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The other games today - 2009/10


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We were shite today.


We've fucked it up big, big time.


brummie, do you think O'Neill is capable of getting you to the next level, ie the top 4.


Just seems he'll never have a better chance than this year.




He's too limited tactically, and his transfer market approach is weird beyond belief.


He can keep us top 6 or 7 with his eyes closed, not even trying, but he won't take us any further than that. He's an infuriating man.


See today, the crowd see Delfouneso and Luke Young warming up, looking like they're coming on, start cheering ironically (Cuellar at RB and Heskey anywhere are subjects of some discussion), so he changed his mind and puts Albrighton on instead, just to remind us who is boss.


He's infuriating at times, like I said.



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We were shite today.


We've fucked it up big, big time.


brummie, do you think O'Neill is capable of getting you to the next level, ie the top 4.


Just seems he'll never have a better chance than this year.




He's too limited tactically, and his transfer market approach is weird beyond belief.


He can keep us top 6 or 7 with his eyes closed, not even trying, but he won't take us any further than that. He's an infuriating man.


See today, the crowd see Delfouneso and Luke Young warming up, looking like they're coming on, start cheering ironically (Cuellar at RB and Heskey anywhere are subjects of some discussion), so he changed his mind and puts Albrighton on instead, just to remind us who is boss.


He's infuriating at times, like I said.


No chance of him leaving, though?

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Guest firetotheworks

Darren Bent has scored half of Sunderland's goals this year.


Can see him looking at moving on if he doesn't get to go to the World Cup this summer.


Again? Why?


He's far too good for that team, as was Cisse.

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Darren Bent has scored half of Sunderland's goals this year.


Can see him looking at moving on if he doesn't get to go to the World Cup this summer.


Again? Why?


I think he'll feel he's carried them this year & not got the credit (internationally anyway) because of where he is.  He'd have a decent choice of clubs, if Torres moves on for massive money I could see him replacing him at Liverpool or going to a club in the top half.


He seems the type to kick up a fuss as well.

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We were shite today.


We've fucked it up big, big time.


brummie, do you think O'Neill is capable of getting you to the next level, ie the top 4.


Just seems he'll never have a better chance than this year.




He's too limited tactically, and his transfer market approach is weird beyond belief.


He can keep us top 6 or 7 with his eyes closed, not even trying, but he won't take us any further than that. He's an infuriating man.


See today, the crowd see Delfouneso and Luke Young warming up, looking like they're coming on, start cheering ironically (Cuellar at RB and Heskey anywhere are subjects of some discussion), so he changed his mind and puts Albrighton on instead, just to remind us who is boss.


He's infuriating at times, like I said.


No chance of him leaving, though?


No. Not until he decides he's had enough.


To be honest, though, he's always had an uneasy relationship with sections of the support, which would surprise most neutral observers.

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Darren Bent has scored half of Sunderland's goals this year.


Can see him looking at moving on if he doesn't get to go to the World Cup this summer.


An English striker capable of scoring 20+ in a season will always attract attention from the big clubs. Even more so when the English quota thing starts soon. He won't be there much longer. :)

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Guest firetotheworks

We were s**** today.


We've f***ed it up big, big time.


brummie, do you think O'Neill is capable of getting you to the next level, ie the top 4.


Just seems he'll never have a better chance than this year.




He's too limited tactically, and his transfer market approach is weird beyond belief.


He can keep us top 6 or 7 with his eyes closed, not even trying, but he won't take us any further than that. He's an infuriating man.


See today, the crowd see Delfouneso and Luke Young warming up, looking like they're coming on, start cheering ironically (Cuellar at RB and Heskey anywhere are subjects of some discussion), so he changed his mind and puts Albrighton on instead, just to remind us who is boss.


He's infuriating at times, like I said.


No chance of him leaving, though?


No. Not until he decides he's had enough.


To be honest, though, he's always had an uneasy relationship with sections of the support, which would surprise most neutral observers.


I can see it tbh. As mad as it sounds, Im not sure I'd like us to play like Villa. I see Villa as a bit of a glorified Allardyce team really. In that rather than play the percentages through long balls and set pieces, you play percentages through constantly getting the ball wide and whipping crosses in. I get bored watching you quite often tbh.

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Darren Bent has scored half of Sunderland's goals this year.


Can see him looking at moving on if he doesn't get to go to the World Cup this summer.


Again? Why?


I think he'll feel he's carried them this year & not got the credit (internationally anyway) because of where he is. He'd have a decent choice of clubs, if Torres moves on for massive money I could see him replacing him at Liverpool or going to a club in the top half.


He seems the type to kick up a fuss as well.


Not sure he'll want to go somewhere and not be guaranteed first choice again. His MOTD interview suggests he's still very bitter about Spurs.

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I can see it tbh. As mad as it sounds, Im not sure I'd like us to play like Villa. I see Villa as a bit of a glorified Allardyce team really. In that rather than play the percentages through long balls and set pieces, you play percentages through constantly getting the ball wide and whipping crosses in. I get bored watching you quite often tbh.


That's a bit harsh, certainly the Allardyce bit, but there's a lot of truth there.


This is the issue. When teams have a go at us, we love it, it gives us time and space to do that counter attacking thing. Which is fine, because we're really very, very good at it.


When teams defend - and a lot of them do just defend when they play us at Villa Park - we struggle, like today, to unlock them, and we just concentrate on getting it out to the wingers (which in itself isn't bad, I love watching teams with wingers). The issue there is that if that doesn't work, we genuinely don't know what to do.


Given that most teams do defend against us when we're at home, that has produced a marked difference in attitude between the home support and those who follow us away. Away from home, we get the chance to play to our strengths. At home, we don't get that chance, and we often struggle, hence the lack of empathy between manager and fans.

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Guest firetotheworks

I can see it tbh. As mad as it sounds, Im not sure I'd like us to play like Villa. I see Villa as a bit of a glorified Allardyce team really. In that rather than play the percentages through long balls and set pieces, you play percentages through constantly getting the ball wide and whipping crosses in. I get bored watching you quite often tbh.


That's a bit harsh, certainly the Allardyce bit, but there's a lot of truth there.


This is the issue. When teams have a go at us, we love it, it gives us time and space to do that counter attacking thing. Which is fine, because we're really very, very good at it.


When teams defend - and a lot of them do just defend when they play us at Villa Park - we struggle, like today, to unlock them, and we just concentrate on getting it out to the wingers (which in itself isn't bad, I love watching teams with wingers). The issue there is that if that doesn't work, we genuinely don't know what to do.


Given that most teams do defend against us when we're at home, that has produced a marked difference in attitude between the home support and those who follow us away. Away from home, we get the chance to play to our strengths. At home, we don't get that chance, and we often struggle, hence the lack of empathy between manager and fans.


You're right that I was a bit harsh, but it was mainly to highlight a point more than anything. I guess to put it in a nutshell, when I watch Villa, I know what you're going to do, it's all very formulaic, I know that Young will turn inside and whip a ball towards the far post, and that it's all about probability. Don't get me wrong, as a team you're obviously very effective, I just sometimes wonder why you aren't figured out more than you are. Or perhaps it's that you are, but you have the players to make it count regardless. But when teams defend against you, I get bored really quickly, there's never anything unexpected.

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You're right that I was a bit harsh, but it was mainly to highlight a point more than anything. I guess to put it in a nutshell, when I watch Villa, I know what you're going to do, it's all very formulaic, I know that Young will turn inside and whip a ball towards the far post, and that it's all about probability. Don't get me wrong, as a team you're obviously very effective, I just sometimes wonder why you aren't figured out more than you are. Or perhaps it's that you are, but you have the players to make it count regardless. But when teams defend against you, I get bored really quickly, there's never anything unexpected.


That's precisely, precisely the issue.


Talk to any Villa fan and they'll tell you that. They'll also say that they know, prior to a match, which team we'll start with (ignoring injuries, which we seem to be largely immune from).


Our plan A when it works is very watchable, and I'd  be a hypocrite if i said i didn't like watching it. Our plan B, on the other hand, doesn't actually exist.

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