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Mike Ashley - Sport Relief


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The main issue though is this:


What is more important? reducing the number of children dying from HIV/AIDS related illnesses by 3000 over the next 6 months, or Mike Ashley having an extra £150k to give to his manager. By complaining about this NE5, you are implying that the latter is more important.


Still haven't answered this question NE5...


because its a bit daft isn't it ?


Its obviously the children, but this is going off on a different tangent altogether. Where will it lead ? Starving people in Africa ? Getting rid of President Mugabe ? Cancer research ?






Unbelievable. So when people are praising a man for giving a significant amount to charity, you come in with the following response:


.. bought three tickets to their Alan Sugar thingy for 100k, top bloke!


aye, smashing.


Never mind that the team is in the shite though,




taking the thread of in a complete tangent about the board by implying that Ashley should be spending his money elsewhere.


Unbelievable. I'm lost for words.

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You still haven't answered directly if you believe Keegan is a liar then?  :razz:


I wouldn't expect him to say he didn't have money  :coolsmiley:


We'll find out Johnny won't we. Unless we are relegated, then who would you blame ?


Do you also believe Keegan when he says he's happy with the appointments of Dennis Wise etc or do you think he's lying ?




I have to put my faith mate in a manager who I believe is old fashioned in the sense he's probably the most honest manager around, as he has proven throughout his career. He would never lie to us, I honestly believe that. Remember this is the man who went out and confronted the fans over the sale of Cole.


If we go down there would be several things to blame.


The board for sacking a man at an absolutely mind boggling time of the season without what seemed a plan B at the time and dilly dallying in the summer due to their inexperience with regards to football. Then again if we do stay up and progress then everyone will probably say it was a calculated risk that payed off big style, hindsight comes to mind with this apporach.


Allardyce for his terrible tactics in games against Wigan etc and his losing of the players. Allardyce for buying us some absolute shite, and not just for pennies either.


Then now we've got some very winnable games coming up, Keegan as well, especially if he continues with some of his current team selections.


I don't think Keegan would unscrupulously lie to us, but he's older and wiser than he was the first time round and I think he would say whatever he thought was beneficial to the club. And in this case, what he is saying is the right thing to say just now.


And also the correct thing to do, and the most honest thing to do.


Agree about the next few games but the fact is we should never have been in this position in the first place.



I agree with that completely. Most at the time could see with the run of fixtures we had earlier on in the season that there were a lot of attainable points dropped at that stage, especially with our run from Jan-March, we needed to get those points on the board, which we never did in the first half of the season. Truth be told we should have been in a lot higher position than we were due to the fixtures that we had. Imagine how bad it would be now if we never got those last minute goals against Fulham and Birmingham, it doesn't bare thinking about. Allardyce deserves absolutely caning for this, yet he seems to be the one at the moment coming out of all of this in good stead, when he's one of the main reasons we are in this position now. Him and the press also like to be re-writing a bit of history about his time here.


As his time at NUFC proved, he couldn't handle the pressure and expectation at a big club like this. For all of the bravado he's put on for years, he thinks he is this and that, what he showed to me in his time here proved to me he'll never be a top class manager, in such little time here you could see that. For someone with such a huge ego you'd think he'd have the trophies to back it up now wouldn't you? No your ego had been writing cheques that your body couldn't cash.


Btw at the time of appointment I thought he was the right man for this club.

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Woah! Woah! Woah there big guy...what are you saying here?


Are you saying we shouldn't try and create a massively pointless and irritating thread quote pyramid then?
























Yup. Right. Gotcha. :snod:


oh dear.


Its you again.




Yeah. It's me. :D


I just knew you'd been missing me, sweetie. :smitten:


How's those little shrivelled testicles of yours today then? Still looking like unwanted raisins at the bottom of the muesli box? 





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You still haven't answered directly if you believe Keegan is a liar then?  :razz:


I wouldn't expect him to say he didn't have money  :coolsmiley:


We'll find out Johnny won't we. Unless we are relegated, then who would you blame ?


Do you also believe Keegan when he says he's happy with the appointments of Dennis Wise etc or do you think he's lying ?




I have to put my faith mate in a manager who I believe is old fashioned in the sense he's probably the most honest manager around, as he has proven throughout his career. He would never lie to us, I honestly believe that. Remember this is the man who went out and confronted the fans over the sale of Cole.


If we go down there would be several things to blame.


The board for sacking a man at an absolutely mind boggling time of the season without what seemed a plan B at the time and dilly dallying in the summer due to their inexperience with regards to football. Then again if we do stay up and progress then everyone will probably say it was a calculated risk that payed off big style, hindsight comes to mind with this apporach.


Allardyce for his terrible tactics in games against Wigan etc and his losing of the players. Allardyce for buying us some absolute shite, and not just for pennies either.


Then now we've got some very winnable games coming up, Keegan as well, especially if he continues with some of his current team selections.


I don't think Keegan would unscrupulously lie to us, but he's older and wiser than he was the first time round and I think he would say whatever he thought was beneficial to the club. And in this case, what he is saying is the right thing to say just now.


And also the correct thing to do, and the most honest thing to do.


Agree about the next few games but the fact is we should never have been in this position in the first place.



I agree with that completely. Most at the time could see with the run of fixtures we had earlier on in the season that there were a lot of attainable points dropped at that stage, especially with our run from Jan-March, we needed to get those points on the board, which we never did in the first half of the season. Truth be told we should have been in a lot higher position than we were due to the fixtures that we had. Imagine how bad it would be now if we never got those last minute goals against Fulham and Birmingham, it doesn't bare thinking about. Allardyce deserves absolutely caning for this, yet he seems to be the one at the moment coming out of all of this in good stead, when he's one of the main reasons we are in this position now. Him and the press also like to be re-writing a bit of history about his time here.


As his time at NUFC proved, he couldn't handle the pressure and expectation at a big club like this. For all of the bravado he's put on for years, he thinks he is this and that, what he showed to me in his time here proved to me he'll never be a top class manager, in such little time here you could see that. For someone with such a huge ego you'd think he'd have the trophies to back it up now wouldn't you? No your ego had been writing bodies that your arse couldn't cash.


Btw at the time of appointment I thought he was the right man for this club.


Agree and I hold my hands up and say that I wanted his appointment, I thought he would adapt to running a bigger club, but he didn't.


I was glad to see him go, and whatever relevance "timing" has, he had to go and it only became obvious in those last few weeks. I think if he had gone before Xmas a lot of people would have complained he should have had longer, so sometimes you just can't win either way.



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You still haven't answered directly if you believe Keegan is a liar then?  :razz:


I wouldn't expect him to say he didn't have money  :coolsmiley:


We'll find out Johnny won't we. Unless we are relegated, then who would you blame ?


Do you also believe Keegan when he says he's happy with the appointments of Dennis Wise etc or do you think he's lying ?




I have to put my faith mate in a manager who I believe is old fashioned in the sense he's probably the most honest manager around, as he has proven throughout his career. He would never lie to us, I honestly believe that. Remember this is the man who went out and confronted the fans over the sale of Cole.


If we go down there would be several things to blame.


The board for sacking a man at an absolutely mind boggling time of the season without what seemed a plan B at the time and dilly dallying in the summer due to their inexperience with regards to football. Then again if we do stay up and progress then everyone will probably say it was a calculated risk that payed off big style, hindsight comes to mind with this apporach.


Allardyce for his terrible tactics in games against Wigan etc and his losing of the players. Allardyce for buying us some absolute shite, and not just for pennies either.


Then now we've got some very winnable games coming up, Keegan as well, especially if he continues with some of his current team selections.


I don't think Keegan would unscrupulously lie to us, but he's older and wiser than he was the first time round and I think he would say whatever he thought was beneficial to the club. And in this case, what he is saying is the right thing to say just now.


And also the correct thing to do, and the most honest thing to do.


Agree about the next few games but the fact is we should never have been in this position in the first place.



I agree with that completely. Most at the time could see with the run of fixtures we had earlier on in the season that there were a lot of attainable points dropped at that stage, especially with our run from Jan-March, we needed to get those points on the board, which we never did in the first half of the season. Truth be told we should have been in a lot higher position than we were due to the fixtures that we had. Imagine how bad it would be now if we never got those last minute goals against Fulham and Birmingham, it doesn't bare thinking about. Allardyce deserves absolutely caning for this, yet he seems to be the one at the moment coming out of all of this in good stead, when he's one of the main reasons we are in this position now. Him and the press also like to be re-writing a bit of history about his time here.


As his time at NUFC proved, he couldn't handle the pressure and expectation at a big club like this. For all of the bravado he's put on for years, he thinks he is this and that, what he showed to me in his time here proved to me he'll never be a top class manager, in such little time here you could see that. For someone with such a huge ego you'd think he'd have the trophies to back it up now wouldn't you? No your ego had been writing bodies that your arse couldn't cash.


Btw at the time of appointment I thought he was the right man for this club.


Agree and I hold my hands up and say that I wanted his appointment, I thought he would adapt to running a bigger club, but he didn't.


I was glad to see him go, and whatever relevance "timing" has, he had to go and it only became obvious in those last few weeks. I think if he had gone before Xmas a lot of people would have complained he should have had longer, so sometimes you just can't win either way.




So what point are you moaning about then?


That Allardyce should have been given more money seeing how he spent what he did have?


Keegan should have spent money in January even though he said money was available and a bid for Woodgate was revealed by Boro?


Appointing Keegan instead of someone better?

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Mike was one of many rich people that chipped in big numbers during that show


Well played to all who donated or who gave up time to raise cash.


It is what makes us GREAT Britain.


As if other countries don't do the same.

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Mike was one of many rich people that chipped in big numbers during that show


Well played to all who donated or who gave up time to raise cash.


It is what makes us GREAT Britain.


£19.6million in one night. :clap:


That's about 32pence per person right across the country.

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Mike was one of many rich people that chipped in big numbers during that show


Well played to all who donated or who gave up time to raise cash.


It is what makes us GREAT Britain.


£19.6million in one night. :clap:


That's about 32pence per person right across the country.


Stick that on the price of petrol per litre. Sorted.

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Mike was one of many rich people that chipped in big numbers during that show


Well played to all who donated or who gave up time to raise cash.


It is what makes us GREAT Britain.


£19.6million in one night. :clap:


That's about 32pence per person right across the country.


Stick that on the price of petrol per litre. Sorted.


Think they already have, tbh. :lol:

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