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Other Football Websites


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Just thought we could get a list of some other sites that are decent for a bit of football stuff, be it news/funnies/articles/stats etc aside from the obvious (bbc,papers,sky).


Here's some I read.


inbedwithmaradona.com - articles on here, there and everything re: global football

europeanfootballweekends.blogspot.com - ronseal

zonalmarking.net - great look at tactics etc.

http://hastaelgolsiempre.com/  - Argentinian football blog

thefootballramble.com - a good variety of articles on various bits and bobs related to current footy. Brilliant podcast too.


Great list here - http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2010/dec/31/100-football-blogs-to-follow-2011


What are your must reads?

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Guest guinness_fiend

The Spoiler always gets a routine check from me. it's mostly fluff but it's on the pulse cynical and that suits me just fine: www.thespoiler.co.uk.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi



442 Magazine


Magazine Cost: Nearly £5 (monthly)

Website: http://fourfourtwo.com/

Blog: http://fourfourtwo.com/blogs/

Forum: http://fourfourtwo.com/forums/

Podcast: http://www.thefootballramble.com/


While, personally, I don't find 442 to be the magazine it once was - its becoming a bit 'Laddish' (minus the boobs) at times. Recent addition The Insider, where a footballer exposers the inside workings of football clubs, is a complete waste of space at the moment. Rather than anything insightful, he spends a page every month telling us various ways footballers cheat on their wife... great.


However, 'Performance', a look at training techniques, and player performance, at the back of the magazine is a welcome addition. Some of the features and editorials can be fantastic at times though.


I think I carry a grudge against 442 as they seemingly have a pointless dig at the Toon every month, even in articles that have nothing to do with Newcastle. Their partner podcast, The Football Ramble', is decent, and has a Geordie on it (which makes the Newcastle digs in the magazine even more confusing).




World Soccer Magazine


Magazine Cost: Nearly £4 (monthly)

Website: http://www.worldsoccer.com/

Forum: http://www.worldsoccer.com/forums/ubbthreads.php


Where 442 might be considered 'Laddish', WSM continues to be fantastic. Their articles and editorials nearly always refrain from cheap off the cuff digs at random clubs, and well written and thought out. Frankly, their coverage is vast and if there isn't something in one month's edition, they'll be something in the next that covers an interest you might have.




Zonal Marking




Website: http://www.zonalmarking.net/


The increasingly popular blog that looks at a selection (mostly televised Premier League games) of games from around the world. At times it can be great, other times it can come away looking a little over analysed. Their bit on Peter Crouch's heading ability should be proof alone that 'stats' don't actually prove anything, as they try to use stats to claim Peter Crouch's heading ability is underrated.


However, their use of the guardian chalkboards is interesting, and it can be a decent read at times. If anything, its a nice little introduction to 'tactics', though it should be remembered these are just normal people's views, that are often taken as gospel by some people on the internet.

Strangely, the most interesting part of the website for me where:




That point you in the direction of a collection of great books and blogs to read.



Other suggestions:

http://www.epltalk.com/intelligent-football-coverage/1901 - A list of 10 recommendations, though its from 2008, some are still valid.

http://www.livesportontv.com/football - Never miss live TV coverage again!

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I think I carry a grudge against 442 as they seemingly have a pointless dig at the Toon every month, even in articles that have nothing to do with Newcastle. Their partner podcast, The Football Ramble', is decent, and has a Geordie on it (which makes the Newcastle digs in the magazine even more confusing).



I don't think the link is anything more than dual promotion between TFR and 442. The Ramble was started by the 4 of them and has since been linked with 442 at a later date to help promote both the podcast and the magazine, as far as I know none of the 4 lads write for 442 or have anything to do with the mag directly.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Almost passed up this month's FourFourTwo (out today). Liverpool all over the front cover.  :tickedoff:

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