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Plastic Fans and Pliable Allegiances

Vinny Green Balls

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Keefaz, apparently you haven't heard.  N-O is now a baseball forum.  See you later, mate.


So how about that Aubrey Huff?

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and I live in the town with the most plastic idiots per capita in the world.  Los Angeles. 


Just out of blind curiosity, where are you from originally and where did you live in Scotland?


I live in Ohio now, was born in Oz and grew up in London....but I lived in Scotland for a few years.

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That'll be no bumps then because Agon will f*** up your third rate bunch of has beens that you collectively call your starting rotation.


You mean you're not worried about Sergio Mitre, Bartolo Colon, and Freddy Garcia?  ;D


Need one of them to be the next Aaron Small.

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That'll be no bumps then because Agon will fuck up your third rate bunch of has beens that you collectively call your starting rotation.


Agon? Fuck off. Agon?! Get the fuck out of here.



Haven't you lot got some food to eat? Fuck off.


I'd be extremely offended if I didn't put some Chinese take-out down to post this.


You win this round, lucky bastard.

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