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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest sicko2ndbest

This must be pretty much sorted for Hughton to properly acknowledge. Quality. :)


I'm worried Craig may have embelished. Caulkins words are . Hughton: discussions are ongoing and we are hopeful'


Is thread title a little optimistic?

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To be fair, if even some of the quotes and reports have been true, it seems like we've behaved pretty well during this saga and stood strong for the deal we wanted.


A little bit of credit must go to the club for that.


No no no. We should have backed out 3 weeks ago and simply paid £6m up front to buy him outright.

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What??? Hughton's finally admitted it???


It's like when you're in a room with two people and you've not farted.


You "Was that you?"

CH "I can confirm that's just speculation"

You "No, it really was, that's rotten that"

CH "There's nothing happening on that front"

You "Seriously, that's rank"

CH "Oh, ok, you got me *giggles*"

:lol: Hahaha that one got me laughing. Clearly Ben Arfa was waiting until this thread reached over 300 posts.


"Vvaat...not zree hundred yet? Zat izza inzult! zI vill not jooin!"

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sorry if this has been asked, but with the reported interest from Liverpool and the agreed sale of Mascherano (which gives them the cash), does that not open up the possibility for them to thump our offer (with a straight buy perhaps)?

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Official: Newcastle > Real Madrid: http://www.francefootball.fr/FF/breves2010/20100827_101842_ben-arfa-aurait-refuse-le-real.html


HBA turned down the chance to speak with Madrid. His agent said "All the big clubs were informed of his availability, but when Real called, we couldn't accept. As of today, Hatem isn't ready. With all of the Galacticos at that club, how would he get a starting plpace? He needs to play regularly.
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Reports in Italy claim Liverpool are targeting Udinese midfielder Gokhan Inler as a possible replacement for Barcelona-bound Javier Mascherano.


Good! Stay away from HBA!

They're different types of players anyway? I always thought HBA was a winger/attacking midfield and Mascherano was a creative defensive midfielder who tackles/runs and dictates the flow of the game.
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If todays reports are correct, imagine, just imagine...


In: HBA, Tiote, Keane, Gosling, Perch, Campbell

Out: Geremi, Pancrate, Taylor, Shola.


Magic... although i'd be sad to see Shola go, I'm kind of hoping he was going to stroll to 208 Toon goals.

Didn't Geremi piss off in January?
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