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SJP announcer?

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It's not Alan Robson, it's the bloke who runs Steel Wheels record shop at the Haymarket, Rob Byron his name is. He's done it for a long time, other than a couple of years around 2004ish when I believe he had a falling out with the club and some other bloke (not Alan either) did it for a while.


Btw guyb, my Smog mate tells me that Me, Mark Page has fucked off, grade A tool that bloke. Hope he breaks his neck slipping on an icy path and they play 'Let It Snow' at the bastard's funeral. Nearly ten years ago that match and I'm still bitter as fuck. :lol:

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It's not Alan Robson, it's the bloke who runs Steel Wheels record shop at the Haymarket, Rob Byron his name is. He's done it for a long time, other than a couple of years around 2004ish when I believe he had a falling out with the club and some other bloke (not Alan either) did it for a while.


Btw guyb, my Smog mate tells me that Me, Mark Page has f***ed off, grade A tool that bloke. Hope he breaks his neck slipping on an icy path and they play 'Let It Snow' at the b******'s funeral. Nearly ten years ago that match and I'm still bitter as f***. :lol:


10 years ago I was 12 :lol: Whats this bitterness about?

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It's not Alan Robson, it's the bloke who runs Steel Wheels record shop at the Haymarket, Rob Byron his name is. He's done it for a long time, other than a couple of years around 2004ish when I believe he had a falling out with the club and some other bloke (not Alan either) did it for a while.


Btw guyb, my Smog mate tells me that Me, Mark Page has fucked off, grade A tool that bloke. Hope he breaks his neck slipping on an icy path and they play 'Let It Snow' at the bastard's funeral. Nearly ten years ago that match and I'm still bitter as fuck. :lol:


:lol: Harsh.

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Guest johnson293

It's not Alan Robson, it's the bloke who runs Steel Wheels record shop at the Haymarket, Rob Byron his name is. He's done it for a long time, other than a couple of years around 2004ish when I believe he had a falling out with the club and some other bloke (not Alan either) did it for a while.


Btw guyb, my Smog mate tells me that Me, Mark Page has fucked off, grade A tool that bloke. Hope he breaks his neck slipping on an icy path and they play 'Let It Snow' at the bastard's funeral. Nearly ten years ago that match and I'm still bitter as fuck. :lol:


Still remember when we played the smogs in the league cup down there back in 1992, when they were in the Prem, and we were on our promotion charge.


'Me, Mark Page' kept making snide remarks about Burra being in the Premier League pre-match and at half time.  :rolleyes:


He was pretty quiet at full time though!!  :snod:

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He bloody annoys me when he anounces the final scores from the other matches at the end when the team is still being applauded off the pitch because I can't hear them!


the majority would probably rather it like that, otherwise everyone would be outside already

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Cheers y'all.


Yep - MMP has departed the sunny shores of the Riverside, along with a few others in the club - silver linings to relegation and all that.

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