a great run in the UEFA cup. We were finally back on the right track. Why would anyone change a winning side on the basis of a supposed "lost dressing room".



To this day I still can't see any justification for the sacking or any logic in it for that manner. Ipersonally believe that SBR would of stepped down in his own time and would of helped in gettin a new manager as well.


You obviously weren't watching us play, then. 


We were not on the right track, we had been on the right track but had left it 18 months earlier, which is when Robson should have been nicely moved to one side. He was sacked too late.


You still annoy the piss out of me with your arrogance that it was Robsons time to go after only 3 years in caharge, and by whom?  There was NOBODY of quality to come in and take over, again the majority of fans think they deserve better than a top 3 finish and champions league football.  People on this forum, people booing in the stadium, scum like dyer and bellamy got SBR the sack.


Name one successful club in the EPL that has a different manager every 3 years?

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I dont understand why people thought that this was the correct decision to sack him. Was it the supposed lack of discipline in the dressing room? Is a sacking for supposedly losing the dressing room justifiable? I understand that missing out on CL for 2 seasons was hertbreaking but we had a great run in the UEFA cup. We were finally back on the right track. Why would anyone change a winning side on the basis of a supposed "lost dressing room".



To this day I still can't see any justification for the sacking or any logic in it for that manner. Ipersonally believe that SBR would of stepped down in his own time and would of helped in gettin a new manager as well.


You obviously weren't watching us play, then. 


We were not on the right track, we had been on the right track but had left it 18 months earlier, which is when Robson should have been nicely moved to one side. He was sacked too late.


You still annoy the piss out of me with your arrogance that it was Robsons time to go after only 3 years in caharge, and by whom?  There was NOBODY of quality to come in and take over, again the majority of fans think they deserve better than a top 3 finish and champions league football.  People on this forum, people booing in the stadium, scum like dyer and bellamy got SBR the sack.


Name one successful club in the EPL that has a different manager every 3 years?



Now YOU name one successful club in the EPL that has a manager of 70 years of age..


The manner of Robson's sacking was appalling and ill-timed - it was done to suit members of the board who didn't want a new manager to come in during the close season(which is the right time to bring in a manager)and demand a substantial kitty for new players - they didn't want any spent at that time....you can probably guess why....


However, in the summer of 04, Robson had been at the club almost 4 years and his age was against him as was his handling of players like Dyer etc - if the situation had been handled correctly, SBR could have been made DOF or given a Directorship/Ambassadorial role AND asked to help choose his successor.


There are ALWAYS Managers available at the right time and for the right job - under those circumstances, NUFC would definitely have been in that category, but after Shepherd's pathetic bungling over the next 3 years, the club became a poisoned chalice.


In any case, Robson had the chance to join NUFC in 1997 after KK went, but preferred to remain at Barca, even though he knew Van Gaal was getting his job - SJH asked him to take over but he wanted Barca to sack him - Why do you think that was...!!?? Loyalty? ...

He did a good job for us, but could have done a much better one had he come when first asked..

All people in Football think first & foremost about money, and its a waste of time trying to make them 'Local Heroes' just because they are from the NE - back pocket comes first....


Robson had done his job as a manager but could have still been of benefit to the club in different circumstances - definitely time for him to go, but badly handled and should have been done 4 months earlier WITHOUT comment from Shepherd.

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Guest KeithKettleborough

Magic Merlin and spot on!


If the black and white blood Bobby was supposed to have was really gushing around in 1997, he would have been over here in a flash. Money as usual in football is the winner over whatever loyalty you would wish to have and it was no different with Bobby.


I was not bothered about Bobby going at the time but in hindsight I wish he had stayed until the end of the season. I would have liked to have seen how the Bellamy/Kluivert partnership would have gone really but as was mentioned earlier, Shearers influence probably meant that Bobby was doomed once he dropped him.


History is turned often by small things and if Sorenson had been sent off, it may have been different. Watching Bobby trudge off the pitch at Villa and seeing his rather sad wave at the fans, I felt I knew and probably he knew himself it was over in spite of what he says. Shame to say that it was maybe over for all of us as we are now miles behind the top clubs.

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Appointing Souness set this club back f****** years. He alienated the good players we had and replaced them (at great cost) with absolute s****.


I now f****** hate the arrogant c*** (sorry Cath) with a passion you can only imagine.

Years? It's been over a decade and we still haven't recovered from what that w****** did to our club. Believe me, many tens of thousands well understand the passion with which you hate Souness.


I reckon more of you ire should be directed at Shepherd, though. It was perfectly clear to everyone but him that hiring Souness would be an utter disaster.

i see jol as a man in a somewhat same situation

Undermined from above by ignorant idiots?


Liverpool had an excuse for appointing Souness, you did it at a time when his short record in management had been nothing but a success.


By the time he came here it was clear to see what he was like and it was almost nailed on that he would fail.

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The general consensus of those who believe that SBR was right to be sacked is that the cracks started to appear we were going down the wrong track so he needed to be 'got rid of' as soon as possible. Is that correct?


For those who thought that it was the right dcision to sack him.....who do you think would of come to a club that sacks there legendary manager for fininshing 5th after 4 years of insipid football? All this without any trophies or titles for god knows how many years to justify the sacking? Who were you hoping to get?


At the end of the 2003-4 season we should have told him thanks, but time to move on. Liverpool brought in Benitez, Chelsea got Mourinho, Spurs brought Jol into the club...we hung on to Robson and the fault of Shepherd was that he hung on too long before getting rid of him.

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Appointing Souness set this club back f****** years. He alienated the good players we had and replaced them (at great cost) with absolute s****.


I now f****** hate the arrogant c*** (sorry Cath) with a passion you can only imagine.

Years? It's been over a decade and we still haven't recovered from what that w****** did to our club. Believe me, many tens of thousands well understand the passion with which you hate Souness.


I reckon more of you ire should be directed at Shepherd, though. It was perfectly clear to everyone but him that hiring Souness would be an utter disaster.

i see jol as a man in a somewhat same situation

Undermined from above by ignorant idiots?


Liverpool had an excuse for appointing Souness, you did it at a time when his short record in management had been nothing but a success.


By the time he came here it was clear to see what he was like and it was almost nailed on that he would fail.

Quite right. It never fails to amaze me every time someone gives that eejit a job. He's the kiss of death.

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In any case, Robson had the chance to join NUFC in 1997 after KK went, but preferred to remain at Barca, even though he knew Van Gaal was getting his job - SJH asked him to take over but he wanted Barca to sack him - Why do you think that was...!!?? Loyalty? ...

Robson was under contract at Barca and as a gentlemen of his word he honoured it.

As for knowing van Gaal was getting his job at that point and wanting Barca to sack him - well thats the first I've heard about it.

Have you got a link to back that up?


You may also wonder who took the huff at the club when gullitt was appointed because no one approached SBR at that time.

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I dont understand why people thought that this was the correct decision to sack him. Was it the supposed lack of discipline in the dressing room? Is a sacking for supposedly losing the dressing room justifiable? I understand that missing out on CL for 2 seasons was hertbreaking but we had a great run in the UEFA cup. We were finally back on the right track. Why would anyone change a winning side on the basis of a supposed "lost dressing room".



To this day I still can't see any justification for the sacking or any logic in it for that manner. Ipersonally believe that SBR would of stepped down in his own time and would of helped in gettin a new manager as well.


You obviously weren't watching us play, then. 


We were not on the right track, we had been on the right track but had left it 18 months earlier, which is when Robson should have been nicely moved to one side. He was sacked too late.


You still annoy the piss out of me with your arrogance that it was Robsons time to go after only 3 years in caharge, and by whom?  There was NOBODY of quality to come in and take over, again the majority of fans think they deserve better than a top 3 finish and champions league football.  People on this forum, people booing in the stadium, scum like dyer and bellamy got SBR the sack.


Name one successful club in the EPL that has a different manager every 3 years?



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I dont understand why people thought that this was the correct decision to sack him. Was it the supposed lack of discipline in the dressing room? Is a sacking for supposedly losing the dressing room justifiable? I understand that missing out on CL for 2 seasons was hertbreaking but we had a great run in the UEFA cup. We were finally back on the right track. Why would anyone change a winning side on the basis of a supposed "lost dressing room".



To this day I still can't see any justification for the sacking or any logic in it for that manner. Ipersonally believe that SBR would of stepped down in his own time and would of helped in gettin a new manager as well.


You obviously weren't watching us play, then. 


We were not on the right track, we had been on the right track but had left it 18 months earlier, which is when Robson should have been nicely moved to one side. He was sacked too late.


You still annoy the piss out of me with your arrogance that it was Robsons time to go after only 3 years in caharge, and by whom?  There was NOBODY of quality to come in and take over, again the majority of fans think they deserve better than a top 3 finish and champions league football.  People on this forum, people booing in the stadium, scum like dyer and bellamy got SBR the sack.


Name one successful club in the EPL that has a different manager every 3 years?




Top use of smilie there. The big pink gay is woefully underused these days.

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Guest WashyGeordie

Wasn't it agreed that it was SBR's last season? Also was it not true that SBR said he will look for his successor using his global links in football to take Newcastle to the next level? Shepherd was a b****** for sacking Robson a season early for seemingly nothing. If we kept him another season, finished mid-high table then who knows where we would be now if we put in a SBR-chosen successor as manager. SBR was meant to look for his successor in his last season, Shepherd didn't give him this time, sacked him and made a pathetic attempt of an appointment in Souness.


Probably would of been Mourinho because of their links @ Barcelona.. Manager..Assistant and at that time Chelsea had the tinkerman i think...


We should never of sacked Robson.. Then appointing Souness made it even worse. He was nowhere near favourite to take-over and what he did to our club was a disgrace! Roeder tried to steady the ship, he done alright (got us back in UEFA) but wasn't good enough for us tbf. Allardyce will hopefully turn our fortunes, to where we should be again... top of the table.

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I dont understand why people thought that this was the correct decision to sack him. Was it the supposed lack of discipline in the dressing room? Is a sacking for supposedly losing the dressing room justifiable? I understand that missing out on CL for 2 seasons was hertbreaking but we had a great run in the UEFA cup. We were finally back on the right track. Why would anyone change a winning side on the basis of a supposed "lost dressing room".



To this day I still can't see any justification for the sacking or any logic in it for that manner. Ipersonally believe that SBR would of stepped down in his own time and would of helped in gettin a new manager as well.


You obviously weren't watching us play, then. 


We were not on the right track, we had been on the right track but had left it 18 months earlier, which is when Robson should have been nicely moved to one side. He was sacked too late.


You still annoy the piss out of me with your arrogance that it was Robsons time to go after only 3 years in caharge, and by whom?  There was NOBODY of quality to come in and take over, again the majority of fans think they deserve better than a top 3 finish and champions league football.  People on this forum, people booing in the stadium, scum like dyer and bellamy got SBR the sack.


Name one successful club in the EPL that has a different manager every 3 years?




Top use of smilie there. The big pink gay is woefully underused these days.


Aye. It's been months since I felt the urge....

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The general consensus of those who believe that SBR was right to be sacked is that the cracks started to appear we were going down the wrong track so he needed to be 'got rid of' as soon as possible. Is that correct?


For those who thought that it was the right dcision to sack him.....who do you think would of come to a club that sacks there legendary manager for fininshing 5th after 4 years of insipid football? All this without any trophies or titles for god knows how many years to justify the sacking? Who were you hoping to get?


At the end of the 2003-4 season we should have told him thanks, but time to move on. Liverpool brought in Benitez, Chelsea got Mourinho, Spurs brought Jol into the club...we hung on to Robson and the fault of Shepherd was that he hung on too long before getting rid of him.


Liverpool, brought in Benitez after securing alot of cups, Chelsea could buy anyone they wanted, and Jol was reletively unknown so not exactly a manager you could say was gonna be an improvement on what you already had (although they did actually appoint Santini, which was quite ambitious) the difference for Totenhamm is that ehy didnt sack there manager for non football reasons, (i.e a legendary manager in the game). What justification was there to sack him after the 03-04, everyone seems to think that it was a dead certainty that we were going down the drain despite the fact that this guy was probably the most experineced manger in the entire Europe.


Why did we hang on too long? We had only one relatively poor season, and still finished 5th.  I've still not heard a single genuine footballing reason for his sacking.

"Cracks started to show" is not a footballing reason for all you mystic megs out there who predicted the future just like the great Dougie "the Dickhead" Hall.

How anyone can sit there and tell me that we were destined for failire after fininshing 5th with one of the most capable managers ever to grace the game is beyond me.


What the hell do you base this on after one poorish season? 


Victim of his age, i cant tell you how much i hate that fact, but the genreal consensu was he was old and therefore incapable. "He must be losing it at this age" I bet he had more energy and footballing intellegence in his little finger than 75% of premiershiop managers.



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Guest Toon Barmy

I dont understand why people thought that this was the correct decision to sack him. Was it the supposed lack of discipline in the dressing room? Is a sacking for supposedly losing the dressing room justifiable? I understand that missing out on CL for 2 seasons was hertbreaking but we had a great run in the UEFA cup. We were finally back on the right track. Why would anyone change a winning side on the basis of a supposed "lost dressing room".



To this day I still can't see any justification for the sacking or any logic in it for that manner. Ipersonally believe that SBR would of stepped down in his own time and would of helped in gettin a new manager as well.


You obviously weren't watching us play, then. 


We were not on the right track, we had been on the right track but had left it 18 months earlier, which is when Robson should have been nicely moved to one side. He was sacked too late.


You still annoy the piss out of me with your arrogance that it was Robsons time to go after only 3 years in caharge, and by whom?  There was NOBODY of quality to come in and take over, again the majority of fans think they deserve better than a top 3 finish and champions league football.  People on this forum, people booing in the stadium, scum like dyer and bellamy got SBR the sack.


Name one successful club in the EPL that has a different manager every 3 years?




Exactly, still no answer after all this time.

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In any case, Robson had the chance to join NUFC in 1997 after KK went, but preferred to remain at Barca, even though he knew Van Gaal was getting his job - SJH asked him to take over but he wanted Barca to sack him - Why do you think that was...!!?? Loyalty? ...

Robson was under contract at Barca and as a gentlemen of his word he honoured it.

As for knowing van Gaal was getting his job at that point and wanting Barca to sack him - well thats the first I've heard about it.

Have you got a link to back that up?


You may also wonder who took the huff at the club when gullitt was appointed because no one approached SBR at that time.


No, I haven't - it was in the press at the time that Barca were going to fire Robson and appoint Van Gaal, and they duly did.

I knew all about the attempt to get Robson to SJP by SJH - if you read this board regularly, you will know why...

As a matter of fact, several of us wanted Van Gaal ourselves - we felt that Bobby was getting on then, even though he was 64..we were wrong then, but NOT wrong in thinking he should have joined the club if he had been asked, knowing that he was likely to lose his job at Barca.


It was HIS choice to stay there, and I think he was wrong, just as he was wrong to think he could still be a Prem manager at 70 or 71...I fancy Kylie, but at my age, I don't think I could do her justice, and I'm a LOT younger than Bobby...!!!

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I dont understand why people thought that this was the correct decision to sack him. Was it the supposed lack of discipline in the dressing room? Is a sacking for supposedly losing the dressing room justifiable? I understand that missing out on CL for 2 seasons was hertbreaking but we had a great run in the UEFA cup. We were finally back on the right track. Why would anyone change a winning side on the basis of a supposed "lost dressing room".



To this day I still can't see any justification for the sacking or any logic in it for that manner. Ipersonally believe that SBR would of stepped down in his own time and would of helped in gettin a new manager as well.


You obviously weren't watching us play, then. 


We were not on the right track, we had been on the right track but had left it 18 months earlier, which is when Robson should have been nicely moved to one side. He was sacked too late.


You still annoy the piss out of me with your arrogance that it was Robsons time to go after only 3 years in caharge, and by whom?  There was NOBODY of quality to come in and take over, again the majority of fans think they deserve better than a top 3 finish and champions league football.  People on this forum, people booing in the stadium, scum like dyer and bellamy got SBR the sack.


Name one successful club in the EPL that has a different manager every 3 years?




Exactly, still no answer after all this time.



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