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The official Fat Fred Out campaign

Guest ToonFanNorway
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Easy way out, easy way out.


Is it more valid if you repeat yourself?


Not that I've got a clue as to what you're on about.



Likewise, your post above is a total nonsense.


Anyway, just answer the point(s) in my post, you don't have to be mentioned specifically, you know.


I notice you also have no comment in relation to the link I posted to a comment of mine made last May, a comment that laid out my thoughts on Fred and the appointment of Roeder. You've also made no comment that I've seen in relation to my agreeing with Dave, or least Dave agreeing with something I posted about when Souness was appointed.


You either can't keep up or you only select what suits you at the time.


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Guest The Fox


Easy way out, easy way out.


Is it more valid if you repeat yourself?


Not that I've got a clue as to what you're on about.


I dont think anyone has got a clue what he's on about, least of all himself. :cool: :cool: :cool:

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Easy way out, easy way out.


Is it more valid if you repeat yourself?


Not that I've got a clue as to what you're on about.


I dont think anyone has got a clue what he's on about, least of all himself. :cool: :cool: :cool:


Still waiting for you to address the questions that were asked earlier....


Dum di dum di dum dum

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Guest The Fox

Still waiting for you to address the following:

Under Sitr John Hall and Keegan we finished 2nd twice . Not only that we had a terrific side and played exhilarating football and became much loved throughout the land.

Under Shepherds guidance apart from Robson we have not come close to that and now have a side that would not live with Keegans and quite frankly is boring and one dimensional.

That to my mind and most others I think would signify a downward spiral and the fact that Shepherd inherited the Chair and has wasted what Sir John Hall and Keegan achieved.

Hence my comment that Shepherd has not been successful compared to JH/KK days, which is all I have ever said.


Bu the way I refer you to my previous numerous posts where I have answered both yourself and NE5 over and over gain. I am not going to waste time repeating what you are unableor refuse to grasp.

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As I edited my post before though HTL, Shepherd failed again through the timing of Robson's dismissal. Thinking proactively he should have got rid in the summer and started afresh. The timing was awful, and virtually left us with someone of Souness' calibre. Also, the PR with regards to the 'this is his last season' was farcical.


No, he didn't. He failed to bring in the correct replacement. It all comes round to the appointment of that bastard who is the worst manager of this club in my lifetime.


The reason people point to the timing of Robson's departure as being poor would never happen had the Board appointed the right man to take his place. We'd be doing well now if the right manager had been appointed, who would care about the timing? The proof is in the departure of Gullit and the appointment of Robson, I never hear much criticism surrounding the appointment of Robson, do you?


In any case, the proper 'timing' would have been at the end of the season we finished 3rd, not a few weeks before Robson eventually left.


Appointing better than Souness would have been a hell of a lot easier had he got rid of Robson in good time, though. His hand was forced by the ridiculous timing.


Replacing Gullit with Robson was a no-brainer in my opinion. Robson was chomping at the bit for this job; he hardly needed convincing.


And they should have binned him the second the season we finished 5th ended, not 'a few weeks before' he actually did.

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Easy way out, easy way out.


Is it more valid if you repeat yourself?


Not that I've got a clue as to what you're on about.



Likewise, your post above is a total nonsense.


Anyway, just answer the point(s) in my post, you don't have to be mentioned specifically, you know.


I notice you also have no comment in relation to the link I posted to a comment of mine made last May, a comment that laid out my thoughts on Fred and the appointment of Roeder. You've also made no comment that I've seen in relation to my agreeing with Dave, or least Dave agreeing with something I posted about when Souness was appointed.


You either can't keep up or you only select what suits you at the time.



What points are you asking to be answered?


The post from May doesn't need commenting on, you seem to have set a target at which point you think Shepherd should go but you seem to absolve him of any wrong doing so far, that's the way I read it.


As for selecting what I respond to, yes I do, I'm sure nobody replies to every post on here, I know I don't.

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On a lighter note - the slogan for the campaign a la Blue Peter


'Time for walkies Shep'


or am I showing my age?


You've got your quotes mixed up, if it was influenced by Blue Peter it would be:


"Down Shep"


Which is sadly even more appropriate to our current situation. :(

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No, he didn't. He failed to bring in the correct replacement. It all comes round to the appointment of that bastard who is the worst manager of this club in my lifetime.


The reason people point to the timing of Robson's departure as being poor would never happen had the Board appointed the right man to take his place. We'd be doing well now if the right manager had been appointed, who would care about the timing? The proof is in the departure of Gullit and the appointment of Robson, I never hear much criticism surrounding the appointment of Robson, do you?


In any case, the proper 'timing' would have been at the end of the season we finished 3rd, not a few weeks before Robson eventually left.


I can't say I agree with you there HTL - Shepherd did make something of a rod for his back by publically saying that Robson wouldn't have his contract renewed at the end of the 2004/05 season. This made Robson's position untenable - would you agree?


If Shepherd knew after the 2003/04 season that the next season would be Robson's last, should he not have made preparations for his replacement as soon as he made that decision? The popular opinion is that during the summer of 2004 Robson should have been "moved upstairs" and someone else installed - now whether or not you agree with that, would you agree that it is easier (and more preferable) to appoint a manager in the off season rather than mid season?


It seems that Shepherd planned to dispense with Robson's services and yet didn't have a plan to replace him - now, it is possible he thought he would cross that bridge when he came to it (at the 2004/05 season) but when he decided to sack Robson a handful of games into the season he suddenly had to appoint someone immediately - which resulted in something of a circus and the (allegedly fifth choice) Scottish maggot being plucked from the sinking ship that was Blackburn


I guess my point is that as soon as Shepherd decided he was going to get rid of Robson, he should have immediately begun formulating contingency plans - a "fire now" plan (summer 04), a "fire during the season" plan, and a "release at the end of contract" plan...


It's all very well to say my thoughts are with the benefit of hindsight, but really, it's common sense. If you plan to get rid of a manager, then you also need to plan for his replacement...


There's a lesson for this for Freddy now too - if he boots Roeder, then I hope to God he's already got someone lined up, because we don't want to be scraping the bottom of the barrell and come up with another Souness, do we?!?


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No, he didn't. He failed to bring in the correct replacement. It all comes round to the appointment of that bastard who is the worst manager of this club in my lifetime.


The reason people point to the timing of Robson's departure as being poor would never happen had the Board appointed the right man to take his place. We'd be doing well now if the right manager had been appointed, who would care about the timing? The proof is in the departure of Gullit and the appointment of Robson, I never hear much criticism surrounding the appointment of Robson, do you?


In any case, the proper 'timing' would have been at the end of the season we finished 3rd, not a few weeks before Robson eventually left.


I can't say I agree with you there HTL - Shepherd did make something of a rod for his back by publically saying that Robson wouldn't have his contract renewed at the end of the 2004/05 season. This made Robson's position untenable - would you agree?


If Shepherd knew after the 2003/04 season that the next season would be Robson's last, should he not have made preparations for his replacement as soon as he made that decision? The popular opinion is that during the summer of 2004 Robson should have been "moved upstairs" and someone else installed - now whether or not you agree with that, would you agree that it is easier (and more preferable) to appoint a manager in the off season rather than mid season?


It seems that Shepherd planned to dispense with Robson's services and yet didn't have a plan to replace him - now, it is possible he thought he would cross that bridge when he came to it (at the 2004/05 season) but when he decided to sack Robson a handful of games into the season he suddenly had to appoint someone immediately - which resulted in something of a circus and the (allegedly fifth choice) Scottish maggot being plucked from the sinking ship that was Blackburn


I guess my point is that as soon as Shepherd decided he was going to get rid of Robson, he should have immediately begun formulating contingency plans - a "fire now" plan (summer 04), a "fire during the season" plan, and a "release at the end of contract" plan...


It's all very well to say my thoughts are with the benefit of hindsight, but really, it's common sense. If you plan to get rid of a manager, then you also need to plan for his replacement...


There's a lesson for this for Freddy now too - if he boots Roeder, then I hope to God he's already got someone lined up, because we don't want to be scraping the bottom of the barrell and come up with another Souness, do we?!?



Good point, there's far too little planning going on at the club in general, Shearer retires: No plan, Robson "leaves": No plan, Souness sacked: No plan, etc, etc, etc.

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Guest Action Verb

So what has this campaigned organised, planned or done anything at all? Out of interest really.


Apart from setting up a forum.



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Easy way out, easy way out.


Is it more valid if you repeat yourself?


Not that I've got a clue as to what you're on about.



Likewise, your post above is a total nonsense.


Anyway, just answer the point(s) in my post, you don't have to be mentioned specifically, you know.


I notice you also have no comment in relation to the link I posted to a comment of mine made last May, a comment that laid out my thoughts on Fred and the appointment of Roeder. You've also made no comment that I've seen in relation to my agreeing with Dave, or least Dave agreeing with something I posted about when Souness was appointed.


You either can't keep up or you only select what suits you at the time.



What points are you asking to be answered?


The post from May doesn't need commenting on, you seem to have set a target at which point you think Shepherd should go but you seem to absolve him of any wrong doing so far, that's the way I read it.


As for selecting what I respond to, yes I do, I'm sure nobody replies to every post on here, I know I don't.


You are totally dumb. There's not much point in exchanging posts with you in future, Mick.

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Guest ToonFanNorway

Thanks for the support !!!


To be honest the reason why things are going so slow is because we havnt got enough people who actually want to do something about the sad situation that the TOON are in bluesigh.gif bluesigh.gif bluesigh.gif


If there are people out there who do want to help me and my friends(Oh sorry frienD) then it would get things moving alot quicker,

So if you want to be a Admin, Mod what ever PM me and will can start getting things moving faster  bluewink.gif


We need support lads

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Guest Action Verb

why the hell do you need a seperate forum?


all your posts look like a desperate plea to get people to sign-up.



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No, he didn't. He failed to bring in the correct replacement. It all comes round to the appointment of that bastard who is the worst manager of this club in my lifetime.


The reason people point to the timing of Robson's departure as being poor would never happen had the Board appointed the right man to take his place. We'd be doing well now if the right manager had been appointed, who would care about the timing? The proof is in the departure of Gullit and the appointment of Robson, I never hear much criticism surrounding the appointment of Robson, do you?


In any case, the proper 'timing' would have been at the end of the season we finished 3rd, not a few weeks before Robson eventually left.


I can't say I agree with you there HTL - Shepherd did make something of a rod for his back by publically saying that Robson wouldn't have his contract renewed at the end of the 2004/05 season. This made Robson's position untenable - would you agree?


If Shepherd knew after the 2003/04 season that the next season would be Robson's last, should he not have made preparations for his replacement as soon as he made that decision? The popular opinion is that during the summer of 2004 Robson should have been "moved upstairs" and someone else installed - now whether or not you agree with that, would you agree that it is easier (and more preferable) to appoint a manager in the off season rather than mid season?


It seems that Shepherd planned to dispense with Robson's services and yet didn't have a plan to replace him - now, it is possible he thought he would cross that bridge when he came to it (at the 2004/05 season) but when he decided to sack Robson a handful of games into the season he suddenly had to appoint someone immediately - which resulted in something of a circus and the (allegedly fifth choice) Scottish maggot being plucked from the sinking ship that was Blackburn


I guess my point is that as soon as Shepherd decided he was going to get rid of Robson, he should have immediately begun formulating contingency plans - a "fire now" plan (summer 04), a "fire during the season" plan, and a "release at the end of contract" plan...


It's all very well to say my thoughts are with the benefit of hindsight, but really, it's common sense. If you plan to get rid of a manager, then you also need to plan for his replacement...


There's a lesson for this for Freddy now too - if he boots Roeder, then I hope to God he's already got someone lined up, because we don't want to be scraping the bottom of the barrell and come up with another Souness, do we?!?



That's a very good post, but I do think you've answered your own question. Fred probably did have a plan to replace Robson but not until the end of the season, as you said.


I doubt very much Fred allowed Robson to spend money in the summer with the expectation we would start off looking like relegation fodder. In that situation the Board has to act before it's too late. People are right now clamouring for Fred to get rid of Roeder ( and himself ) despite it not being expected, if he sacks Roeder will he then be criticised for having no plan?  Sacking managers can't really be predicted as it's usually sparked by an unexpected situation.


Unless you expect a club to always have a plan in place to get a new manager, which can't be easy unless you're restricting yourself to just those top managers currently out of work, I'm not sure how someone can criticise the Board for the unexpected situation of having to sack a man they thought would leave in 9 months time.

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Guest ToonFanNorway

The forum was set up to get a idea of numbers D**K HEED,


But if all ya ganna do is whinge then F**K O** and support the mackems,


Ok thats of me chest  bluelaugh.gif The website is on the way but like i have already said it is going slow because of the lack of help ok  blueconfused.gif blueconfused.gif blueconfused.gif

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Guest ToonFanNorway

So it's "either you're with us, or against us" mentality.


Give over, lad.

No its not that but what would you suggest then ? We have to try, and its people like you we need, yes with us not against us !!!

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Guest Action Verb

So it's "either you're with us, or against us" mentality.


Give over, lad.

No its not that but what would you suggest then ? We have to try, and its people like you we need, yes with us not against us !!!


Too late I'm afraid, I've already pinned up that Roy Keane poster on my wall as per your curtious advice.

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Guest ToonFanNorway

So it's "either you're with us, or against us" mentality.


Give over, lad.

No its not that but what would you suggest then ? We have to try, and its people like you we need, yes with us not against us !!!


Too late I'm afraid, I've already pinned up that Roy Keane poster on my wall as per your curtious advice.

Give over lad !!!

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The protests have to start now. The media attention will only carry on for so long if we don't fuel it. Is it still on for next week?

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Guest pedros-mighty-chin

it all has to kick off next week.


I was made to feel like a leper in the gallowgate yesterday, people looked as if I had lost my mind when I went vocal on my thoughts as to how and why we need to get rid of the the fat ginger toad.



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