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The Sir Alex Ferguson Appreciation Thread

Optimistic Nut

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would be interesting to see touchline bans vs. corresponding results really


for some reason whenever i remember watching a match with someone banned, esp high profile managers, they seem to go on to a bad result


probably in my miiiiind though


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Not sure there's any punishment in football more pointless than the touchline ban.




Had the effect of rival fans mocking him but that's all it is really. And he got the media shifting the focus from his players to him, which is probably what he wanted. Can see him with a smirk on his face now.


Someone told me it applies to the dressing room as well, although I'm not sure if that's true.


Read somewhere else that it applies to the dressing rooms only in Europe and not in the PL.


It is an outdated rule, perhaps effective decades ago when there were no cellphones. Now it's near effortless sending a message to the bench that it's pretty much a useless rule.

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From the SFA (but I assume it's very similar):


During a suspension, a club official is not permitted to occupy a place in or in the vicinity of the players’ tunnel, technical area or substitutes’ bench or on the track or playing surface at any match played under the jurisdiction of the Association until the expiry of the suspension.


The terms of the suspension apply from one hour prior to the scheduled time of kick-off of a match and until 5 minutes following the referee having signalled the end of the match. They apply also in the event of extra time and/or kicks from the penalty mark being required in any match involving the official’s club, and to the Post Match Protocol.


For the avoidance of doubt, the terms of the suspension do not preclude the club official from being in his team’s dressing room at any match.

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From the SFA (but I assume it's very similar):


During a suspension, a club official is not permitted to occupy a place in or in the vicinity of the players’ tunnel, technical area or substitutes’ bench or on the track or playing surface at any match played under the jurisdiction of the Association until the expiry of the suspension.


The terms of the suspension apply from one hour prior to the scheduled time of kick-off of a match and until 5 minutes following the referee having signalled the end of the match. They apply also in the event of extra time and/or kicks from the penalty mark being required in any match involving the official’s club, and to the Post Match Protocol.


For the avoidance of doubt, the terms of the suspension do not preclude the club official from being in his team’s dressing room at any match.


Thanks, I thought about looking up the FA version but I couldn't be bothered.

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From the SFA (but I assume it's very similar):


During a suspension, a club official is not permitted to occupy a place in or in the vicinity of the players’ tunnel, technical area or substitutes’ bench or on the track or playing surface at any match played under the jurisdiction of the Association until the expiry of the suspension.


The terms of the suspension apply from one hour prior to the scheduled time of kick-off of a match and until 5 minutes following the referee having signalled the end of the match. They apply also in the event of extra time and/or kicks from the penalty mark being required in any match involving the official’s club, and to the Post Match Protocol.


For the avoidance of doubt, the terms of the suspension do not preclude the club official from being in his team’s dressing room at any match.


Thanks, I thought about looking up the FA version but I couldn't be bothered.


Aye. They're all talking about Neil Lennon at Celtic so that's where I got it from :laugh:

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On another note, the SJP tour guide told a great story about SBR and SAF on Saturday - when they unveiled the Bobby bust that's in the player/staff entrance to the ground.


Apparently Bobby used to come down to the player's lounge and talk to the players before every home game. One day, they kept him talking in the reception area for as long as possible and as he was about to turn and head towards the dressing rooms, the doors swung open and the two teams (NUFC and MUFC) lined up at either side, followed by Sir Alex and KK (manager at the time).


Bobby asked what was going on, and Ferguson launched into a really long speech "Bobby, it's a great honour to be here today presenting you with something extremely special..." and went on about a 5 minute rant about his start at Fulham, his entire playing career, then Ipswich, England, Barca, PSV, Newcastle etc. to which Bobby interrupted him half way through and goes "Howay Alex, get on with it" :lol: and they unveiled the bust.


It was the last thing he was expecting to see and he had to wipe away the tears as Sir Alex pulled back the cover to reveal the bust - couldn't give a speech apparently as he was that choked up.




Good story, seems they had a deep mutual respect for each other over the years.

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On another note, the SJP tour guide told a great story about SBR and SAF on Saturday - when they unveiled the Bobby bust that's in the player/staff entrance to the ground.


Apparently Bobby used to come down to the player's lounge and talk to the players before every home game. One day, they kept him talking in the reception area for as long as possible and as he was about to turn and head towards the dressing rooms, the doors swung open and the two teams (NUFC and MUFC) lined up at either side, followed by Sir Alex and KK (manager at the time).


Bobby asked what was going on, and Ferguson launched into a really long speech "Bobby, it's a great honour to be here today presenting you with something extremely special..." and went on about a 5 minute rant about his start at Fulham, his entire playing career, then Ipswich, England, Barca, PSV, Newcastle etc. to which Bobby interrupted him half way through and goes "Howay Alex, get on with it" :lol: and they unveiled the bust.


It was the last thing he was expecting to see and he had to wipe away the tears as Sir Alex pulled back the cover to reveal the bust - couldn't give a speech apparently as he was that choked up.




Good story, seems they had a deep mutual respect for each other over the years.


I seem to remember the only time Alex Ferguson has appeared on the BBC since his spat his dummie out was to present an award to Sir Bobby.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I remember Fergie saying how Bobby popped over to his one day univited for a chat and stayed for hours talking about footy, the way Fergie said it though was class, like Bobby could have just used a phone :lol:



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I remember Fergie saying how Bobby popped over to his one day univited for a chat and stayed for hours talking about footy, the way Fergie said it though was class, like Bobby could have just used a phone :lol:




That's class!



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