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The 2012/13 Betting Thread


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Come on At.Madrid pull your finger out and win this by 2 goals or more!




See, all I need is to panic and everything would end happily ever after.


Inter and Napoli..... I need you to score! :fuuu:

St.Ettiene and Lyon..... I need you too to score. :fuuu:

Betis and Barca..... I don't give a shit who scores.... as long as there's 3 goals. :fuuu:


Nailed on. :shifty:

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Meh. My £2.16 stake on Brugge/AC/Zagreb returns £8 with the Zagreb match postponed. I'll take it. Anything of interest tonight?


As an aside, angers me that a £2 stake on such a basic double as Brugge/AC succeeds to quadruple my money, but if I stuck £25 on to win £100, you fucking know one of them would've failed. :lol: Undoubtedly would've been AC.

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Dinho, just shut up man. :lol:


Never known someone to moan about a bet not happening at such an early stage!


Seriously though, had enough of betting for tonight. Clearly not gonna happen.


Bloody irritating when it's always the last few ones during the last few games of the weekend.

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