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Have recent seasons damaged our view of our club?


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Just read HTT's recent thread, and it got me thinking. In recent seasons we have done terrible, now if you ask me alot of that is down to bad managers giving our players next to no motivation. Added to the fact we have weaknesses in certain areas of our starting 11, certain areas, not all over. Yet clubs like Everton do so well in the league and they are supposedly miles ahead of us, Spurs buy in players such Woodgate and Modric, supposedly instead of us, does that make them miles ahead of us too? I dont think either side are miles ahead of us tbh.


I think we are 1 quality CB away from having a good defence capable of finishing 5th, added with back up full backs to offer options and abit of depth for the defence. We are 1 quality forward away from having a forward line as good if not better than the likes of Everton and Spurs, certainly better than the rest of the 5th spot chasers. The midfield is our problem, but with a good play maker and other good buys, that problem can easily go away.


Surely that is all it takes? My question is has recent failures at Newcastle damaged our perception of the club? Alot of people think we are MILES from finishing 5th, that players wouldnt look twice at us if Spurs were in the market for them aswell. AS HTT said you mention a name and he is either too good for us or wouldnt want to come here. For most of last season it was a case of "we wont win today" instead of "we will batter them", "3-0 to the Toon" etc on match days. Yes we may have been shit for most of the season, but still, why not still have that fighting spirit and determination to get us going on match days?


I know for sure i wasnt singing our teams praises last season on match days, as i constantly and still do constantly think the worst for Newcastle. I put that down to hoping in the past and watching painfully has hope went away time after time after time. The question is, do most of our fans feel like this and has it damaged our own personal ambitions for Newcastle, our perception of Newcastle?


I hope i made my point clear there, really tired here and im still using this shitty set up where i can barely see the text etc, so sorry if there are mistakes or if it is hard to understand.

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What we need is stability and a long-term plan. Since Sir Bob left, it's like we've been stumbling from one crisis to another, and we've changed from a club that looked like it was going places to a bit of a laughing stock.


We've got the chance now to begin again, and restore a bit of credibility. That may take time. You say we're not far off from fifth place, Decky, but you've also said we need at least five new signings. Even if we beat off the competition to get those players, it'll be a while before things gel.

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What we need is stability and a long-term plan. Since Sir Bob left, it's like we've been stumbling from one crisis to another, and we've changed from a club that looked like it was going places to a bit of a laughing stock.


We've got the chance now to begin again, and restore a bit of credibility. That may take time. You say we're not far off from fifth place, Decky, but you've also said we need at least five new signings. Even if we beat off the competition to get those players, it'll be a while before things gel.


i can hear NE5's gears grinding from here!!


agree though, as i said in the other thread by HTT i personally reckon we need a season or two doing what everton did...getting players NOT at the top end of the market (i'd start with barnes from derby) either in england or abroad and improving their game


then we can start looking at signing the best and point to how we make players better as a pulling point


either that or fat mike doles out 100m and we just go mental!!!

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How about we still can't have a top 7 finish in the coming season?


Right now id say that if we dont then we will be very unlucky but will miss out and finish 8th behind better Spurs, Everton and Villa sides. The facts remain, sitting here in May, we have a hugely ambitious manager who came here and worked miracles before, we have a summer of spending ahead of us. Getting into the top 8 and battling for 5th this season is at the hands of Keegan and who ever he brings in this summer, he gets in the right blood, and fuck it, why cant we finish 5th?

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Guest Knightrider

We are a great club, with an average team, get the team right (and I include off the field too) and NUFC will be a major force. I've always believed in the club, if not always the team on and off the pitch.

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Guest Stephen927

I was just thinking about this this morning.


I think man for man, we're not that bad a team. Even just a clever, creative attacking midfielder would make all the difference, as the work man like midfield we have find it difficult to make chances for our front line.


CB, back up LB, right back I think is ok, it can be covered by Edgar for now, AM, CF in the mould of Viduka but better in the air to lead the front line for Martins and Owen.

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We are a great club, with an average team, get the team right (and I include off the field too) and NUFC will be a major force. I've always believed in the club, if not always the team on and off the pitch.


I reckon if Derby County had Man United's players, they'd be a major force too.


The sky is blue.

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We are a great club, with an average team, get the team right (and I include off the field too) and NUFC will be a major force. I've always believed in the club, if not always the team on and off the pitch.


I disagree that we are a "great club", what have we done to deserve that label?


Great clubs are clubs that have a rich history and tradition that all other football fans can acknowledge and appreciate. Clubs such as Liverpool and the Mancs, Real Madrid, Barca etc.


At the moment we are the laughing stock of football because of our on and off the field short comings, other fans think we're a joke because some of us believe we are a "great club" even though we've won nothing in most supporter's living memories.


I think we have the potential to be a great club because the club is the focal point of a great city with a huge, fanatical fan base, but it'll take a long period of sustained success before we can call ourselves and, more importantly other fans consider us, a "great" football club.

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What we need is stability and a long-term plan. Since Sir Bob left, it's like we've been stumbling from one crisis to another, and we've changed from a club that looked like it was going places to a bit of a laughing stock.


We've got the chance now to begin again, and restore a bit of credibility. That may take time. You say we're not far off from fifth place, Decky, but you've also said we need at least five new signings. Even if we beat off the competition to get those players, it'll be a while before things gel.


Agreed - stability is required because there has been too much INstability over the past 5 years.

We have fallen further and faster than any other big club except Leeds, and they don't have the support base that we do.Even 5 years ago we were viewed as a club to be reckoned with because we had achieved Top 5 positions enabling us to qualify for CL ; at that time, clubs like Everton or Spurs were well behind us and looked like staying that way...

Bad decision-making, both on & off the pitch has meant that the positions are now reversed and we have a great deal of work to do in order to catch up..

We need to see progress in all areas of the playing side every season for the next 3 - only then will we have a chance of catching up ; it will take a superhuman effort to restore our Top 6 status in less than that time.

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The only great thing about our club is the 52,000 mongs who turn up every other Saturday and the 5,000 or so who travel away on a regular basis.


We've got a good ground but that has done nothing for us so far and after that I'm struggling to see what we have over the other clubs.  Having said that, most of the other clubs in the league don't have that so we do have something that most don't have but we need a pot of some kind.


39 years without any trophy, 53 years without a domestic trophy, and 81 years without a league championship all tell the story of a club which has underperformed on a major scale.


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Guest Knightrider

We are a great club, with an average team, get the team right (and I include off the field too) and NUFC will be a major force. I've always believed in the club, if not always the team on and off the pitch.


I disagree that we are a "great club", what have we done to deserve that label?


Great clubs are clubs that have a rich history and tradition that all other football fans can acknowledge and appreciate. Clubs such as Liverpool and the Mancs, Real Madrid, Barca etc.


At the moment we are the laughing stock of football because of our on and off the field short comings, other fans think we're a joke because some of us believe we are a "great club" even though we've won nothing in most supporter's living memories.


I think we have the potential to be a great club because the club is the focal point of a great city with a huge, fanatical fan base, but it'll take a long period of sustained success before we can call ourselves and, more importantly other fans consider us, a "great" football club.


I have to disagree strongly. Man Utd et al are great and successful clubs true, which is something we aren't - successful. But Newcastle United is a great historical club all the same. We have the potential to be a great and successful club, but on and off the pitch we need the right team to make that happen. Our problem has been that we've had more Souness years than KK or Sir Bobby years as a club, dating back some 50 odd years. As a club we are like a top fashion label shop without any stock at the moment.


We are not a laughing stock either. I travel the width and breadth of England, Scotland and now Wales daily and the majority of people I meet seem to have a high regard for NUFC as this "fantastic club", more so us as Geordies and fans which I must admit, does surprise me.


Just because the media write sensationalised crap with illiterate mongs (in our own ranks too) queuing up to pay lip service to this bile, having their opinions formed for them by Talk Sport, the Sun and SSN et al in the process, to which they repeat ad infinitum on meaningless poxy messageboards, doesn't mean the entire world sees us in the same light. It's the opposite to be honest.


One of the ongoing questions I keep getting asked on my travels is why aren't Newcastle United a successful club, as we apparently have all the right tools, tools all but a few clubs would kill for.


We're not a great European club or a superpower club, but in the context of English football we are very much a great and historical club, deny that and you deny our club's entire history.


Btw I don't give a fuck what other fans think about my club, their opinions good and bad are irrelevant to my own feelings and thoughts.

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My relationship with Newcastle recently has been like like watching the lass you love hit the kebabs and slowly turn into Vanessa Feltz  :weep:. Suddenly a respected dietician has turned up and she's slowly starting to fit into those tight jeans again  :smitten:

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We are a great club, with an average team, get the team right (and I include off the field too) and NUFC will be a major force. I've always believed in the club, if not always the team on and off the pitch.


I disagree that we are a "great club", what have we done to deserve that label?


Great clubs are clubs that have a rich history and tradition that all other football fans can acknowledge and appreciate. Clubs such as Liverpool and the Mancs, Real Madrid, Barca etc.


At the moment we are the laughing stock of football because of our on and off the field short comings, other fans think we're a joke because some of us believe we are a "great club" even though we've won nothing in most supporter's living memories.


I think we have the potential to be a great club because the club is the focal point of a great city with a huge, fanatical fan base, but it'll take a long period of sustained success before we can call ourselves and, more importantly other fans consider us, a "great" football club.



I travel the width and breadth of England, Scotland and now Wales daily and the majority of people I meet seem to have a high regard for NUFC as this "fantastic club", more so us as Geordies and fans which I must admit, does surprise me.




Btw I don't give a fuck what other fans think about my club, their opinions good and bad are irrelevant to my own feelings and thoughts.




So their opinions only matter when they back yours up?

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We are a great club, with an average team, get the team right (and I include off the field too) and NUFC will be a major force. I've always believed in the club, if not always the team on and off the pitch.


I disagree that we are a "great club", what have we done to deserve that label?


Great clubs are clubs that have a rich history and tradition that all other football fans can acknowledge and appreciate. Clubs such as Liverpool and the Mancs, Real Madrid, Barca etc.


At the moment we are the laughing stock of football because of our on and off the field short comings, other fans think we're a joke because some of us believe we are a "great club" even though we've won nothing in most supporter's living memories.


I think we have the potential to be a great club because the club is the focal point of a great city with a huge, fanatical fan base, but it'll take a long period of sustained success before we can call ourselves and, more importantly other fans consider us, a "great" football club.



I travel the width and breadth of England, Scotland and now Wales daily and the majority of people I meet seem to have a high regard for NUFC as this "fantastic club", more so us as Geordies and fans which I must admit, does surprise me.




Btw I don't give a fuck what other fans think about my club, their opinions good and bad are irrelevant to my own feelings and thoughts.




So their opinions only matter when they back yours up?



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Guest Knightrider

We are a great club, with an average team, get the team right (and I include off the field too) and NUFC will be a major force. I've always believed in the club, if not always the team on and off the pitch.


I disagree that we are a "great club", what have we done to deserve that label?


Great clubs are clubs that have a rich history and tradition that all other football fans can acknowledge and appreciate. Clubs such as Liverpool and the Mancs, Real Madrid, Barca etc.


At the moment we are the laughing stock of football because of our on and off the field short comings, other fans think we're a joke because some of us believe we are a "great club" even though we've won nothing in most supporter's living memories.


I think we have the potential to be a great club because the club is the focal point of a great city with a huge, fanatical fan base, but it'll take a long period of sustained success before we can call ourselves and, more importantly other fans consider us, a "great" football club.



I travel the width and breadth of England, Scotland and now Wales daily and the majority of people I meet seem to have a high regard for NUFC as this "fantastic club", more so us as Geordies and fans which I must admit, does surprise me.




Btw I don't give a fuck what other fans think about my club, their opinions good and bad are irrelevant to my own feelings and thoughts.




So their opinions only matter when they back yours up?


Anyone looking?



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