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The 2010-2011 Betting Thread - forum gamble fails, Ash's fault.


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Oh what's the point?




It'll happen someday Neil, just believe.

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Do you realise what's going on, though? Just within the past 3 weeks, I've managed to end 15 and 33 match unbeaten runs (I had them both down as DNB, too) respectively as well as be denied by a team with 9 men scoring in the last minute. Lethal.

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Despite the shit odds - massive amount on Real to win tonight. Jose will do it.


Edit: And 70 € on Inter/Real double.


Was about to lose something today (had another 80 € on Inter) untill I decided to put money on Real to score next goal in 70th minute - they scored a minute later.


+/- 0 today.

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Aye, but Tranmere. Tranmere! They're probably still playing Dave Challinor.


Shall probably heed your advice like and blame you when they win 4-0.


May go Milan/Real/Reading/Luton instead.




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Aye, but Tranmere. Tranmere! They're probably still playing Dave Challinor.


Shall probably heed your advice like and blame you when they win 4-0.


May go Milan/Real/Reading/Luton instead.





Wouldn't have won anyway, but that's still fucking annoying  :lol:

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Getting over last night :laugh:


Won £35 from £10 on a Tennis game last night, withdrew the £30. Then through random Tennis and Basketball singles, got that £5 to £50 and withdrew that.


Currently have a £5 bonus from bet365 which has become £20 through more random Tennis singles. Will give me a couple of quid for tonight :thup:

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:lol: Nuts. I'm tempted to start betting on s*** I don't know about. How do you do so well with tennis? What do you need to look out for?


Odds are usually quite high on a player to break serve in a game. I wait until a player has won 5 games and isn't serving the next game and usually bet on that (2/1, 7/2 usually, depends on who's playing) as when most have a chance to take the set in the next game, they do. It doesn't always happen like, but I've had more success than failure.


As you can tell, I know fuck all about tennis :lol:

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Just won £10 on Caligri Youth to score first against Inter Youth @ 3/1 :lol: I have more luck when I just blindly bet on things than when I put real thought into it :lol:

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You know fuck all about tennis? You could've typed that out in Swahili and I wouldn't have understood that any less.


Think I'm gonna go back to betting 50p/£1 on in-play 3 or 4 folds with teams already ahead. Slow but generally builds up the balance over time.

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Just won £30 on Cavendish in the Scheldetprijs, have put it on Any Unquoted and over 4.5 goals in the Chelsea - Man U game. Was convinced both games would be cagey 0-0's yesterday, and was shown to be utterly wrong. Tonight I'm going for goals.

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Can see Barca producing a goalfest, but feel Chels-Man U will be a tetchy 0-0/1-1 draw. But as usual don't know whether to go through with my gut. Either way I'll be wrong so it's not like it matters.

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