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Newcastle are not a big club... then why the obsession?

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The frankly ridiculous coverage on SSN for the last week is probably something to do with the two main guys at Sky Sports  being Newcastle fans.


What utter bollocks!


What has amazed me is the media coverage (that includes newpapers and channels other than Sky). I didn't realise that I was so important, being a Toon foot-soldier and all.


Fraser chill the f*** out man!!!! 1878s team are not even the biggest news story in Liverpool, never mind  England. But I am sure once they are playing in Tesco's car  park in Kirby they will dominate the Hoylake and West Kirby News :thup:


What's the need for all that bollocks?


All I was saying is that coverage on Sky Sports has been way over the top even compared to what they usually do on that channel. There has been less coverage about the ongoing Benitez saga but that doesn't mean a potential change in management at Newcastle is more significant than one at Liverpool. Same with Chelsea as I think even Mourinho going got slightly less coverage than this and that was undoubtedly a bigger story for a neutral.


I never said anything about how big or not Newcastle are.


Only a possible reason why Sky Sports have been so hysterical since Allardyce walked and the decision to have two of the main reporters camped in Newcastle for the past week which is very unusual.


So you might want to stop the unnecessary bitterness. You're just making yourself look like a tit.

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I cant imagine being so childish as to want to ring a radio phone in to claim that Newcastle fans are stupid and are deluded into thinking that they are big club. I might mutter it to myself but then I carry on with my day. Good to know that we are gnawing away at these people though.


I genuinely dont think anyone enjoying the thought of Kevin taking us up the table thinks "we are a big club as a foremost fact", we are simply enjoying the fact that we might be able to go and enjoy an afternoons entertainment once in a while.


Everything about this country is so fucking depressing these days. We have just got something, just a little something that may just take our minds off the daily threats of terrorism, the fact that everything is so damn expensive, scummy government etc etc, why on earth should we be criticised for just bloody having some fun.



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Guest Scouseman

The Spence

Kirkby is not West Kirkby or Hoylake, neither are even on the same side of the river. as Kirkby.  If you're going to try and be witty at least know the geography of the place you're talking about. :rolleyes:


I thought the publicity was all to do with Newcastle having public unveilings and stuff like that, which is manna from heaven for SKY.  Obviously once KK was named it became a major news story, as it would wherever he'd gone, but more so because he was going back to Newcastle.


I think other fans know who the big clubs are and aren't, and no amount of calling yourself one will convince someone who doesn't see you that way.  Also, most fans pick up at news of their own club and sort of switch off at continuing stories about other clubs.  i.e. West Ham last summer, most fans became bored shittless of it long before SSN and the rest did.  I'm sure it went on a lot longer than this has.



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How do you measure what makes a big club? If Wigan were to win the FA cup would that bit of silver make them a big club. Did winning the Carling Cup make 'boro any bigger or just the same shit club with a trophy?


52,000 every week through the turnstiles...if 'boro or Wigan were getting that, I'd honestly call them big clubs. No word of a lie.



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I think other fans know who the big clubs are and aren't, and no amount of calling yourself one will convince someone who doesn't see you that way.  Also, most fans pick up at news of their own club and sort of switch off at continuing stories about other clubs.  i.e. West Ham last summer, most fans became bored shittless of it long before SSN and the rest did.  I'm sure it went on a lot longer than this has.


I don't think any has said we are a big club on here, just that the way the press have covered this story, you wouldn't think we were a small club.

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Big Club - Yes

Successful club - No


Not a single person can argue with that can they. Seems pretty simple to me. I think the media interpret "big" with "successul" and sure they can be seperate things, other wise I guess there are only 4 big clubs in England and we all know thats not true otherwise us, Everton, Spurs, Villa, Man City may as well just jack it in now.

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we are a big club thanks to a bit of help geographically, in the same way Athletic Bilbao are still a big club due to what the club means to a whole region

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Ask yourself what sort of crowds Liverpool or Man u would be getting if they had not even won a domestic honour for over half a century.

Certainly no place for glory hunters with a record like that.

Still we see full houses of long suffering crowds to make us proud.

All we crave is a team to match us.



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