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Kevin Nolan

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It's just hilarious that someone over at The Sun thought it wasn't just newsworthy, but even first page worthy that Nolan got some pictures sent to his phone three years ago, to which he replied with "nice pics" :lol:

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Kevin Nolan, an umarried man with no children (at the time), gets photos sent to him by a topless woman. He replies 'nice pics' and that's that.


The f***er deserves to stripped of the captaincy and never played again. That's just disgusting behavior tbh...

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Have we really slated him for missing chances? ??? Most stick he's been getting is surely that he's too slow, not involved in the game enough and lacks stamina? He's always been considered a good finisher as far as I'm aware.

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The only game I can remember Nolan getting stick for missing chances was Wolves, and it was maybe not justified, in hindsight. None of them were 'sitters' and he worked the keeper on every occasion.

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Have we really slated him for missing chances? ??? Most stick he's been getting is surely that he's too slow, not involved in the game enough and lacks stamina? He's always been considered a good finisher as far as I'm aware.


The only game I can remember Nolan getting stick for missing chances was Wolves, and it was maybe not justified, in hindsight. None of them were 'sitters' and he worked the keeper on every occasion.


Just had a painful flick through the first few pages (hadn't re-read that awful OP for a while :lol:) and quickly came across these gems...(although, the majority do seem to give Nolan credit for 'being in the right area' or 'decent in the box' so Towelie has a fair shout, seem to remember him getting some negative comments about his finishing in the original Nolan thread)


His job is to fucking score goals..and the is the 2nd game where he misses a crucial chance for us. so he IS pretty much useless..


Since we started this season, the only justification for him starting was that he could score goals. In the last 2 matches he has missed numerous gilt-edged opportunities in positions he should be scoring from, so now his only justification has gone. Football is a fickle and cut-throat world


Just too fat, sloppy and plodding to take advantage of the chances he has missed in the last couple of games despite being in great positions.


Some good bed-time reading for Yorkie in the first 3-4 pages too :thup:

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Nixon the sage posted something on the first page about Nolan which is still very accurate:


He's the midfield equivalent of Michael Owen tbh; If he doesn't score he doesn't do much else.


He's scored recently so no one has a right to moan, but his overall contribution to our team is still very, very limited.

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Nixon the sage posted something on the first page about Nolan which is still very accurate:


He's the midfield equivalent of Michael Owen tbh; If he doesn't score he doesn't do much else.


He's scored recently so no one has a right to moan, but his overall contribution to our team is still very, very limited.


You're not seeing the wood for the trees.

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You think a shot per game is good enough like?


I think scoring a third of our league goals*, so far, is good enough, like.




*which includes away days at Old Trafford, Eastlands and Emirates (i.e. 3 of the top 4)

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Nixon the sage posted something on the first page about Nolan which is still very accurate:


He's the midfield equivalent of Michael Owen tbh; If he doesn't score he doesn't do much else.


He's scored recently so no one has a right to moan, but his overall contribution to our team is still very, very limited.


You're not seeing the wood for the trees.


I don't see what else he offers to the team that someone like Guthrie or Gosling (when he comes back) doesn't, except goals, of course. And he's scored a ton recently which is why I said that no one has a right to moan about him starting every match. But, I'm just saying, he doesn't offer much else and I think it's obvious to anyone who watches us play.

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So would it be more impressive if he had 7 goals in, say 20 attempts on goal? 'Cause at least he's had more attempts? I don't get how you can slate a player for the amount of shots he's had when he's still scored 7 goals. Clearly doing something right with his attempts.

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Nixon the sage posted something on the first page about Nolan which is still very accurate:


He's the midfield equivalent of Michael Owen tbh; If he doesn't score he doesn't do much else.


He's scored recently so no one has a right to moan, but his overall contribution to our team is still very, very limited.


You're not seeing the wood for the trees.


I don't see what else he offers to the team that someone like Guthrie or Gosling (when he comes back) doesn't, except goals, of course. And he's scored a ton recently which is why I said that no one has a right to moan about him starting every match. But, I'm just saying, he doesn't offer much else and I think it's obvious to anyone who watches us play.


Clearly you're not watching us play, he's normally tidy in possession (bar one awfully obvious square pass vs Arsenal), co-ordinates things on the pitch (he never shuts up) and is far more creative with his passing/movement than you seem to be giving him credit for.


Where is this "obvious" he's limited chat coming from? As I said after Everton, it's no co-incidence that when he plays well, the team plays well, when he plays poorly, so does the team...there's not been an example (so far this season) to disprove that.


He's not the messiah, but he is a much better player than you seem pained to give him credit for.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I see many similarities between Nolan and the Michael Owen under KK, both immobile but good positional sense, both out of position if you like and both clinical finishers when presented with a chance or two. Only Nolan is a fantastic professional, full of heart, character and leadership. I've always rated Nolan, in his early Bolton days he was a very mobile attacking midfielder who could also sit. I even remember him playing at CB once for them. During our relegation season he was exceptionally poor to the point where he was a passenger more often than not and even last season he represented one at times. But you can't deny that goals are what is most important in any match and to any team and in Nolan we have someone capable of scoring 10-15 goals from any position in our team which is going to be critical to our chances of not only staying up but making a mark on this division. Tiote's arrival and presence in the side can't be ignored mind, he has given our whole midfield a new dimension and Nolan a new lease of life which in turn makes it easier for the forwards to do their work. There are other factors too such as the change in tactics and shape but going back to Nolan, he will get you goals, as he did for Bolton and as he did all last season and thus far this one. I like him and its actually good to see a player like him doing well and proving that you don't need to be multi-skilled or the all-rounder to make a mark. We've had far more talented and more mobile midfielders and attackers at this club over the last decade but not many gave us what Nolan is currently bringing to the team and indeed club. And he's not as immobile as some of the comments on here indicate either. he's actually a very hard working player who moves about a lot. My player of the season so far and the first name on the team-sheet after Tiote.

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So would it be more impressive if he had 7 goals in, say 20 attempts on goal? 'Cause at least he's had more attempts? I don't get how you can slate a player for the amount of shots he's had when he's still scored 7 goals. Clearly doing something right with his attempts.


He's been effective this season, of course he has - that can't be denied. 7 goals is a fantastic return for a midfielder in a short space of time.


I'm just slightly disappointed that he's only averaged just over 1 shot per game. It just seems a bit strange for a midfielder that isn't a 'defensive' one.

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So would it be more impressive if he had 7 goals in, say 20 attempts on goal? 'Cause at least he's had more attempts? I don't get how you can slate a player for the amount of shots he's had when he's still scored 7 goals. Clearly doing something right with his attempts.


He's been effective this season, of course he has - that can't be denied. 7 goals is a fantastic return for a midfielder in a short space of time.


I'm just slightly disappointed that he's only averaged just over 1 shot per game. It just seems a bit strange for a midfielder that isn't a 'defensive' one.


Maybe taking long-range shots has been seen as a quick way to lose possession (I know he tried a couple vs the mackems for his hattrick) so the management team have asked for a pass-first, shoot-second approach from outside the area?

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