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If not Sam, who then?

Guest Knightrider

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I think Moyes is a better manager than Allardyce or Hughes. Quite underrated and written off as someone who just employs a team of grafters.


Well that's mostly how his team have played till this season. Arteta has made a big difference, but given 3 or 4 years who's to say Allardyce couldn't produce a similar team?

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Guest Knightrider

That's the kind of job it's now become, the kind of job fans have helped make it. An impossible job. In my opinion anyway.


It isn't an impossible job, we just keep hiring average managers.


I disagree, I think it's one of the toughest jobs in football. People talk about the England job. Being able to pick from the country's best players and playing 10 games or so a year, most of them non competitive, isn't pressure though. It's a luxury and a holiday compared to the Newcastle job. Pressure is having your every move judged, analysed, compared and debated 24-7 by a success starved football daft City from the off. The manager can't go on holiday, we can't either, there are no gaps in our season, it's constant. There is no off switch on Tyneside or respite.


I remember Sir Bobby saying he's never worked harder in his life than when he joined us, as the job demanded it. He was putting in 18 hour shifts a day. Kevin Keegan is a broken man because he failed to deliver the title. Dalglish, Gullit and Souness couldn't/can't get a job after Newcastle.


Ironically the outside world look at our fans, the stadium and the passion we have for our club, the untapped potential and think god, that would be a great place to manage. But when push comes to shove, most wouldn't touch it with a barge pole, for they know what kind of job it is.


And it's only going to get tougher now that we have a billionaire owner, the competition around us has grown and advanced and of course with every passing year that the elusive chase for a trophy continues...

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I think Moyes is a better manager than Allardyce or Hughes. Quite underrated and written off as someone who just employs a team of grafters.


Well that's mostly how his team have played till this season. Arteta has made a big difference, but given 3 or 4 years who's to say Allardyce couldn't produce a similar team?

He's never had any money tbf. I think Allardyce needs time btw. He's only had one transfer window and it's fair to say he had his work cut out then.

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I disagree. I think its vital that we give the right manager time. the RIGHT manager. And the current one and the last 2 have been so clearly not the right manager that its laughable.



Irrespective of what you think would happen if either of those two were to be appointed, it's a near certainty that they would indeed face the same reactions Sam is facing now if they were to produce the same results that he has. Whether or not they would, or whether they would do better than him, is irrelevant really. The truth is that any manager who can't deliver good results and entertaining football in 100% of the matches instantly, will face the wrath of the fans, and probably the sack because of it. That's how fickle our fans are.


That's what's laughable, really..

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I think Moyes is a better manager than Allardyce or Hughes. Quite underrated and written off as someone who just employs a team of grafters.


Well that's mostly how his team have played till this season. Arteta has made a big difference, but given 3 or 4 years who's to say Allardyce couldn't produce a similar team?

He's never had any money tbf. I think Allardyce needs time btw. He's only had one transfer window and it's fair to say he had his work cut out then.


I don't know whether Allardyce needs time or not, but I agree with HTT that I wouldn't be particularly impressed if we sacked him just to appoint Moyes or Hughes who haven't really proved anything more than Sam at this stage of their careers. Moyes has done ok but his team doesn't excite me like Sven's City do. Maybe with more cash that could happen but I just don't see it.



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Guest Knightrider

I think Moyes is a better manager than Allardyce or Hughes. Quite underrated and written off as someone who just employs a team of grafters.


He's a good manager but that is all, I rate Allardyce higher. Give him the time, funds and relative comfort Moyes has enjoyed at Everton and Allardyce would do far better. People forget what a big club Everton are, a club equal to us in my opinion in terms of size and history, yet when Moyes gets them to the top 6 it's considered over achievement and he's hailed as this and that. Sir Bobby got sacked for finishing 5th! His record is actually very similar to Allardyce at Bolton, only Bolton are a tiny club in comparison who were brought into this league by Allardyce on a budget of next to nothing. I doubt Moyes could do that and I doubt he could take us to where we want to be, much less where the fans expect us to be.

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Guest Knightrider

I think Moyes is a better manager than Allardyce or Hughes. Quite underrated and written off as someone who just employs a team of grafters.


Well that's mostly how his team have played till this season. Arteta has made a big difference, but given 3 or 4 years who's to say Allardyce couldn't produce a similar team?

He's never had any money tbf. I think Allardyce needs time btw. He's only had one transfer window and it's fair to say he had his work cut out then.


He's had lots of money, it's a bit of a myth that he hasn't had any money to spend. He spent £8m on Johnson, £6m on Beatie and £10m on Yakubu. He also spent good money in other areas. Something Sam has never had the good fortune of being able to do at Bolton and here yet.

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Kevin Keegan is a broken man because he failed to deliver the title. Dalglish, Gullit and Souness couldn't/can't get a job after Newcastle.


Wouldnt say broken he maybe was never quite the same again. Gullit had on job before he joined us, he has had two after us.

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Allardyce has created all of his own problems, he's not up to the job, he's a one trick pony.  If he'd picked the right players in the positions which they are used to then we'd have more points than we've currently got and would have played better football.


Sorry, he's not up to the job.

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Guest Knightrider

Allardyce has created all of his own problems, he's not up to the job, he's a one trick pony.  If he'd picked the right players in the positions which they are used to then we'd have more points than we've currently got and would have played better football.


Sorry, he's not up to the job.


Sorry Mick, but there is no guarantee that's what would have happened had he done what you're advocating.

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Hiddink will be available after the euro's i think, Didnt he sign a 2 year contract in 2006? SA even thou he has been pretty poor should get at least a season so if Ashley is thinking about getting rid of him we should wait til the Euro's are over and then see which top managers leave their international jobs.

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There's no guarentee but it's common sense that that would have happened imo. I'd have expected someone as good as Allardyce likes to think he is would have been more pragmatic and used the players at his disposal more effectively. Instead he's trying to put square pegs in round holes to fit in with his 4-3-3 formations etc.

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Guest Knightrider

There's no guarentee but it's common sense that that would have happened imo. I'd have expected someone as good as Allardyce likes to think he is would have been more pragmatic and used the players at his disposal more effectively. Instead he's trying to put square pegs in round holes to fit in with his 4-3-3 formations etc.


I still believe there is a method to his madness, although that may be wishful thinking. We'll see.

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Sorry Mick, but there is no guarantee that's what would have happened had he done what you're advocating.


I'll stand by what I said, football is a simple game played by simple people, attempting to win games will get more wins than trying to stop the opposition week after week with the same people who fail to do what the manager wants.  I'm sure we'd have done better against the shit teams if we'd actually tried to play on the weaknesses that have been shown up week after week.  Teams like Derby and Wigan have been repeatedly beaten because teams have had a go at them, not because teams have tried to soak up pressure and hit them on the break.


Allardyce thinks he's cleverer than he is and is repeating his mistakes because he thinks everybody else has got it wrong, not him.  The bloke is caught up in his own, and the media hype from his time at Bolton.


He was told that he did such a great job that he thinks he's got all of the answers so when it goes wrong it's the fault of others for not doing as he wanted.

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Guest Knightrider

Well, I disgaree that football is a simple game, that's a cliche in my opinion as it's far from it. It's a very complex game. I get what you're saying though and to be honest I can't argue with much of it and nor will I. I'm at a loss myself as to what is going on and can't get my heard around it, which bothers me.

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There's no guarentee but it's common sense that that would have happened imo. I'd have expected someone as good as Allardyce likes to think he is would have been more pragmatic and used the players at his disposal more effectively. Instead he's trying to put square pegs in round holes to fit in with his 4-3-3 formations etc.


Souness played square pegs in round holes, Roeder put square pegs into square holes and turned things round.


I think we're at the stage where Allardyce is always going to struggle now because even if he changes things around he'll be the same person who got it wrong last week and the week before.


The only way I can seeing him turning things around now is for his to rip into the players in private and see if he can motivate them that way, he'll also have to pick the right players in the right positions but it's only going to become harder for him the longer things go on.

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Well, I disgaree that football is a simple game, that's a cliche in my opinion as it's far from it. It's a very complex game. I get what you're saying though and to be honest I can't argue with much of it and nor will I. I'm at a loss myself as to what is going on and can't get my heard around it, which bothers me.


are you a Shepherd ?

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Well, I disgaree that football is a simple game, that's a cliche in my opinion as it's far from it. It's a very complex game. I get what you're saying though and to be honest I can't argue with much of it and nor will I. I'm at a loss myself as to what is going on and can't get my heard around it, which bothers me.


I think the problem is simple, arrogance.


Arrogance is great when you’re getting things right and winning, it’s a massive problem if you’re getting beat and still think you’re right.


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Guest Knightrider

Well, I disgaree that football is a simple game, that's a cliche in my opinion as it's far from it. It's a very complex game. I get what you're saying though and to be honest I can't argue with much of it and nor will I. I'm at a loss myself as to what is going on and can't get my heard around it, which bothers me.


I think the problem is simple, arrogance.


Arrogance is great when you’re getting things right and winning, it’s a massive problem if you’re getting beat and still think you’re right.



Could be, could be a number of things. He is that, and very stubborn. But again I can't fathom things out because he's no fool, he's someone who constantly asks questions and seeks answers yet is ignoring a number of things that are obvious and staring him right in the face and for what reason I don't know. He also knows what works and what doesn't, he's no mug when it comes to football. I just don't understand.


Perhaps delusion has taken over, we can all suffer it and managers often do. God knows.

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I think Moyes is a better manager than Allardyce or Hughes. Quite underrated and written off as someone who just employs a team of grafters.


Well that's mostly how his team have played till this season. Arteta has made a big difference, but given 3 or 4 years who's to say Allardyce couldn't produce a similar team?

He's never had any money tbf. I think Allardyce needs time btw. He's only had one transfer window and it's fair to say he had his work cut out then.


He's had lots of money, it's a bit of a myth that he hasn't had any money to spend. He spent £8m on Johnson, £6m on Beatie and £10m on Yakubu. He also spent good money in other areas. Something Sam has never had the good fortune of being able to do at Bolton and here yet.

Hasn't had much money until recently is what I meant.

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Any coach has to be judged by what he gets out of the players at his disposal. Allardyce's problem is he is getting beaten and outplayed by teams far inferior in terms of quality available. If we were getting stuffed by Liverpool or Arsenal, fair enough. It's the fact that relegation cannon fodder are decking us on a regular basis which is going to indict him.



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Guest Knightrider

I think Moyes is a better manager than Allardyce or Hughes. Quite underrated and written off as someone who just employs a team of grafters.


Well that's mostly how his team have played till this season. Arteta has made a big difference, but given 3 or 4 years who's to say Allardyce couldn't produce a similar team?

He's never had any money tbf. I think Allardyce needs time btw. He's only had one transfer window and it's fair to say he had his work cut out then.


He's had lots of money, it's a bit of a myth that he hasn't had any money to spend. He spent £8m on Johnson, £6m on Beatie and £10m on Yakubu. He also spent good money in other areas. Something Sam has never had the good fortune of being able to do at Bolton and here yet.

Hasn't had much money until recently is what I meant.


Ah. Can't disagree with that then.

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I think Moyes is a better manager than Allardyce or Hughes. Quite underrated and written off as someone who just employs a team of grafters.


Well that's mostly how his team have played till this season. Arteta has made a big difference, but given 3 or 4 years who's to say Allardyce couldn't produce a similar team?

He's never had any money tbf. I think Allardyce needs time btw. He's only had one transfer window and it's fair to say he had his work cut out then.


He's had lots of money, it's a bit of a myth that he hasn't had any money to spend. He spent £8m on Johnson, £6m on Beatie and £10m on Yakubu. He also spent good money in other areas. Something Sam has never had the good fortune of being able to do at Bolton and here yet.

Hasn't had much money until recently is what I meant.


Ah. Can't disagree with that then.

I didn't make it clear that I meant that, don't worry about it ;)

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