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Tim Krul signs new four-year contract


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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

I'll have to see it again but it looked like one of those that you just can't do anything about, I'm all for Krul being given a chance btw.


Agreed, on both counts.


I think it's harsh criticising Harper for any of the goals tonight tbh.


And you laughed at Xisco over Ameobi :lol:  :laugh2:





You laughed at someone suggesting playing Xisco over Ameobi for the next match, yet you think Harper didn't do anything wrong on the goals, what's "zzzz" about that? Thought Harper should have done much, much better on the first (why was he so far across his goal and why did the ball almost go under his feet? his reactions and/or postitioning were well off). Seemed a bit sluggish to react to the third, maybe you can forgive him due to the bounce.


Once again though, he didn't seem to be all that confident - his last few games in the Premiership drew a lot of criticism for his tendency to stay glued to his line when the ball was being knocked through, seemed to be doing it again last night.



Totally agree. Was a bit reluctant until last night to fall into the Harper Bashing, but you can see he's very slow to react and move his body these days. Not sure if its pre-season hang over or not though, but he really should have done better for the first goal, and perhaps a younger more agile keeper could have saved the third as there was no spring to his dive at all. He sort of just flopped to one side.

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It´s so sad to not have a keeper like Given anymore :weep: even if I think Krul can get to his level in the future.


As many already has said. You can´t say Harper is to blame for any of the goals really, BUT, if Hart would have been in the goal maybe we would have drawn yesterday :yikes: (if the attack could have been a little more efficient :kinnear:)


What I´m trying to say is that keepers is making the differens. As much as we can´t have the likes of Smith and Nolan on the field because they does´t contribute, we can´t have a keeper that does´t contribute.


I mean. Harper just stands there with his face and takes AGES :dowie:

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I thought Harper could havee done abetter on all three, I'm not saying he should have saved them all but a quality keeper probably would have stopped on of them, I mean the fletcher goal it was obvious what fletcher would have done, he should have been down as soon as fletcher got the ball.

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Those calling for Krul to start should read this if they've forgotten already.




Better example for you:




A game with R taylor, Kadar, Simpson & Enrique as the back 4, probably isnt that good an example to use.


It is when all 3 goals are primarily one man's fault.


Pretty sure his main error in that game was rushing out of his goal, which is likely linked to having a lack of faith in our defenders. Who werent coping that well with anything coming into our area.

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He's demonstrated that same poor judgement in just about every game i've seen him play. Not his fault he's inexperienced, of course. He's going to be a hell of a keeper, just not for a while.


I don't think he's far enough behind in terms of quality behind Harper to be kept out much longer. If Krul had a run of games and even made a mistake or two, I don't think the results would be that much different. I'd play him and stick with him.

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He's demonstrated that same poor judgement in just about every game i've seen him play. Not his fault he's inexperienced, of course. He's going to be a hell of a keeper, just not for a while.


Agree. I thought that after (against Man Utd) Harper punched a cross away out of his box to a corner. I thought Krul might had his problems with that.


Krul is the better shot stopper, might do a few more world class saves than Harper, but in generall, it wouldn't be too sensible to put him in goal now for the league games.

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Despite today's excellent result Harper could have cost us the game again with his foolish lunge on Carew. People are quick to say Krul will make mistakes and needs working on his decision making, but how is he going to do that if we keep playing Harper despite him being no better at the moment in that exact same area, and probably worse when it comes to shot stopping.. The time has come to give Krul a chance, starting with the Carling cup match mid week and if he takes it he deserves a shot at the number 1 jersey.

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Yeah was the one weak area for me today. Heart in mouth first half an hour with his decisions (foul on Young, not coming to sweep up behind the defence leaving Jose to twist his way out of trouble, s*** kicking). I imagine Krul would start on Wednesday, hopefully at Wolves too for me.

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Despite today's excellent result Harper could have cost us the game again with his foolish lunge on Carew. People are quick to say Krul will make mistakes and needs working on his decision making, but how is he going to do that if we keep playing Harper despite him being no better at the moment in that exact same area, and probably worse when it comes to shot stopping.. The time has come to give Krul a chance, starting with the Carling cup match mid week and if he takes it he deserves a shot at the number 1 jersey.


Krul/forster need to be involved this season and start some prem games, just if you take the chance and it backfires it puts a downer on them and Chris for dropping Harper. A light injury to Harper would do the keeper situation a world of good, though i'd not wish that on him as its not particularly fair.


Harper was poor today, glad he had nowt to do.

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It's a tricky one because though Krul has a lot of talent he has dropped some massive clangers when he's been given the odd start. On the other hand, Harps is clearly coming to the end of his career at the top-level so needs replacing. Hmmm...

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Guest firetotheworks

Don't ask me why. It could be that I've had a fair few to drink, or it could be that we've just won 6-0, but I can see Krul getting the number 1 spot sooner rather than later.

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It's a tricky one because though Krul has a lot of talent he has dropped some massive clangers when he's been given the odd start. On the other hand, Harps is clearly coming to the end of his career at the top-level so needs replacing. Hmmm...


When? Apart from Huddersfield in the Carling Cup last season I've never seen this.

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