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We're 11th.


Yeah, but in 5 games time, the chances are that's going to be 12th or 13th...which is around where Roeder, Souness, Gullit & Dalglish were.


So basically you're saying this board is no better than the old one?


No, I'm saying the manager isn't performing any better than those ones.


How do you think Shepherd would have handled this situation?


He'd have done one of two things.  He'd buy a big name or two in the January window to try to make fans forget the real problems.  Or he'd sack the fat cunt and get someone as bad or worse to replace him.  The difference here is I'd hope that if Mort/Ashley sack fatty they'd get someone better to replace him.

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We're 11th.


Yeah, but in 5 games time, the chances are that's going to be 12th or 13th...which is around where Roeder, Souness, Gullit & Dalglish were.


So basically you're saying this board is no better than the old one?


No, I'm saying the manager isn't performing any better than those ones.


How do you think Shepherd would have handled this situation?


He'd have done one of two things.  He'd buy a big name or two in the January window to try to make fans forget the real problems.  Or he'd sack the fat cunt and get someone as bad or worse to replace him.  The difference here is I'd hope that if Mort/Ashley sack fatty they'd get someone better to replace him.





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Lawrenson:- "Its like a soap opera, Ashley is a recluse, but he sits in the crowd and goes back with the fans on the bus.  That's a strange kind of recluse!".


Hey Lawro, August called; they want their observation back.

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"If they record a win against weakened Chelsea, Sam will be a hero tonight"



I love that one. It's always the beauty that journalists come out with.

If we were winning matches, there wouldn't be a problem in the first place!

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We're 11th.


............ resisting the temptatino to turn that into a "board thing" ..........




I honestly don't know how you can be arsed :lol:


I can't.


Thats why I didn't  ;D

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