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NUFC - Pound 4 Pound Kings

Guest NufcBano

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Bringing in Bellamy and Dyer is awful. :lol: Bellamy was a massive culmination of mutual hatred with Souness. Dyer, that is one massive delayed reaction of a sale to an event that happened 3 years previous.


I just can't believe people seriously think Pardew is swapping the whole formation for one grumpy player. Who doesn't even seem that grumpy, but simply off the boil. I can't recall anything coming out about him refusing to play left, either. If he did, do you really think it'd be kept under wraps for about a quarter of the season? ???

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Guest NufcBano

Bringing in Bellamy and Dyer is awful. :lol: Bellamy was a massive culmination of mutual hatred with Souness. Dyer, that is one massive delayed reaction of a sale to an event that happened 3 years previous.


I just can't believe people seriously think Pardew is swapping the whole formation for one grumpy player. Who doesn't even seem that grumpy, but simply off the boil. I can't recall anything coming out about him refusing to play left, either. If he did, do you really think it'd be kept under wraps for about a quarter of the season? ???


Facts are Dyer & Bellers refused to play.


I'm just speculating as to the abandonment of a successful system, for a one that is less effective. The Demba Ba factor is a possible reason.


If it isnt, then Pardew needs to explain it.

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Bringing in Bellamy and Dyer is awful. :lol: Bellamy was a massive culmination of mutual hatred with Souness. Dyer, that is one massive delayed reaction of a sale to an event that happened 3 years previous.


I just can't believe people seriously think Pardew is swapping the whole formation for one grumpy player. Who doesn't even seem that grumpy, but simply off the boil. I can't recall anything coming out about him refusing to play left, either. If he did, do you really think it'd be kept under wraps for about a quarter of the season? ???


Facts are Dyer & Bellers refused to play.


I'm just speculating as to the abandonment of a successful system, for a one that is less effective. The Demba Ba factor is a possible reason.


If it isnt, then Pardew needs to explain it.


:dontknow: I was just pointing out that that fact has no bearing on Ba right now. Especially the implication that they got sold for it. And I don't see how Pardew has to come out and explain his every move because people are creating theories on why he's playing a certain way tbh.

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Guest NufcBano

The sheer chasm of difference in performance between the 4-3-3 and the 4-4-2, I think does need at least a reason to the fans from the manager.


Most of us are scratching our heads.

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He's the manager, if he explained every decision he wouldn't have time to manage. A lot of us were baffled at the time with him sticking by Obertan but I'm pretty sure most weren't demanding a explanation from Pardew.

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Pardew ot it 100%  wrong in the Wigan and Everton games. We got royally humped in both. Everton DID see a return to humping it forward. Sadly neither Ba nor Cisse appreciate or have the weaponry to play with their backs to goal. Get fucking Shola starting with one or the other IF you level of tactics is to get Krul to pass to the centre forwards 100 times a game.

I think Ba's frustration is a result of these stoneage tactics. Pardew exposed them both by making them play a game neither are comfortable with. The Everton pre match team talk would have been the easiest this season.

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Guest reefatoon

The sheer chasm of difference in performance between the 4-3-3 and the 4-4-2, I think does need at least a reason to the fans from the manager.


Most of us are scratching our heads.


It will have a lot more to do with what certain formation will work better against an opposition.  Different teams play different formation's, I'm sure Pardew was setting us up game by game to how he felt we could get the best possible result.  He might have got it wrong in certain matches but he got it right a lot more times.


To think he moved formations around for a player is just a little bit daft really.

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The sheer chasm of difference in performance between the 4-3-3 and the 4-4-2, I think does need at least a reason to the fans from the manager.


Most of us are scratching our heads.


Wash your fucking hair then


I'm too easily amused. :lol:

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We've taken a few dry humpings this season, we seem to be unable to get back into a game when we go 1 down..all seems to be related to 442 but ffs Id take a few serious dry poundings and finish 5th eveery season.

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To say Ba has been a 'donkey' over the period he hasn't scored is very unfair complete utter s***, he's been unlucky to score in a lot of these games due to being denied by the woodwork and some good stops by opposition goalkeepers. His all round play has been very good and he's shown himself to be a team player, but because he hasn't hit the heights of the first half of the season due to Cisse's arrival as the main man up top and also due to a huge dip in confidence which has had a huge impact on his goal tally - it clearly affected his decision making during games quite a bit because he was that desperate to really make his mark.


Demba's refusal to shake Pardew's hand once after being subbed off was a silly decision to make on his part but as far as I'm concerned it only emphasised how unhappy he was that he wasn't scoring goals and that it was getting to him. He appears to be a very level-headed bloke who's chuffed to bits that the team have been doing so well so to label him a prima-donna borders on insane. Strikers are judged on scoring goals and he was scoring a fuckload of them, now he's not. Of course it's going to affect his confidence and when he's getting subbed off and refusing to shake the managers hand it's more frustration at himself and a bit at the manager because he wants to be contributing to the cause and you can't blame him for that.


I can't believe I've actually made such a long winded reply when it's evident you haven't actually watched Demba Ba play since he returned from ACoN duty.

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Man City may have won the title in the most dramatic style you have ever seen and have proven that they are the best team in the division, but looking at this season as a whole, it's got to be said that using a boxing analogy, Newcastle United are the Pound 4 Pound kings in the Premier League.


Citeh have spent a £1billion, that's ONE BILLION, in creating the title winning squad over the past 4 years. Within that same period, NUFC have been relegated and have a net spend of -£30million. So we have been selling where other teams have been spending. To finish 5th in the league is one of the most remarkable achievements in Premier League history. No question.


Other teams like Man Utd have been spending £16mil on a new goalkeeper, we have brought ours through the youth system into the first team. Where Chelsea have been spending £50mil on Torres, we have been signing Papiss Cisse for £9mil with much better results. Where Spurs have one of the largest net spends in the division and a Champions League season to use to attract the likes of Adebayor on loan, Newcastle have to sell first to spend and have a wage cap of £50k. Where Liverpool are spending £100mil on players to finish 8th, we are spending only what we can afford with free transfers and small sums like £4mil on first team players to finish 5th.


The only club that can rival NUFC with regards to net spend to league position are Arsenal. But lets be totally honest. Arsenal have had 15 years of continuous Champions League football and can attract the type of player the Toon can only dream of. For NUFC to recruit the likes of Yohan Cabaye & Cheik Tiote who both won there domestic leagues, for nominal fees, after being a Championship club 2 years ago is incredible.


NUFC fell just short of 4th place which is a shame but not unsurprising. The fact we were even in a position to qualify for CL going into the 38th game of the season is a minor miracle in itself. Champions League football could have changed our football club going forward but it wasn't meant to be. None of us can really complain.


However, looking at both sides of the coin it has to be said that Alan Pardew resorting back to the 4-4-2 hoofball tactics is strange if not plain baffling. I hope he doesn't have plans to have this as our Plan A next season. We all witnessed the glorified success of the 4-3-3 system which seemed to suit our front 3 and allow them to attack at will, with Yohan Cabaye able to express his creativity in the hole and Cheik Tiote and Jonas holding the fort was solid as a rock. To look for an explanation for his abandonment of this system must be aimed at Demba Ba and Pardew's seemingly desperation in pleasing him.


If this is true, then it's a disgrace. Demba Ba quite frankly has been a donkey over the past several games. The only reason he has been in the team is because of his flying start to the season where he scored 15 in 15 games. Looking at his last 10 games, his goals tally is nothing short of unbelievable. He has hardly looked like a 20 goal a season striker in recent months.

However, if there is an underlying aspect to why Demba seems 'undroppable' no matter how poor he plays or where he wants to play, than it will probably be his contract. Or more specifically, the infamous release clause. Every man and his dog knows that he has a mediocre figure of a release fee in his contract that any club could easily activate without breaking any bank accounts.

He has sulked, refused to shake the managers hand whilst being substituted and has been unable to hit a barn door ever since being asked to play out wide on the left. His toys have been very much thrown out of the pram. Craig Bellamy and Keiron Dyer both refused to play for NUFC on the wing in there time here and both were sold.

If I were Alan Pardew I wouldn't be as desperate to please Demba as I would be in showing the Prima Donna just who is boss. If you don't wanna play for NUFC out wide, then don't play for NUFC at all. Goodbye. Thanks for the memories.


This season has been incredible. Pardew has worked miracles on the whole and deserves his manager of the season award. Some of the goals we have scored is a goal of the season competition all by itself. Almost every signing we have made has been a success. We still have money left over from the Carroll sale and will earn a fair coin from finishing 5th in the league. We will increase our matchday income with Europa League games next season. So we should only get stronger. Keeping our key players is imperative. But even if we don't, they will only go for top, top dollar. In which we will use to find another Ben Arfa, Cabaye or Cisse. I already can't wait for next season. If it's anything like this season, then.....


...Bring it on!!!


Proper got it in for Ba aint ya?!


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Bringing in Bellamy and Dyer is awful. :lol: Bellamy was a massive culmination of mutual hatred with Souness. Dyer, that is one massive delayed reaction of a sale to an event that happened 3 years previous.


I just can't believe people seriously think Pardew is swapping the whole formation for one grumpy player. Who doesn't even seem that grumpy, but simply off the boil. I can't recall anything coming out about him refusing to play left, either. If he did, do you really think it'd be kept under wraps for about a quarter of the season? ???


Facts are Dyer & Bellers refused to play.


I'm just speculating as to the abandonment of a successful system, for a one that is less effective. The Demba Ba factor is a possible reason.


If it isnt, then Pardew needs to explain it.

Bellamy refusing to play isn't a fact,  he said he was injured to get out of training. He never refused to play.
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Guest NufcBano

If someone comes in for him with any high profile, I fully expect Ba to leave in the summer. Hope I am wrong.





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If someone comes in for him with any high profile, I fully expect Ba to leave in the summer. Hope I am wrong.



He's already arranged a deal to go to PSG :lol:

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If someone comes in for him with any high profile, I fully expect Ba to leave in the summer. Hope I am wrong.






Why do you hope you are wrong, most of your blog and OP is ripping him to shreds, surely your stance is that he needs to go?

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Guest NufcBano

If someone comes in for him with any high profile, I fully expect Ba to leave in the summer. Hope I am wrong.






Why do you hope you are wrong, most of your blog and OP is ripping him to shreds, surely your stance is that he needs to go?


I dont want Demba to go anywhere. I want him to be a team player and work hard at whatever role Pardew wants him to play and get on with it.


If it mean he is on the bench behind Cisse in a 4-3-3 then so be it. Get on with it.

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Guest NufcBano

To say Ba has been a 'donkey' over the period he hasn't scored is very unfair complete utter s***, he's been unlucky to score in a lot of these games due to being denied by the woodwork and some good stops by opposition goalkeepers. His all round play has been very good and he's shown himself to be a team player, but because he hasn't hit the heights of the first half of the season due to Cisse's arrival as the main man up top and also due to a huge dip in confidence which has had a huge impact on his goal tally - it clearly affected his decision making during games quite a bit because he was that desperate to really make his mark.


Demba's refusal to shake Pardew's hand once after being subbed off was a silly decision to make on his part but as far as I'm concerned it only emphasised how unhappy he was that he wasn't scoring goals and that it was getting to him. He appears to be a very level-headed bloke who's chuffed to bits that the team have been doing so well so to label him a prima-donna borders on insane. Strikers are judged on scoring goals and he was scoring a fuckload of them, now he's not. Of course it's going to affect his confidence and when he's getting subbed off and refusing to shake the managers hand it's more frustration at himself and a bit at the manager because he wants to be contributing to the cause and you can't blame him for that.


I can't believe I've actually made such a long winded reply when it's evident you haven't actually watched Demba Ba play since he returned from ACoN duty.


All of what you are disdained with is what I think IF it is down to him throwing his toys out the pram. He might not have. It may be all down to Pardew changing the team for other reasons. If so, then its at his door.


I just hope we are going into next season with a team set up in the 4-3-3 and have players, signed or otherwise, fitting into this system.


If Demba needs to play 2nd fiddle to Cisse in the centre forward role than so be it.

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