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Sam Speaks: Butt Ban A Big Blow?

Guest Harry-Norway

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Someone mentioned Carr, theres your answer Sam!!!!



Seriously though it is a blow for us because he is our best option there at the moment. That doesn't mean I am happy about it but whoelse can we pick there now that the Africans have pissed off. After seeing Rozy flop at right back I wouldn't want to risk him there.


I suppose the best option at the moment would be a midfield 4 of RM- Milner CM- Zoggy CM- Emre LM- Duff, though I can see the defence in for a rough time with that midfield.

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Butt's ban is a massive blow... because it means we will see more of Smith in midfield!


I find it hard to believe people are singling Butt out here.  I don't believe he has played as bad as people make out, especially last night.  Butt's game is about breaking up play and winning the ball back, but due to how bad Smith was, he also had to cover up for his headless chicken runs & slide tackles, and also was called upon to pile forward and offer passes in the final 3rd or shots.  I never expect Butt to be sending players through 1 on 1 or smashing in 30 yard screamers, but he's all we got and despite his effort, he looked shit going forward.  If we had a decent creative CM we could keep Butt doing what he does best, playing DM and keeping Smith out of midfield.

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I vaguely remember Carr playing DM once or twice under Souness, and not doing to bad. It might be an idea trying him there, as he's far too slow to be a fullback, but still should be able to break up play with his big, fat body.

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Guest toonlass

I am kinda ruing the sale of Mr. Scott Parker...


Admittedly he's not much of a DCM, but he's better in midfield than Alan Smith.


Aye there was no-one quite like Parker for turning round and round in circles and then passing the ball to the opposition was there?



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Guest Ridzuan

Butt is another of Sam's favourite player so it is definitely a big blow to him but not as far as I am concern.Hes been rubbish recently,but having said that,none of our midfield players has been playing well either.Looking at the current situation,if Emre doesnt recover or Barton is unable to play against Manchester United,then it is definitely a 'big blow' because we are currently short on numbers in the centre of midfield.

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Guest sondre

I vaguely remember Carr playing DM once or twice under Souness, and not doing to bad. It might be an idea trying him there, as he's far too slow to be a fullback, but still should be able to break up play with his big, fat body.


Carr should never be allowed to play again for NUFC whatever injury-situation. Will much rather see even Smith there tbh. Zoggy must be played as an AM now when we have Duff back in fitness. I think the Zog as AM might solve some of the problems we have had this season, with no creative force in CM. He can shoot as well, and this will draw the CB's out, leaving room for our strikers. If we play Milner - Zog - X - Duff in midfield, the X cannot be Emre. He doesn't know how to tackle, and he's far to lazy. He does't have the tempo for this league either, and with Zog on the run forward, the likes of the shit Smith and even shittyer Roz will be a better choice to pair Zoggy with. If available, Barton can also be the X.

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Parker is a better CM than anyone we have available to us at the minute. Possible exception of Faye.


Surely not? Scott Parker was fucking rubbish man, absolutely woeful... he looks better with every passing game to me. I liked the bloke.

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Butt is a spent force who can only play in fits and starts.  Unacceptable for the engine room of central midfield I think. It is little wonder we are struggling this season.



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A good DM has a great engine to get around the pitch breaking up the opposition's play, and good positional sense to protect the back 4.  When he gets the ball he lays it off short and simple.  He doesn't waste possession.


When I've seen Butt play (on TV) he does none of these things.  He's as slow as a carthorse.  His passing is terrible.  He gives the ball back to the opposition regularly.  He picks up yellows on a regular basis because he's not quick enough to time his tackles correctly.  When play breaks down he's invariably stranded in no man's land if the opposition break at pace and he can't get back leaving the defence exposed.  He's a shadow of the player he was at Man Utd and Ferguson isn't usually wrong about letting players go when they're past it.


I'm sure he's 100% professional and Allardyce can rely on him to support the management totally - Allardyce loves these steady eddie types.  Maybe he'd be better with a high energy creative player but we won't get that with Allardyce.  Butt should be an important squad player but not a regular first teamer imo.

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Parker is a better CM than anyone we have available to us at the minute. Possible exception of Faye.


Surely not? Scott Parker was fucking rubbish man, absolutely woeful... he looks better with every passing game to me. I liked the bloke.


I've no idea what this post means, Janitornater.

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Butt may give the oposition the ball but at least he doesn't spin around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around...


Personally I would like to see emre play more games, but even with him in we dont really have a center midfield who will drive forward with the ball ala gerrard. Faye was class as a DM, just need someone going forward who can run with the ball.

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Parker is a better CM than anyone we have available to us at the minute. Possible exception of Faye.


Surely not? Scott Parker was "fucking rubbish man, absolutely woeful"... he looks better with every passing game to me. I liked the bloke.


I've no idea what this post means, Janitornater.


I should have used ""... like so...

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