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Guest Roger Kint

Why did the L7 lot get moved? sorry I've been a way for a few years.


The club closed that section because they had to extend the away end and they chose to extend the family end at the same time.


How many does the away end hold now? and what are they doing having away fans next to the family end?


It holds 4000 and they arent right next to the family end. Theres a block of 16-20 year olds in between plus 90% of away fans wont take up the full allocation.

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I'm not so sure about us being forced to make the away end bigger mind. The emirates is a new 60k seater stadium yet they only offer 3k, as do Man United and Sunderland. So it's complete bollocks surely? Extending the family section, fair enough, can't really be argued with if you ask me - so long as it's selling out.


I did doubt the rumour the section was closed because of Ashley, but given that fans then requested to move down to level 4 and then that magically became off limits AFTER season ticket renewals had been handed in is very, very dodgy.

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ToonUltra, I can't help but not read your posts as the whole thread is basically you biting at people who are making very valid points. You could do yourself a favour and read then absorb the points other people are making - many of whom are in support of the vocal support and/or safe standing areas.


Going to your point about people making note of seat numbers etc. The people in the area have obviously showed concerns hence the letters being sent out and information for newcomers (and by this I mean people who were not at the first home game and not necessarily people moved from L7) on the seats in the corner. The standers have received warnings rather than immediate actions.


Don't get me wrong, as a very vocal supporter at away games, I wish the home experience was just as good and that the removal of the singing section is annoying. However, had you moved down to the corner in Level 4, I personally would have been affected. I, and have done for many years, go to the game with my 60+yr old dad - I'm 23. I would have been very happy to stand in return for a better atmosphere but I know my Dad and others around him, wouldn't and couldn't. Is this fair? Ok you may be the new generations of supporters but these people, who have probably had their fair share of being involuntary moved around the ground in their time supporting the club, have stuck with the club in much darker times and not in so many words, made sure it is here for you to support. I'm not saying these people have better rights but please don't piss them off.


Obviously, and reluctantly, you are new people in someonelses patch and problems are going to occur due to the different match experiences required. In an ideal world, this wouldn't have happened. Level 7 was a huge success and out of it has grown the young supporters area and a much needed improvement in atmosphere in SJP. However it has also led to some supporters thinking they are above others (including ground regulations). I know the lads who were behind both L7 and the failed L4 idea and they have always intended to work alongside fellow supporters to ensure that all they bring to the game is an increase in atmosphere. At the moment we are seeing conflict and people arguing between themselves rather than a united twelve man. Just a quick thought that has worked for us both in game-by-game and season long scenarios, but have you suggested swapping seats with people in the affected area so that i) they are not being blocked by standers in the mainly standing areas and ii) you are not blocking people behind you in the mainly seated areas? Comprimises needed to be made by both parties but at the moment both are bitching about the other without meeting in the middle.


Now take a breath, have a cuppa, even have a kitkat and try to absorb some of the stuff being said. As I say, many people support you in the desire for a more supportive SJP, but quite frankly you're appearing a bit of a tit on here.

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Guest Roger Kint

I'm not so sure about us being forced to make the away end bigger mind. The emirates is a new 60k seater stadium yet they only offer 3k, as do Man United and Sunderland. So it's complete bollocks surely? Extending the family section, fair enough, can't really be argued with if you ask me - so long as it's selling out.


I did doubt the rumour the section was closed because of Ashley, but given that fans then requested to move down to level 4 and then that magically became off limits AFTER season ticket renewals had been handed in is very, very dodgy.


Is it a case of offering that or us taking that though? I know under Ashley we have a tendancy to ask for smaller allocations at most away games so 3000 may just be what he wants? Also this is no doubt a new directive so hasnt affected previous games. Sure Man Utd we olny asked for 1800 or something last season. As for Sunderland.......well even toonultra can work out why that was only 2600 allocation this year

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Poor people having to stand.....


Mate, seriously, you aren't doing yourself or anyone pidgeon-holed into the L7 movers 'problem' any favours here.



For what reason do you come to that conclusion?


I was quoting where Johnny typed 'poor L7-ers having to stand in front of people'....poor people having to stand?. Why do we have to stand?


I'm a level 7 dweller who has been relocated, however I'm not bleating on as if I have a divine right to stand and p*ss people off.  I relocated to the back of the Gallowgate for this very reason.  I like to stand during a football match.  I like to be able to jump around like a clown.  I don't however expect to make people stand if they don't want to.


The fact is, it's against Premier League ground regulations to allow persistent standing, whether we like it or not.  In L7 Singing section, en masse, it was impossible to police, hence why we used to get away with it.  God knows the stewards tried at the beginning.  I even saw one fan punched by a steward for not sitting.


I also understand the necessity to try and create an atmosphere and admire people who give it a damn good go (me and my mates try our best every game) but when you upset or p*ss people off around you by abuse or consistent foul language, you alienate those who come to football just to enjoy a good game and don't wish to shout themselves hoarse.


It's been explained/argued/discussed that these rules are wrong and safe standing is actually being raised in parliament.  The Bundesliga is a prime example of how easy it is to allow safe standing areas within football grounds without health and safety big wigs having a hissy fit, but until this time (many years down the line...if at all), ground regulations stipulate that you are not allowed to persistently stand.  There's absolutely nothing we can do about it.

The only thing I was saying against your posts was the way you think you have the right to put yourself in a ‘different league’ and that everything revolves around us L7 movers.  Unfortunately life is about compromise.  You give some, you take some.  There’s always a happy medium.


Football should be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of race/age/ability, however fundamentally it's the rules that are wrong but until they change, then I’m afraid we can’t do didilly squat.



Exactly. I think anyone who wants to stand should always attempt to stand with like-minded fans (without causing problems for people who want to sit), like the say the rule is wrong, its a disgrace, so we shouldnt accept it. If the corner dosent work this season, maybe people can move to the back of the gallowgate next season and get this to grow from there instead, we'll see how the corner goes.

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Guest ToonUltra

Very valid point. I wasn't trying to argue with any fellow supporter on here. I was simply stating my view on the whole thing. If im ejected for standing, so be it. Ive suggested swapping seats once, not cause i was asked nicely to sit down but quite abruptly. The answer i got, "i've been here for years". So what can i do...? Sit down so that im staring at someones arse? It will be unfair on people, no matter what we do to compromise but in order for this compromise to work, the other standers will also have to sit. As i stated before, i couldnt care less if i was sitting or standing, if i had a choice however i would opt for the standing area if one ever did come around. At the moment though, if i sit im sacrificing my money to watch a pair of jeans jumping in front of me. Sorry but thats not what i paid my money for. If everyone sat down i would. But, in the contrary i undertsnad that by me standing, supportters behind me then have stand. So its a domino effect. I will sit when i can see the game i paid for comfortably. Until then, well i dont really have a choice.


I could walk up the steps and go to the back but them im breaking regulations again by not sitting at my designated seat. I dont want to be known on this messageboard for being a complete tosspot and i apoogise if thats the way ive come across. Im a newcastle fan like all of you on here and i do want whats best for everyone as you say 'a happy medium' but at present its going to take some doing by the looks of things.


My first season ticket was in the corner, 3 years ago. Ive always stood home and away and its taken some of the excitment out of it for me. However, i know its rules and regs across the board.



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Guest ToonUltra

I'm not so sure about us being forced to make the away end bigger mind. The emirates is a new 60k seater stadium yet they only offer 3k, as do Man United and Sunderland. So it's complete bollocks surely? Extending the family section, fair enough, can't really be argued with if you ask me - so long as it's selling out.


I did doubt the rumour the section was closed because of Ashley, but given that fans then requested to move down to level 4 and then that magically became off limits AFTER season ticket renewals had been handed in is very, very dodgy.


Is it a case of offering that or us taking that though? I know under Ashley we have a tendancy to ask for smaller allocations at most away games so 3000 may just be what he wants? Also this is no doubt a new directive so hasnt affected previous games. Sure Man Utd we olny asked for 1800 or something last season. As for Sunderland.......well even toonultra can work out why that was only 2600 allocation this year


I thought you may have known this one Roger? It was to create a bigger no mans land in an attempt to prevent the violence the kicked off last season. If you remember rightly, I wasnt there personally but videos on YouTube confirm, chairs were being thrown between fans and the police were outnumbered and fans were too close to try and handle.

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I'm not so sure about us being forced to make the away end bigger mind. The emirates is a new 60k seater stadium yet they only offer 3k, as do Man United and Sunderland. So it's complete bollocks surely? Extending the family section, fair enough, can't really be argued with if you ask me - so long as it's selling out.


I did doubt the rumour the section was closed because of Ashley, but given that fans then requested to move down to level 4 and then that magically became off limits AFTER season ticket renewals had been handed in is very, very dodgy.


Is it a case of offering that or us taking that though? I know under Ashley we have a tendancy to ask for smaller allocations at most away games so 3000 may just be what he wants? Also this is no doubt a new directive so hasnt affected previous games. Sure Man Utd we olny asked for 1800 or something last season. As for Sunderland.......well even toonultra can work out why that was only 2600 allocation this year

Nah mate I checked before I posted, 3k is the allocation at Arsenal & Man United. Wasn't the reduced allocation at Sunderland for segregation? There was a big block of seats left empty that were used up last time, although I wouldn't be surprised if it was cut for standing because I've met the bloke from Sunderland council who's behind such measures.


This whole thread has made me depressed if I'm honest, it took years for the progression from a handfull stood in the Leazes L7 all the way up to 3k in the corner. I go to the match for the atmosphere, take that away and I'd rather just watch it on tv as opposed to paying money I can't afford to have a matchday experience that I'd actually hate. I didn't renew because what seems to be happening at home games is exactly what I expected. I wish I was born 20 or so years earlier  :no:

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Poor people having to stand.....


Mate, seriously, you aren't doing yourself or anyone pidgeon-holed into the L7 movers 'problem' any favours here.



For what reason do you come to that conclusion?


I was quoting where Johnny typed 'poor L7-ers having to stand in front of people'....poor people having to stand?. Why do we have to stand?


I'm a level 7 dweller who has been relocated, however I'm not bleating on as if I have a divine right to stand and piss people off.  I relocated to the back of the Gallowgate for this very reason.  I like to stand during a football match.  I like to be able to jump around like a clown.  I don't however expect to make people stand if they don't want to.


The fact is, it's against Premier League ground regulations to allow persistent standing, whether we like it or not.  In L7 Singing section, en masse, it was impossible to police, hence why we used to get away with it.  God knows the stewards tried at the beginning.  I even saw one fan punched by a steward for not sitting.


I also understand the necessity to try and create an atmosphere and admire people who give it a damn good go (me and my mates try our best every game) but when you upset or piss people off around you by abuse or consistent foul language, you alienate those who come to football just to enjoy a good game and don't wish to shout themselves hoarse.


It's been explained/argued/discussed that these rules are wrong and safe standing is actually being raised in parliament.  The Bundesliga is a prime example of how easy it is to allow safe standing areas within football grounds without health and safety big wigs having a hissy fit, but until this time (many years down the line...if at all), ground regulations stipulate that you are not allowed to persistently stand.  There's absolutely nothing we can do about it.

The only thing I was saying against your posts was the way you think you have the right to put yourself in a ‘different league’ and that everything revolves around us L7 movers.  Unfortunately life is about compromise.  You give some, you take some.  There’s always a happy medium.


Football should be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of race/age/ability, however fundamentally it's the rules that are wrong but until they change, then I’m afraid we can’t do didilly squat.



Good post!

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I'm not so sure about us being forced to make the away end bigger mind. The emirates is a new 60k seater stadium yet they only offer 3k, as do Man United and Sunderland. So it's complete bollocks surely? Extending the family section, fair enough, can't really be argued with if you ask me - so long as it's selling out.


I did doubt the rumour the section was closed because of Ashley, but given that fans then requested to move down to level 4 and then that magically became off limits AFTER season ticket renewals had been handed in is very, very dodgy.


Is it a case of offering that or us taking that though? I know under Ashley we have a tendancy to ask for smaller allocations at most away games so 3000 may just be what he wants? Also this is no doubt a new directive so hasnt affected previous games. Sure Man Utd we olny asked for 1800 or something last season. As for Sunderland.......well even toonultra can work out why that was only 2600 allocation this year

Nah mate I checked before I posted, 3k is the allocation at Arsenal & Man United. Wasn't the reduced allocation at Sunderland for segregation? There was a big block of seats left empty that were used up last time, although I wouldn't be surprised if it was cut for standing because I've met the bloke from Sunderland council who's behind such measures.


This whole thread has made me depressed if I'm honest, it took years for the progression from a handfull stood in the Leazes L7 all the way up to 3k in the corner. I go to the match for the atmosphere, take that away and I'd rather just watch it on tv as opposed to paying money I can't afford to have a matchday experience that I'd actually hate. I didn't renew because what seems to be happening at home games is exactly what I expected. I wish I was born 20 or so years earlier  :no:


Another good post Pav. Totally agree. Again, I've kept going because I love to see us play and I love the social aspect. However, my experience against Fulham was everything I hate about football with regards to the crowd. There was 20 or so lads in that corner doing all they could to generate an atmosphere and people either complained that it was the same songs, or simply complained that they were standing (despite the fact it probably didn't even effect them).


I'm of the opinion that the vast majority who were moved from L7 are behaved and despite wanting to stand, most will sit down if asked to.


A large problem occurs though when the members of the South East corner cannot even be polite with someone who effectively hasn't done owt wrong. As previously stated I was told to "sit the fuck down" by a fellow fan, and that completely fucked me off. I'm willing to sit if I'm blocking someones view and they politely ask me to sit down, but where I can, I'll stand.


I have no problem finding a middle ground, i.e. having a section which could stand and sing and not interupt anyones elses view (which we had thanks to Toon Ultras imo). However this has been removed simply to piss fans off. It's all it is and to think otherwise is just daft. The family enclosure wasn't ever full unless it wa your big games and the away fans only sell out like 5 or 6 times a season. Aside from that, I'd take a guess that most of Level 7 'singing section' were probably over the age of 21 and/or were more likely to move where they thought the atmosphere would next be rather than stay there. Fulham was a shit attendance by our standards.


Ashley won't make more money from moving fans around, in fact he'll make less. He's pissed too many people off and made too much of a mockery of our club, so he's losing people through the gate, it's as simple as that. He's clearly done the 10year deal to appease the vast majority of fans, whilst he pissed off those from Level 7. Seems to me it was a nice distraction away from fucking off the Level 7ers.


Regardless of your opinion of the lads and lasses who were up there - we've been shat on from a great height and I'm pretty certain most could agree with that. To be charged more for somewhere you don't want to sit and then not put people in their next choice of available seat is a fucking disgrace. To be honest, I feel there's been a total lack of support for us 'fellow fans' from the rest of the ground so forgive me for getting aggetated at the drop of a hat.


Seems to me like the 'kids' who wanna go and enjoy an atmosphere that those 'adults' have experienced, are being patronised and ignored. I'm not saying we should block peoples views or argue with one another, but these 'kids' have every right to be pissed off. No one listens to a minority unless they act out, so they're acting out. Whilst I don't condone it - like those riots a few week back, no-one gave a fuck until the Afro-Caribbean youths went looting and all of a sudden big race issues and unemployment became #1 on the agenda.


As football fans, those in level 7 are feffectively doing the same. Again, I don't agree with how some go about it, but the vast majority are going about it the RIGHT way, and still get no support or respect from fellow fans and ultimately are being ignored.


So why shouldn't we be pissed off?

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No one has a problem with you being p*ssed off. It's the attitude of deliberatly pissing off others to try and get your own way that is galling.


I haven't done anything to piss off anyone else to get my own way.


On the other hand, I don't blame those who have, because at least it's making their views known/heard. I'm not saying it's right, but I understand why they do it.

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Guest Roger Kint

I'm not so sure about us being forced to make the away end bigger mind. The emirates is a new 60k seater stadium yet they only offer 3k, as do Man United and Sunderland. So it's complete bollocks surely? Extending the family section, fair enough, can't really be argued with if you ask me - so long as it's selling out.


I did doubt the rumour the section was closed because of Ashley, but given that fans then requested to move down to level 4 and then that magically became off limits AFTER season ticket renewals had been handed in is very, very dodgy.


Is it a case of offering that or us taking that though? I know under Ashley we have a tendancy to ask for smaller allocations at most away games so 3000 may just be what he wants? Also this is no doubt a new directive so hasnt affected previous games. Sure Man Utd we olny asked for 1800 or something last season. As for Sunderland.......well even toonultra can work out why that was only 2600 allocation this year


I thought you may have known this one Roger? It was to create a bigger no mans land in an attempt to prevent the violence the kicked off last season. If you remember rightly, I wasnt there personally but videos on YouTube confirm, chairs were being thrown between fans and the police were outnumbered and fans were too close to try and handle.


Wow you actively seek out new and more embarrassing ways to look like a complete fool dont you? You thought i might have know it? Of course i fucking did, my comment was bastard dripping with sarcasm you buffoon, no wonder you cant grasp the simple concept of arse + seat!!!!

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I'm not so sure about us being forced to make the away end bigger mind. The emirates is a new 60k seater stadium yet they only offer 3k, as do Man United and Sunderland. So it's complete bollocks surely? Extending the family section, fair enough, can't really be argued with if you ask me - so long as it's selling out.


I did doubt the rumour the section was closed because of Ashley, but given that fans then requested to move down to level 4 and then that magically became off limits AFTER season ticket renewals had been handed in is very, very dodgy.


Is it a case of offering that or us taking that though? I know under Ashley we have a tendancy to ask for smaller allocations at most away games so 3000 may just be what he wants? Also this is no doubt a new directive so hasnt affected previous games. Sure Man Utd we olny asked for 1800 or something last season. As for Sunderland.......well even toonultra can work out why that was only 2600 allocation this year


I thought you may have known this one Roger? It was to create a bigger no mans land in an attempt to prevent the violence the kicked off last season. If you remember rightly, I wasnt there personally but videos on YouTube confirm, chairs were being thrown between fans and the police were outnumbered and fans were too close to try and handle.


Wow you actively seek out new and more embarrassing ways to look like a complete fool dont you? You thought i might have know it? Of course i f***ing did, my comment was b****** dripping with sarcasm you buffoon, no wonder you cant grasp the simple concept of arse + seat!!!!


For all you think ToonUltra is a tit, you're sure going out of you're way to be just as big a one, aren't you?

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Guest Roger Kint

I'm not so sure about us being forced to make the away end bigger mind. The emirates is a new 60k seater stadium yet they only offer 3k, as do Man United and Sunderland. So it's complete bollocks surely? Extending the family section, fair enough, can't really be argued with if you ask me - so long as it's selling out.


I did doubt the rumour the section was closed because of Ashley, but given that fans then requested to move down to level 4 and then that magically became off limits AFTER season ticket renewals had been handed in is very, very dodgy.


Is it a case of offering that or us taking that though? I know under Ashley we have a tendancy to ask for smaller allocations at most away games so 3000 may just be what he wants? Also this is no doubt a new directive so hasnt affected previous games. Sure Man Utd we olny asked for 1800 or something last season. As for Sunderland.......well even toonultra can work out why that was only 2600 allocation this year


I thought you may have known this one Roger? It was to create a bigger no mans land in an attempt to prevent the violence the kicked off last season. If you remember rightly, I wasnt there personally but videos on YouTube confirm, chairs were being thrown between fans and the police were outnumbered and fans were too close to try and handle.


Wow you actively seek out new and more embarrassing ways to look like a complete fool dont you? You thought i might have know it? Of course i f***ing did, my comment was b****** dripping with sarcasm you buffoon, no wonder you cant grasp the simple concept of arse + seat!!!!


For all you think ToonUltra is a tit, you're sure going out of you're way to be just as big a one, aren't you?


Yes thats it exactly, between him and you someone has to play the fool at the over end of the spectrum.

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I'm not so sure about us being forced to make the away end bigger mind. The emirates is a new 60k seater stadium yet they only offer 3k, as do Man United and Sunderland. So it's complete bollocks surely? Extending the family section, fair enough, can't really be argued with if you ask me - so long as it's selling out.


I did doubt the rumour the section was closed because of Ashley, but given that fans then requested to move down to level 4 and then that magically became off limits AFTER season ticket renewals had been handed in is very, very dodgy.


Is it a case of offering that or us taking that though? I know under Ashley we have a tendancy to ask for smaller allocations at most away games so 3000 may just be what he wants? Also this is no doubt a new directive so hasnt affected previous games. Sure Man Utd we olny asked for 1800 or something last season. As for Sunderland.......well even toonultra can work out why that was only 2600 allocation this year


I thought you may have known this one Roger? It was to create a bigger no mans land in an attempt to prevent the violence the kicked off last season. If you remember rightly, I wasnt there personally but videos on YouTube confirm, chairs were being thrown between fans and the police were outnumbered and fans were too close to try and handle.


Wow you actively seek out new and more embarrassing ways to look like a complete fool dont you? You thought i might have know it? Of course i f***ing did, my comment was b****** dripping with sarcasm you buffoon, no wonder you cant grasp the simple concept of arse + seat!!!!


For all you think ToonUltra is a tit, you're sure going out of you're way to be just as big a one, aren't you?


Yes thats it exactly, between him and you someone has to play the fool at the other end of the spectrum.


FYP.  :pow:


Also, how am I a fool, when I've clearly taken some form of middle ground? Which, is arguably, far more than you have done in this discussion.

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In relation to the away end debate, I believe premier league rules state it has to be 3,000 or 10% of the ground's capacity. 


We should have just increased the away end by 200 seats as oppose to 1,200.


there it is in black & white, but argue amongst yourselves.....


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Guest Roger Kint

I'm not so sure about us being forced to make the away end bigger mind. The emirates is a new 60k seater stadium yet they only offer 3k, as do Man United and Sunderland. So it's complete bollocks surely? Extending the family section, fair enough, can't really be argued with if you ask me - so long as it's selling out.


I did doubt the rumour the section was closed because of Ashley, but given that fans then requested to move down to level 4 and then that magically became off limits AFTER season ticket renewals had been handed in is very, very dodgy.


Is it a case of offering that or us taking that though? I know under Ashley we have a tendancy to ask for smaller allocations at most away games so 3000 may just be what he wants? Also this is no doubt a new directive so hasnt affected previous games. Sure Man Utd we olny asked for 1800 or something last season. As for Sunderland.......well even toonultra can work out why that was only 2600 allocation this year


I thought you may have known this one Roger? It was to create a bigger no mans land in an attempt to prevent the violence the kicked off last season. If you remember rightly, I wasnt there personally but videos on YouTube confirm, chairs were being thrown between fans and the police were outnumbered and fans were too close to try and handle.


Wow you actively seek out new and more embarrassing ways to look like a complete fool dont you? You thought i might have know it? Of course i f***ing did, my comment was b****** dripping with sarcasm you buffoon, no wonder you cant grasp the simple concept of arse + seat!!!!


For all you think ToonUltra is a tit, you're sure going out of you're way to be just as big a one, aren't you?


Yes thats it exactly, between him and you someone has to play the fool at the other end of the spectrum.


FYP.  :pow:


Also, how am I a fool, when I've clearly taken some form of middle ground? Which, is arguably, far more than you have done in this discussion.


Wow thats big of you well done.


You have come out with some crap in this thread excusing behavoir like 'On the other hand, I don't blame those who have, because at least it's making their views known/heard' What are these people heroes now for standing up(no pun intended) for what they beleive in? And for what? Its a debate about standing and impairing the view of others, why do i need to find middle ground where there isnt any? It really is simple, sit down for the good of those around you, it isnt hard.



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Guest Roger Kint

In relation to the away end debate, I believe premier league rules state it has to be 3,000 or 10% of the ground's capacity. 


We should have just increased the away end by 200 seats as oppose to 1,200.


there it is in black & white, but argue amongst yourselves.....



Read it plenty of times but dont see any solution people's inability to sit down during a football match sorry. The reasons are immaterial to this, the decisions were made and everyone is stuck with them and its how you act we are discussing here.

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I'm not so sure about us being forced to make the away end bigger mind. The emirates is a new 60k seater stadium yet they only offer 3k, as do Man United and Sunderland. So it's complete bollocks surely? Extending the family section, fair enough, can't really be argued with if you ask me - so long as it's selling out.


I did doubt the rumour the section was closed because of Ashley, but given that fans then requested to move down to level 4 and then that magically became off limits AFTER season ticket renewals had been handed in is very, very dodgy.


Is it a case of offering that or us taking that though? I know under Ashley we have a tendancy to ask for smaller allocations at most away games so 3000 may just be what he wants? Also this is no doubt a new directive so hasnt affected previous games. Sure Man Utd we olny asked for 1800 or something last season. As for Sunderland.......well even toonultra can work out why that was only 2600 allocation this year


I thought you may have known this one Roger? It was to create a bigger no mans land in an attempt to prevent the violence the kicked off last season. If you remember rightly, I wasnt there personally but videos on YouTube confirm, chairs were being thrown between fans and the police were outnumbered and fans were too close to try and handle.


Wow you actively seek out new and more embarrassing ways to look like a complete fool dont you? You thought i might have know it? Of course i f***ing did, my comment was b****** dripping with sarcasm you buffoon, no wonder you cant grasp the simple concept of arse + seat!!!!


For all you think ToonUltra is a tit, you're sure going out of you're way to be just as big a one, aren't you?


Yes thats it exactly, between him and you someone has to play the fool at the other end of the spectrum.


FYP.  :pow:


Also, how am I a fool, when I've clearly taken some form of middle ground? Which, is arguably, far more than you have done in this discussion.


Wow thats big of you well done.


You have come out with some crap in this thread excusing behavoir like 'On the other hand, I don't blame those who have, because at least it's making their views known/heard' What are these people heroes now for standing up(no pun intended) for what they beleive in? And for what? Its a debate about standing and impairing the view of others, why do i need to find middle ground where there isnt any? It really is simple, sit down for the good of those around you, it isnt hard.




Nowhere did I say they were heroes, I said they were entitled to make a stand and if effecting those 'superior' fans from the South East corner is the only way they get heard then so be it.


Like I said, I don't necessarily condone it but I don't blame them for doing it. Why don't you read peoples opinions properly instead of being a patronising twat to anyone who opposes your opinion?

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