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Those criticising KK for resigning

Guest Howaythetoon

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Guest Howaythetoon

Claiming he's left us in the lurch again blah blah blah.


If he's being undermined and players are being sold and bought behind his back, such things would spread to the players, staff and the media and of course us lot in time only serving to further undermine the manager. This had to come to a head sooner rather than later because if he continued it would all go to pot anyway. The minute a manager is undermined is the minute he loses his control of his team and club and KK made the right decision to resign, any self respecting person never mind football manager would do the same and good on him for it, not everyone is fickle...


Let me cast your minds back to the last manager to get undermined and what happened there. Sir Bobby. The only difference is KK walked where as Bobby, bless him, didn't have that kind of strength. Not that I'm knocking Bobby because trying to overcome it and carry on is also a strength.


Blame those that brought about such a strong reaction from KK rather than the man himself who has once again been honest with this club and fans by walking away if he can't manage the club in the way he only can, rather than plodding on, kidding himself, us lot, his players and it all ending in an ever worse way, i.e. with the team fighting relegation or sat in 4th with a few weeks to go.


People will point to why he didn't do anything earlier, maybe he has tried and tried to make a fist of it, maybe this all came about suddenly, either way KK has done the right thing and I say that sat here absolutely devastated he is no longer our manager.


Again the man should command total respect.


He was here for only 8 months but the team improved, results improved and the mood of fans improved to the lengths not seen since we were riding high under Sir Bobby.



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Guest Howaythetoon

to be honest, those of us with sense have known for some time that Ashley and co are incompetent c***s. Keegan should have walked 2 months ago or not taken the job at all


I feel a dick to myself for my blind stupidity.

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thing i question though, is why walk now? i don't blame him, but why not earlier?


is this to say that guthrie, collo and jonas were kk signings and the board suddenly changed it? i doubt it.


i suspect it has always been this way, and he knew how it was going, so why walk now?



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What's happened is sh*t. Ashley & Wise are in the wrong, but he'd got through the worst part, ie the transfer window, so I think he could have easily continued to manage the team he had. If he was going to resign, he should have done when the current regime bought him Gutierrez.

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What's happened is sh*t. Ashley & Wise are in the wrong, but he'd got through the worst part, ie the transfer window, so I think he could have easily continued to manage the team he had. If he was going to resign, he should have done when the current regime bought him Gutierrez.


Would this not therefore suggest that something else has happened. Something that will never get spoken of ?

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What's happened is sh*t. Ashley & Wise are in the wrong, but he'd got through the worst part, ie the transfer window, so I think he could have easily continued to manage the team he had. If he was going to resign, he should have done when the current regime bought him Gutierrez.


aye, thats my point. i just dont see why it had to be now?

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Guest Howaythetoon

What's happened is sh*t. Ashley & Wise are in the wrong, but he'd got through the worst part, ie the transfer window, so I think he could have easily continued to manage the team he had. If he was going to resign, he should have done when the current regime bought him Gutierrez.


He knew about Jonas, he OK'd the deal.

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My thoughts from TT



After the news settled in on Tuesday I started to think with my head a bit more than my heart.  Tried to take the owners/middle management view...


Of the two, Ashley is the one with the (apparent) long term commitment to the club, should he really bow to Keegans every whim on player recruitment when he'll be gone in 2 years guaranteed?  Ashley can only assume that Keegan is looking for a short term fix and will leave the club with a squad of expensive old men who he can get no value back from.


And after being gutted all over again tonight I can still see that line of thought.  They can't comprehend Keegan's connection with the club.  Our recent history is the likes of Allardyce and Souness bringing in their expensive flops which have had to be replaced season after season as the manager walks off with a payout.  A long term vision minimises that risk.


I can't comprehend them not keeping it as a mutual agreement approach though.  Why did it work well for 3 months of the window only to fall apart so miserably on the very last day?  They had to have taken the piss, big style.


Could equally well have been that Keegan thought, ah fuck it, I'm popular enough around these parts I'll start laying the law down big style, and it's others sticking to the plan of not having short term staff dictate the long term vision.


"clubs should not impose upon any manager any player that he does not want.”


But if they do you're free to leave them to rot in the reserves.


Starting to feel a bit let down by Keegan now.


I'll keep you all posted on my constantly changing moods.



It's all very soon, and emotions are running high.  I'm not sure what I think just yet, but I'm going to really think it through and see what other news we get before jumping onto any bandwagon.

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What's happened is sh*t. Ashley & Wise are in the wrong, but he'd got through the worst part, ie the transfer window, so I think he could have easily continued to manage the team he had. If he was going to resign, he should have done when the current regime bought him Gutierrez.


He knew about Jonas, he OK'd the deal.


And I'd imagine if Wise or whoever had came to Keegan a few days before the deadline, he'd have ok'd Xisco...maybe not the other lad, but I still find it concerning a Premiership manager aiming for Europe, with an injury-prone set of strikers, was going to turn his nose up at someone of his ability.

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What's happened is sh*t. Ashley & Wise are in the wrong, but he'd got through the worst part, ie the transfer window, so I think he could have easily continued to manage the team he had. If he was going to resign, he should have done when the current regime bought him Gutierrez.


He knew about Jonas, he OK'd the deal.


And I'd imagine if Wise or whoever had came to Keegan a few days before the deadline, he'd have ok'd Xisco...maybe not the other lad, but I still find it concerning a Premiership manager aiming for Europe, with an injury-prone set of strikers, was going to turn his nose up at someone of his ability.


Especially when he prevented Smith from being sold to Everton. If Keegan doesn't know the foreign market, you'd think he'd take good advice from his own team.

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This might be totally random but is it possble that it all centred around one of our lads being transferred to another club and being forced on them and another unsuspecting manager ? Kevin might have been standing up for the player knowing that the move was totally unfair on him and his career.


Is it just clever use of words that he doesnt refer to Newcastle United or himself in any specific way.... or is that just the legal way of putting the statement out ?

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I think Milner's sale was the biggest factor anyway.


Which, again, is concerning. £12m for Milner? If Sunderland had paid that amount for him we'd be ripping the p*ss out of them big-time. He sold Cole and took 5 months to replace him, I'm sure he could have done the same second time around.

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I think Milner's sale was the biggest factor anyway.


Selling him wasn't a mistake. Not replacing him was.


And Keegan going half a season with Kitson as striker in 94-5 was a mistake baring in mind it cost us Europe that season. We signed his replacement later on and was a success. Could have easily done the same here again in January.

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If Keegan wasn't happy then he should have gone earlier in the window so we could get someone else in, if all this has kicked off on the last day of the transfer window then it looks like a very knee jerk reaction.


Either way he's left us in the shit with his actions over the last few days and I'm more interested in how the club are going to turn this around rather than sympathizing with Keegan..

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Guest Howaythetoon

Principles again. Its like saying to KK you're the boss but we don't quite trust your judgement. Yes 12m was great money but look at the bigger picture, we've lost KK over it (and other things).

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to be honest, those of us with sense have known for some time that Ashley and co are incompetent c***s. Keegan should have walked 2 months ago or not taken the job at all


I feel a dick to myself for my blind stupidity.


It's the emotional view over the rational one.


I'm struggling with it myself, and we should all be wary of it right now.

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I think Milner's sale was the biggest factor anyway.


Selling him wasn't a mistake. Not replacing him was.


And Keegan going half a season with Kitson as striker in 94-5 was a mistake baring in mind it cost us Europe that season. We signed his replacement later on and was a success. Could have easily done the same here again in January.


Point taken but I think we had enough time to bring someone else in before the window shut. No point buying for the sake of it and we have cover but another body would be handy when injuries and suspensions kick in around October and November.



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My criticism is simply this:


if it's a club you love, and a job you love, why leave? I get the principle part, but was it so bad? Were the players so useless? Were they playing so terrible? Were the fans shouting for your head like with so many other poor sods who can't get a win to save their life?


It wasn't so bad really.

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Keegan is/was too emotional by far - another reason why we all warmed to him I guess. But in this case I wish he'd taken a step back, considered the situation and just bid his time. He should have watched how Ashley, Wise et all operated until January 09 and then stood his ground. You don't win the fight on the outside - you win the fight on the inside. Hell, I want to say something sensible but the more i think about it the more gutted I become.



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It seems like HTT's pushing the 'it was KK unhappy with sales behind his back' angle because HTT's happy with the players we brought in. We don't know who KK was referring to but it's clearly the fact of a player coming in who he didn't want, and players not coming in who he did want if anything.


The problem is Ashley's fault. Simple

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