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Guest kingdawson

Why would anyone leave Fulham for Bolton?


Or Wigan for Spurs for that matter.



Get a grip mate (directed at quklaani).



Palacios is not the player we need tbh. He's just a slight upgrade on Jenas (if that) minus the goals. Granted he gets involved more in the game then jj does. We need a sitting dm not another box to box midfielder. I like his tenacity and he can put a tackle in, but we need someone a bit more disciplined (Appiah).


Anyway, judging by whelan's audio interview on the bbc, Palacios looks like he'll join.

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Guest quklaani

Why would anyone leave Fulham for Bolton?


Or Wigan for Spurs for that matter.



Get a grip mate (directed at quklaani).



Palacios is not the player we need tbh. He's just a slight upgrade on Jenas (if that) minus the goals. Granted he gets involved more in the game then jj does. We need a sitting dm not another box to box midfielder. I like his tenacity and he can put a tackle in, but we need someone a bit more disciplined (Appiah).


Anyway, judging by whelan's audio interview on the bbc, Palacios looks like he'll join.


Yeah, because leaving a team comfortably in 7th for one who are looking like being relegated isn't in anyway ridiculous.  Also saying that I should get a grip and then claiming Palacios is no better than Jenas...  :cheesy:

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Why would anyone leave Fulham for Bolton?


Or Wigan for Spurs for that matter.



Get a grip mate (directed at quklaani).



Palacios is not the player we need tbh. He's just a slight upgrade on Jenas (if that) minus the goals. Granted he gets involved more in the game then jj does. We need a sitting dm not another box to box midfielder. I like his tenacity and he can put a tackle in, but we need someone a bit more disciplined (Appiah).


Anyway, judging by whelan's audio interview on the bbc, Palacios looks like he'll join.




How could he get less involved in the game than Jenas does? Him and his Forest mate are Championship players.

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Guest kingdawson

Palacios is not the player we need tbh. He's just a slight upgrade on Jenas (if that) minus the goals.




I see you edited out your smiley. Was the other one a bit much?


I stand by my comment. Palacios is meant to be a box to box midfielder but he hasn't scored a goal since he's been in England (doubt he has much assists either). As i said before, i rate him as a player but he's not the sort of player we need imho.

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Why would anyone leave Fulham for Bolton?


Or Wigan for Spurs for that matter.



Get a grip mate (directed at quklaani).



Palacios is not the player we need tbh. He's just a slight upgrade on Jenas (if that) minus the goals. Granted he gets involved more in the game then jj does. We need a sitting dm not another box to box midfielder. I like his tenacity and he can put a tackle in, but we need someone a bit more disciplined (Appiah).


Anyway, judging by whelan's audio interview on the bbc, Palacios looks like he'll join.


KD I think you might be the worst evaluator of talent ever!



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Guest kingdawson

Why would anyone leave Fulham for Bolton?


Or Wigan for Spurs for that matter.



Get a grip mate (directed at quklaani).



Palacios is not the player we need tbh. He's just a slight upgrade on Jenas (if that) minus the goals. Granted he gets involved more in the game then jj does. We need a sitting dm not another box to box midfielder. I like his tenacity and he can put a tackle in, but we need someone a bit more disciplined (Appiah).


Anyway, judging by whelan's audio interview on the bbc, Palacios looks like he'll join.


Yeah, because leaving a team comfortably in 7th for one who are looking like being relegated isn't in anyway ridiculous.  Also saying that I should get a grip and then claiming Palacios is no better than Jenas...  :cheesy:


Woopdeedooo fulham are ahead of us this season. That puts it to bed then, no one should leave them for us. If you cant see the bigger picture, then there's really no point continuing.



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Why would anyone leave Fulham for Bolton?


Or Wigan for Spurs for that matter.


I imagine he'd leave Wigan for Spurs because he'd want to play for a bigger club.


It must be shit slogging your guts out on the pitch and your team getting good results but knowing that you'll never get more than 20k fans in even the best of times, that you'll never be mobbed by the away end after scoring a goal because your club only brings a mini-bus full to other grounds and that the atmosphere at your ground will always be as flat as a witches tit.


Dunno how kingdawson can turn his nose up at the guy though :lol:

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Palacios is not the player we need tbh. He's just a slight upgrade on Jenas (if that) minus the goals.




I see you edited out your smiley. Was the other one a bit much?


I stand by my comment. Palacios is meant to be a box to box midfielder but he hasn't scored a goal since he's been in England (doubt he has much assists either). As i said before, i rate him as a player but he's not the sort of player we need imho.


Funnily enough he can play as holding midfielder too and is very good at it. He has been given a bit more freedom to get forward since Cattermole was brought in at Wigan.

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Guest kingdawson

Why would anyone leave Fulham for Bolton?


Or Wigan for Spurs for that matter.

I imagine he'd leave Wigan for Spurs because he'd want to play for a bigger club.


It must be s*** slogging your guts out on the pitch and your team getting good results but knowing that you'll never get more than 20k fans in even the best of times, that you'll never be mobbed by the away end after scoring a goal because your club only brings a mini-bus full to other grounds and that the atmosphere at your ground will always be as flat as a witches tit.


Dunno how kingdawson can turn his nose up at the guy though :lol:


Leave him, he's a united fan so he still wont get it (probably still scratching his head whilst reading this).

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Guest kingdawson

Palacios is not the player we need tbh. He's just a slight upgrade on Jenas (if that) minus the goals.




I see you edited out your smiley. Was the other one a bit much?


I stand by my comment. Palacios is meant to be a box to box midfielder but he hasn't scored a goal since he's been in England (doubt he has much assists either). As i said before, i rate him as a player but he's not the sort of player we need imho.


Funnily enough he can play as holding midfielder too and is very good at it. He has been given a bit more freedom to get forward since Cattermole was brought in at Wigan.


Sorry but when has Palacios played the holding role before? even last season he was bombing forward and that was without Cattermole. How can a player with no tactical awreness or positional sense play the holding role to a very good standard? It's impossible.

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Anyone who rates Jermaine Jenas just doesn't watch football.


Please help me understand what it is you see this guy doing that is at all useful.


He jogs around the pitch making half-hearted gestures for the ball to be played to him and immediately passes it back to the person who he just received it from otherwise it goes back to someone even further behind play. This is 99% of his game.


1% of the time he will make a forward run (this is the only time he looks really impressive) off the ball and can blow by people when he does this and therefore arrive in the box and is a danger. However, he doesn't do this enough at all.


He is not a good footballer. Watch the games.

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Anyone who rates Jermaine Jenas just doesn't watch football.


Please help me understand what it is you see this guy doing that is at all useful.


He jogs around the pitch making half-hearted gestures for the ball to be played to him and immediately passes it back to the person who he just received it from otherwise it goes back to someone even further behind play. This is 99% of his game.


1% of the time he will make a forward run (this is the only time he looks really impressive) off the ball and can blow by people when he does this and therefore arrive in the box and is a danger. however, he doesn't do this enoguh at all.


He is not a good footballer. Watch the games.


Jermaine Jenas is a magician with one trick. He basically puts all his effort into his first few games for a manager, goes on about feeling rejuvenated and then fails to perform under that manager is hounded out.

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He jogs around the pitch making half-hearted gestures for the ball to be played to him and immediately passes it back to the person who he just received it from otherwise it goes back to someone even further behind play. This is 99% of his game.


He's like a taller Nigel Reo Coker.

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Guest quklaani

Why would anyone leave Fulham for Bolton?


Or Wigan for Spurs for that matter.


I imagine he'd leave Wigan for Spurs because he'd want to play for a bigger club.


It must be s*** slogging your guts out on the pitch and your team getting good results but knowing that you'll never get more than 20k fans in even the best of times, that you'll never be mobbed by the away end after scoring a goal because your club only brings a mini-bus full to other grounds and that the atmosphere at your ground will always be as flat as a witches tit.


Dunno how kingdawson can turn his nose up at the guy though :lol:


My point, which that dopey eejit seems incapable of noticing (in between mistaking Fulham for Wigan, presumably he thinks Palacios plays at the cottage, might explain thinking he's rubbish, presumably he thinks we all mean Paintsil..) is that although Spurs are unquestionably a bigger club, they're in great danger of being the biggest club in the championship next season.  Why would you take a risk like that midseason?

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Guest kingdawson

Anyone who rates Jermaine Jenas just doesn't watch football.


Please help me understand what it is you see this guy doing that is at all useful.


He jogs around the pitch making half-hearted gestures for the ball to be played to him and immediately passes it back to the person who he just received it from otherwise it goes back to someone even further behind play. This is 99% of his game.


1% of the time he will make a forward run (this is the only time he looks really impressive) off the ball and can blow by people when he does this and therefore arrive in the box and is a danger. However, he doesn't do this enough at all.


He is not a good footballer. Watch the games.


Mourinho is an awful coach tbh, and what about  Bobby Robson, Capello, Ericksson, Ramos, and Jol? These guys really know nothing about football :rolleyes:


For all the knockers he has, JJ is a box to box midfielder who's main job is to get some assists, put tackles in and occasionally score goals. He does this (well not so much putting tackles in tbh). He needs to stop going missing for periods of the game but his all round game is pretty decent imo (his improved since he was with you lot).


As for the reo coker comparison, what exactly does nrc bring to the table. He's got bags of energy and can put a decent tackle in but not much else.

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Mourinho is an awful coach tbh, and what about  Bobby Robson, Capello, Ericksson, Ramos, and Jol? These guys really know nothing about football :rolleyes:


The club managers all ended up getting the sack. SGE got dumped by England. Does Capello play him in real games?

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Guest kingdawson

Why would anyone leave Fulham for Bolton?


Or Wigan for Spurs for that matter.


I imagine he'd leave Wigan for Spurs because he'd want to play for a bigger club.


It must be s*** slogging your guts out on the pitch and your team getting good results but knowing that you'll never get more than 20k fans in even the best of times, that you'll never be mobbed by the away end after scoring a goal because your club only brings a mini-bus full to other grounds and that the atmosphere at your ground will always be as flat as a witches tit.


Dunno how kingdawson can turn his nose up at the guy though :lol:


My point, which that dopey eejit seems incapable of noticing (in between mistaking Fulham for Wigan, presumably he thinks Palacios plays at the cottage, might explain thinking he's rubbish, presumably he thinks we all mean Paintsil..) is that although Spurs are unquestionably a bigger club, they're in great danger of being the biggest club in the championship next season.  Why would you take a risk like that midseason?


Your point (much like most of your posts) is invalid. You're quite right, i misread your post but my point still stands. If you're incapable of seeing the benefits of a move from Wigan to Spurs, and the only thing you're looking at is league positions, then im afriad Roy Keanes assumption that you are all prawn sandwich eating weirdos, who know jack s*** about football, appears spot on.

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Guest quklaani

"You're point?"


Ok, I think I'll stop talking to you now.


A few years ago England played a B international against Belarus to prepare for the world cup, give some of the s**** a run out y'know.  I watched it in a bar at Uni, and when England took the lead the room did the traditional thing and cheered.  Then everyone saw who scored, and to a man the entire bar groaned.


Jermaine Jenas everybody, superultramassivebehemothic club Spurs' midfield Dynamo.  He's better than that Palacios fellow down at Fulham don't you know.

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Guest kingdawson

You'll stop talking yet you.....................................................................................Continue talking :rolleyes:.



Why do you keep talking about spurs? are we always on your mind or are you just trying to fit in here? You're team is fighting for the league, dont you have bigger fish to fry..

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Guest quklaani

At what point in my post after I said that did you think I was adressing you?  Of course, now I am, so thats pretty annoying.  I'll try and stop since my vague interest in your comical football club is clearly upsetting you.

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Guest kingdawson

At what point in my post after I said that did you think I was adressing you?  Of course, now I am, so thats pretty annoying.  I'll try and stop since my vague interest in your comical football club is clearly upsetting you.


ermmmmm since the time you added the palacios plays for Fulham bit which was clearly directed at me :idiot2:.

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