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The back four today


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It is likely Spurs may get a few goals, but it is also possible that if we take the game to them and play well on the day we will get a few goals especially if they themselves play their all out attacking game,


This hits the nail on the head.


We all know Spurs are going to come at us so keeping a clean sheet is going to be hard if we sit back, try playing a tight game and letting them come at us, on the other hand as a defensive unit Spurs have let in more goals at home than Derby have at Pride Park this season, this is a game we need to be taking to them rather than shutting up shop and hoping for the best.


Totally agree

A game featuring Keegan's 96 Newcastle side, against the current Spurs team would have had the Sky men drooling uncontrollably.

Maybe in a season or two, this fixture has the potential to be one of the best of the season

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Guest toonlass

The very thought of our team trying to shut up shop and keep it tight defensively brings out this reaction in me.



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Saturday was probably Spurs' best league result of the season, they're not really that much better than us.  As for knocking 4 past chelsea, anything can happen in a cup game, look at the semi-finalists in the FA cup.



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Guest toonlass

wasnt a cup game though


And so I will repeat Sir,


"And why not tell them they are fucked from the off at White Hart Lane, would save any disappointment should we not win. In fact lets just not bother turning up at all!"

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We could sit back, play deep, play 4-4-2. Spurs will play a high line, as it Will be Owen and Viduka, and we will be trapped in our own half, with the players not having the legs to get up and down the flanks, or the creativity to carve out a chance, there will be no support from the midfield.


Or we could play our new 4-3-3, play Martins, force Spurs back, press hard, and have a go. Play a tactic which has seen an improvement in general play and a real attacking threat. I'd sather us have a go than lose 1-0 and do nothing.




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You can't drop Martins against Spurs, he usually has a field day against them. King's a doubt and that means Michael Dawson will come in. That lad will be wetting the bed this week at the thought of Martins taking the piss out of him for the fourth time.

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You can't drop Martins against Spurs, he usually has a field day against them. King's a doubt and that means Michael Dawson will come in. That lad will be wetting the bed this week at the thought of Martins taking the piss out of him for the fourth time.


As much as I like zoggy, you don't change a formation that is working and you would have to be a blind man to see that these 3 players have found a way to combine better than the previous selections, and all 3 of them also have more possibility of scoring a goal than any other 3 players on the books. One way or another, either zoggy or Martins MUST play, and as Owen has hit form and Viduka had a good game and found his scoring touch on Saturday, keep the team the same for this one.


Martins pace has an effect like Bellamy's did, he forces defenders to double mark and sit deep. In fact we should leave him upfield when we are defending set pieces.


The time to look at the future make up of the team is when we are safe



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Also, spuds are hardly strong in central midfield, and a lot of their threat is generated in wide positions, if we double up on the wings we can stop the supply to Keane and Berb from wide positions.


Martins has to play, as does Owen and Viduka. The only change I would make is to throw zog in for Geremi, move barton to Right Centermid, and have Zog left center mid as his pace will be valuable at both ends of the pitch.



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You can't drop Martins against Spurs, he usually has a field day against them. King's a doubt and that means Michael Dawson will come in. That lad will be wetting the bed this week at the thought of Martins taking the piss out of him for the fourth time.


As much as I like zoggy, you don't change a formation that is working and you would have to be a blind man to see that these 3 players have found a way to combine better than the previous selections, and all 3 of them also have more possibility of scoring a goal than any other 3 players on the books.


Agree 100%. :thup:

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