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FIFA reject goal-line technology


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Didn't think I needed to specify that I was talking about video technology, as that's what this thread is about.


So why don't you like that particular piece of technology?

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Didn't think I needed to specify that I was talking about video technology, as that's what this thread is about.


So why don't you like that particular piece of technology?


A few reasons... I'm not expecting anyone to agree with me though.


One, I think there's no problem to be solved. Goals been wrongly given or not given happens so rarely that it isn't worth taking the first step towards more video technology by introducing this. It will inevitably lead to requests further down the line for video for all sorts of other incidents. I would rather just put a stop to it now.


Second, when does the decision get referred? What if the ball hits the bar, bounces down over the line and out. The goal isn't given, the other team go down the opposite end and score. Do we wait until the stoppage in play, rule out anything that happened in the meantime and award the original goal?


Or is it the referees decision to refer something? What if the incident above happens, but this time the ball comes out to an attacking player. Before he can put the rebound in the ref stops the game to consult the TV official. Then the original shot turns out not to have gone in, what happens then?


Also, there are a lot of decisions where even viewing the replay doesn't answer the question. I know I spend a lot of my time shouting at the TV because I totally disagree with a pundit over a foul/dive or whatever. What you'd be doing is taking the responsibility away from the referee and put it onto the video officials.


Basically, I just think the football is a sport where the game should flow as much as possible, and it doesn't have as many natural stoppages. Also, I think people just need to accept that referees are human and respect their decisions. If the referee doesn't give a goal, it isn't a goal... should be as simple as that IMO.


Not sure if any of those are convincing, but they're my first thoughts.

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I'm all for keeping it flowing too. That's why the Hawkeye thing is perfect and the only "technology" that is truly applicable right now.


It would simply beep or whatever when the ball goes over the line. So in the scenario you propose there would be no going down the other end it would be a goal. And even if there is a slight margin of error it would be so much smaller than what it is now.


For FIFA to just throw this idea out straight away and not be prepared to even work on it is just pathetic.

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I'm all for keeping it flowing too. That's why the Hawkeye thing is perfect and the "technology" that is truly applicable right now.


It would simply beep or whatever when the ball goes over the line. So in the scenario you propose there would be no going down the other end it would be a goal. And even if there is a slight margin of error it would be much smaller than it is now.


The beeping thing is harder to argue against, if it's accurate.

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People say replays take too long, but would you rather have the 4th official or even the ref look at the replay on a tv on the side for 2 mins and then restart with the correct decision ? Fifa need to get fucking clue.

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People say replays take too long, but would you rather have the 4th official or even the ref look at the replay on a tv on the side for 2 mins and then restart with the correct decision ? Fifa need to get fucking clue.


No I wouldn't, that's why I'm against video replays. I would rather everyone sucked it up and got on with the game.


There are a lot of game-changing decisions, why only refer goal line calls to video?

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No I wouldn't, that's why I'm against video replays. I would rather everyone sucked it up and got on with the game.


I agree with this somewhat. Which is why complete use of video replays is impossible right now.


There are a lot of game-changing decisions, why only refer goal line calls to video?


They are different in the sense that there technically isn't a grey zone. A lot of decisions around the park might be up to interpretation. Whether the ball is in or not is pretty much fact (I know you'll say that sometimes replays aren't that conclusive either way but those are even rarer scenarios within already rare scenarios).

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Didn't think I needed to specify that I was talking about video technology, as that's what this thread is about.


So why don't you like that particular piece of technology?


A few reasons... I'm not expecting anyone to agree with me though.


One, I think there's no problem to be solved. Goals been wrongly given or not given happens so rarely that it isn't worth taking the first step towards more video technology by introducing this. It will inevitably lead to requests further down the line for video for all sorts of other incidents. I would rather just put a stop to it now.


Second, when does the decision get referred? What if the ball hits the bar, bounces down over the line and out. The goal isn't given, the other team go down the opposite end and score. Do we wait until the stoppage in play, rule out anything that happened in the meantime and award the original goal?


Or is it the referees decision to refer something? What if the incident above happens, but this time the ball comes out to an attacking player. Before he can put the rebound in the ref stops the game to consult the TV official. Then the original shot turns out not to have gone in, what happens then?


Also, there are a lot of decisions where even viewing the replay doesn't answer the question. I know I spend a lot of my time shouting at the TV because I totally disagree with a pundit over a foul/dive or whatever. What you'd be doing is taking the responsibility away from the referee and put it onto the video officials.


Basically, I just think the football is a sport where the game should flow as much as possible, and it doesn't have as many natural stoppages. Also, I think people just need to accept that referees are human and respect their decisions. If the referee doesn't give a goal, it isn't a goal... should be as simple as that IMO.


Not sure if any of those are convincing, but they're my first thoughts.


1) I think it happens often enough that it is something that needs to be sorted, also when it does happen it's so important to the game that in the modern game where people's jobs might be on the line I think it would need a very strong argument against to prevent it from being implemented. I don't think there is one, but I accept that this area is one of opinions, I think there is a need, you don't; fair enough.


2) My preference would be for incidents like that to be reviewed whilst play continues if it hasn't already been stopped by the ball leaving the field or some other normal reason, if a goal has been scored then play should be brought back in the same way it would be if the ref hadn't initially noticed that the linesman had his flag up for offside or whatever. If the opposing team go down the other end and score in the meantime then that's just tough shit for them, you don't solve one injustice by allowing that to be compounded with another. If a goal hadn't been scored then their goal is allowed to stand as it is perfectly legit. I don't see a problem with that whatsoever. This solves the other what-if issue as well.


3) If the replays are inconclusive then nothing is given, same as it is now if the officials don't see it, all that's happened is that the number of these incidents is significantly reduced leaving only the ones where it really is impossible to tell and there's nothing that can be done about those.


4) People talk about football "flowing", but I'd argue that it doesn't. There are stoppages to play all the time, but we're just so used to them that we overlook them, if this was done whilst play continued until there was a natural break in play then it wouldn't require any additional breaks in play and might only lengthen one of the existing ones for a short time. Whenever they time how long the ball spends in-play it's always a tiny amount anyway, if we want to improve that then they could by stopping the clock properly when the ball's out of play and allowing physios onto the pitch during play a la Rugby.


5) I agree with you about people respecting the ref's decision, but I think giving them as much help as possible to ensure that the correct decision is made is one of the best ways we can promote that.

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Those are all decent arguments, not the sure the idea of reviewing the decision while play continues is feasible though.


So would you review other decisions... handballs, dives, fouls etc? I guess that could be done just as easily, and the video ref could stop the game at any time. If anything has happened in the meantime (a goal, a booking etc) then it could just be disregarded?

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Those are all decent arguments, not the sure the idea of reviewing the decision while play continues is feasible though.


So would you review other decisions... handballs, dives, fouls etc? I guess that could be done just as easily, and the video ref could stop the game at any time. If anything has happened in the meantime (a goal, a booking etc) then it could just be disregarded?


I don't think I would want other things to be reviewed during the game because that would disrupt play too much for my liking and the ref should be the one with the ultimate control of the game, not the video official. I would support the ref being allowed to ask for the video official to review the immediate run-up to a goal if he thought that there might have been something untoward but wasn't sure and I also think that the ability for players to be cited for things that are missed would be a good idea too.


As for things being disregarded the only things that would be would be incidents that gave an advantage to a team that should have conceded a goal, like a goal, or some form of restart in a good position (throw, freekick, penalty, etc), if a foul was committed that the ref thought was worthy of a card during what later turned out to be time where the ball was out-of-play then it should still stand, just as it does now. If you stick the nut on someone walking down the tunnel then you can still get sent off, remember.

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Guest Mantis

FIFA are pre-historic as well as corrupt.  Goal line technology is a no brainer, but so is Blatter.  I'd be happy to see FIFA cease to exist or some sort of competition as the dinosaurs have a monopoly on making stupid decisions and are only interested in the big teams and their own pockets.

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I'd certainly take Goal Line Beeper technology over replay.  To me it's no different to Assistant Referees using beeper flags and head-set microphones over standard flags.  All the upside and no downside.


Sure, it is cost prohibitive to move the technology down to lower leagues but at £400 or so for the flag/communicator set you won't see them at Sunday Morning Pub Leagues either.


Strange decision - seemly based on head-in-sand thinking

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The talk about not having it at the top level because sunday league cant use it is mad. All other sports with replays hawkeye etc don't have it at the lower levels. The fact that people on here are ruling out using replays before even seeing what or how they could be used is crazy. They could easily put in a referral system where you get 1 challenge if you're wrong its gone. So you use that in cases where a penalty is given when there wasn't a foul etc.


The FA should trail all of this stuff in pre season and see how it goes tbh.

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